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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... XINGSTON-UPON-HULL. MIICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS. 7I|t -A 1' the next Michtael77s - $ JL. Gene)-l Quarter Sessions of d .-;3t a ?Kthe Peace for the .Toton and CU ntly * aP Pof the 7'own Qf Kingston-upPn'1 t-ll, will' be holden at the Guild- ctha U ofthe same Toton, on Thursday ;:- the'6tlidayofOctober zext, at Tet i'Clock in the Fdrenoont;-when 'and where all Juirs: ,s Suitors, Persons upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALVABLE I'itI)ING GROUND t Asj'intuig Onse Bridqe. TO BE %SOLi) BY AUCTION, In Six Lots, ont Th7rs~he, the ,lJth Dlog of Septern- e- ber, inst. at ER veu ?? ile the Fs'omoll,0'. ill f t the Bridae-Ysrd. Nolrth-Street, setbjqct to such A Conditi(ls as shsn I be produced; A Very Desirable PLOT of'-ROUND, ai . constituting the scites of several Buildings latey tl taken down, fronting Briggate to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ! ?? 1 ifl9 . -URQ.U14A lT, Lilnvn -braue'r -iV'.Haberdnshur, &c.dimprussei% ItI Elliv~ly &t'se I G ?? fir the many Favours C-)ctt'rrtA ulpon her late lusbiand, during his Residcince in Leeds, taket this Opportunity of returning her most sinc, r.e Thanks, aml begs Leave to inform her Friends oend the lpublic n general, that she intends c-tisinuiiig tli Ftirjes (tfr Read ilfosc siill/, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 'U~~ uu eu E4c.g 0- f EAST INDES 0 - .: FOR :. Maludeira, Madas a1?;Xnd Calcuitta, The. ne ,New Sifr, - tiWESTMOREL ANiD, Captain --- - luilt~ exprasslyfo'r the:Trade; aid wilfl be fidted With' perior A exopfdons for. Panseiners Is isntende to sail the begiining bf December; and to take in Wines at MAUEIBAH thi CALtCUtTA' and brinn tbeon r9L14d t4 >kLLS-4or Freigl4 i'Passage1 apply. toe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF' THlE TON'S AND 13,`R0V(;1I OF I.EEDS, THFE Pll~ti ic re! reslipetfnuvl i ifornwid: wardnems and vih Ins- ready I've PvtbI cafiol :tbous tile' End of tie prelicol Miuith. Gentletien wil ng to bevnine 5tibsceibLtrsze rice- qucstvil to send in tsliri Natmucs immlticictuv, IS nerle-) thle whole numlicr (if Ctiocs~ are subborihvied br. Pric-e to Suibseriber.,,, Ss. (3d.-T'o Ntm..2lecribcrs, Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l1l DIXON's ANTIIILIOUS'PILLS.. ,. T11AE1 IED ile is 'he fruitful source of all those, V disorder!s whJichd ,act on the Stomach alndi Brwels, occasirsniiig lwtigeattofn, Heartburn, Flatuleascy, - iead . aielies, 'Spaisisr5sard a variety of other, affections;. tle . consequenco'of s diisdroered action of the 'Liver and e1 Bjlta;ry OQrgiis 'he Th6troaufctiqu of D1Xo'tN asAaTI1EZIrOuJ PILLS, as a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | Hurlderlsield and New Hey Turnpike-Rood. TOLLS TO BE LET. N OTICE is lherebv Given, that tile Tolls E arising at the ?? Toll Gates upon the Turn- pike Road from Huddersfcld, in the County of York, to !qey Hey, near Rochdale, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and known by the several Names of the Pits Wood, Out Lane, and Red Lane Dike Cars, will be Let to the best Bidder either altogether ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re lse Is la m .h P. ly ct is w le er le to Df. it re e.0 :- itS 1P e, IS id Sf a- l.- I9 ,I a] I0 rt or of le rs !ir, !d l. al .rt er of re rs ir. l!'. leh Id lo lr er ki to id Ie- he ht -ULL. MAT, .I- N Meu 4c. , .!''' E AST INDIES : FO R Madea, Madras, and Calcutta, _; , ,z~hefide Netv Saw, , V STMO I RELAND Captaii n- ; .Burthen 4 420 Tons; . :3nilt' expresalyfor the Trade; and will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'D B-Yj toibe advanedi ontiiiih miD Sk9CUIUTY, the aim t{^40e;-OO0, '8W, ; S. 'dAi7oo, together,:) oiit smiallexf stims: -- 7 ' 'i,'For partieuirs* pply:'(. (b'litter, post paidjy to Mr. DUxNG Sohioxtor, ih Brxdhington. '-. 'A ,, E' ,T k , ,i 6r, : *. ' t Z.,_' m ,_ PV. : ._ . _ * ;X-AM 1E, MaSo'r f LiTTtE- WRsETON. iFTsi parti'eulbrivyre'use'sted; by, :2r. STERI'WE' and A.L'4r OEE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II DALBY's GNUINE -ARMINATIVE IS esrperior tall other remedies for the wind, purginig. I convulsions, ind chost disorders' in the stomach and bowrels of infaias which' prove fatal to -somany- under 'he age of toro years.: It is equally' efficaciousin cholica, fiore ind other. cornplaiins in the iotestisWes of growv peroi is. This invaluable cordial Medic.tne, invented by the hati Mr. Joseph ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN of 4INGSTOuLaid COUNTY of the > S-A TOWN. RJE-WSTET SESTSONS. 2 oe Jl4 thc a te: wl hokld.t.&rih 5 AJL :S*Ons ~~foig. *tdhorising:.Iazneeqerer' ;ani . Waie~e1es, frtidfing- vWdnth e *Tdwg .t7 andjCounty. of th Tow '£nof Kingstim-uton-r.:l . . HEul,' tO;Otit their.LZ ei, on.ONDAi the- i]Egkth day of &.tem>bier next; at Tea O, ...