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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... BlLACK\I.'oJ00, No. 17, Prince's Street, y~lL~INo. ?? (tu 2s. (Xd.) cf ~~p~BUI~~~GH MONiTNLY MAGAZINE. StI'I'EI1-R i5:7. CONS EN f E. inson Anitnal M ?? ron tiir St Oh1 1liity~t~it of a Li erary Ru,~cni 'ice- NpirtS f t Si-ity;f~ p~swit ~rV Grologicl Olbaerv-ationg ion Ii rathearli- No ' csv H- omer. No. ii .-Re osarks on rq~~d N., ((~~Jantas Girahenac, ahr ic ria:' !uiror, a M-or-cl l'ale-. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS NEAR INV'ERNESS. _ J .or .$Ace by privare hargain, rHE LANDS ot EASTER DRAKIES, bSFAI;lIMlD, and RIESAURIE, in the close vicinicy of invermes, as formerly described, are to be sold by private . bargain. Apply to Claud Russell, Esq. accountant in Edinburgh Messrs M-Queeii and Mackmntosh, W. S: Campbell Mln- tosh, town.clerk of Inverness; or Rloterich Reach, writer I there; either ol whom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¢ELS() RACES, 1317. RUN FOR, ovtr QAVi`R ION-EU)GE, on Alj be T:WR sDAV1 the i ;;h of Sepreniosr 1817, 1 1SR T05IONGOI.J) CUIP vahle ONE-HUN DRElD GlINEAS. 6151. b 5 \ear-o lil5 ?? e. 9t. . ?? ?? -i- . °l Year-olds & 2ged.. s. 1S.b. fitljs ?? al ltwed 2ib. Four miles. ~MsC5 and For wthich are nanmed, 9 or Dais's hrowx'n horse Fitz Orville. 111i ax \lu ,sV bay colt Eglintotl, by S amfs;rd, Ia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F, RHUNpRE.D M A TS DUTTC H . FLA, Ir-m L.5 to ttse pr tot. Five T@ons A few lons best l.O 'DONDERRY FiAX-anrd One Blidred Hamnp,-rs belt GERt'SIAN APPLES, just arrived from Holland, per rle Van Eg0osor. Leith, 27th Sept. 1817. JOHN SCOUI'. I 57J'J SUN FIR-EOFFICE, - ROYAL EXCHANGE, FDINBURGH.. T I-IF Insured at this Office, whose Premniums fall due TH at the Term of MICHA.EJ7.,MAS, (09th Sept ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S l'ATE L() I 'ERY. a Na. 617, drawn a Prize of iWO THOUSAND POUNDS, Was SnLD in SiHARES by e I Messrs RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & CO. Londirl, n 'I, DX D. FORREST, Oppnsite the Tron Chuichl, EbiaNBsuRGcH , Wlhere the Fortunate Proprietors will receive PAYMEt5T ON _ DEMAND. GREKAT LlJCK! !! .s JAMES ANDERSON respectfully begs leave to announce to bi, Friends and the Public, that Furtune r still ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .14l1C9 u4CoU JuKAc Ott. 44f FRAUD PREVENTED hf u counteract the many attempts tlhat are daily m, made to impose on the unwvary a spurious coinposibal, instead of the Genuine Blacking prepared by Day aeid Martin, they are induced to adopt a new label, in which their sigrni ture and address, 97, ?? I-OLslRN !, are placed so conspictuously in the c nmre o: the label, that tief trust an attention ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OR- S.4A ?? 3 B? AD)JOUR I1? , JlU T, A BEAUTIFUL ComPAur SMALL ESTATE IN SEJIRLIN GaHIKI:. To be SOLD by Vilblic roup. within th, I.yceum Suie Rooms in Glusgaor, upon Wednesday the 'Ith day uf September curt. at two o'clock a'tt rnoon, A Ll, and WHOLE the LANIDS & EST ATI, ?? of BALFtUNNING, beionging to 'indrew Lonu1i BLICha'an, Esq. Ivhig ill hii_ panmh ot' Drymcil and eiiurtt Stirlhig, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAND5 iNR THi COUNTY OP Ai p - To be Suoruhy puhli: reoup, within Ale Kp o A1 , on rl Friul the 71h ,of NowdY nbo ir Iext b raS ;nXintsit,' ?? and thribe o'clock after ih ?? of by private bargain, ?? the prsoF 2.- HEFIVE-SHILLING LAND T L.ONY~talirrs S.Ml rzsi ,ij ?? Il l l tonse an3I Outc-looustr, and sir o Nli Joso t - to a boiall genteel fainily, alld having a iitio each gerbhr with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G kIANI ILNN' IO~N I I' ohAV~,- &. c E RIt'.s'1i, N.HS ?? '¾rr - tir ?? ?? A' ¶, S~l n. ..i, IN U im Y,r Mi?. LA N D'bSLI~T '\RY fzNo.I Y i'j-l t st-xlU Cattl l*s -c's + i~~x 'AlA a. TIr'' Y, I'l,.i''-'turea of' I de ?? at- ' 'ceo'l c!lO Nun 1,-cs. j V C2, ltevo Nmbr S ~~~din Moiley V cw ?? of Prior good f~rrtoi Il's ?? thiL'' It s r ive ' the piea ` Priz ?? - a C '-i5i' C ptchiii co;or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J71f1HE QUARTERLY REVIEW, ,7f No. XXXIII. /7 Will be Published in London, on SA TE DAY. CONTENTS. L TONGA ISLANDS. 1. A Chronological T Hiissory of the Voyages and Discosrries in the South Sea. By JAMES BURNEtY, Captain in the Royal Navy.- 2. M.tRlNEHi's Account of the Natives of the TONGA ISLANDS. S. Transactions of the Missionary Society.- 11. Mr DUGALD STEWART'S Dissertation, exhibiting a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Jr is f ii, 'to e ?? p i o c ria e Iii l Isg ?? HilE EDINBURGH REVIEW, CRII'ICAU J'OGlRNAL. No LVI. ?? ?? ?? , ?? ot BeN'jAtTItI I ANA LTtNtr, ilA l>.S ?? .t. blab sh0d fin:1 iee iri,,in ds, ly his .,ll T 1Irjli' Fr ahlcilt'. r ?? the C r iura- :;eeno r r it 'roie I ii the yt yesrs 19307 at'd 180, hy S!;alll, ?? - r nienir. by Ju ituas Vie KtAr eIS ina in . 'ie Nt aid Ici Kaukasus, voti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ljj~'IBALD CdNS TABLE S' CO. 1y~lNTSif the PHILOSOPHY of thle ~ 'i-i~fT N INI.-By DuJGALr, STEWART, Lsq. an~ d E. 8c. volum~e 1I. Seconad tditulti. Slim Is 'r 'FSSAYS.-Ily PUGALD STRIVART, t4.11e~p-I A: Prmerly Professor of Ntorzd Fhlub-I tetiartyof E:dmi' tirgl. Second edition. 8co. ih~pflNS o NAURAL PHIL0OsOPHY ; being itra tlvr,wed in) the Uoiversity of Edbibhorgh. .RSS. 1 and iF.- ...