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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... SAILES. BY AL.UJC''IXN. TR. KEMP has the hono r to announce to the -Li Pebiic tha LUiASMIV1()LD) PREMISES, together with part of the Wii.e and Utcissils in Trade of ?? wcn. Strntise, *4j, I'olborn-hil, Wine and braudy merchant, has berz DiSP)SED VF bll PRI VAlE CONTRACT. The ?? of the Wjin, treteir with the Holisehold Furnituie, w.I!! be SD( oi1 the Premises on no-mmrrow, at twelve o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¶1?. WEST'S PITURES.-.Clarist Rejected,. lit. Peter's first Seri-aon,.ths Design of the Cruciflition of- Ve.-.ror ith Sieveral Pictures cod Sketches from other ::t1ri Subjects, are now exhibiting, at Isi5 Pall-Mlall, near CI,rltcu I-ouse, every, Day, frois Tien till Yfixe.. By order, CHAR~IJS SAIART, Sec.- .l.Proposals for publishing by subscription, a Print of Chirist Pejeeted, to be had at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i3OOKS PUB1LIS1ED THIS DA1. FOURTM EDIT'ION OF LALLA ROOKXI. In Boo. price 14s. 1 ALLA ROOKH, an Oriental Romance. By THOMAS MIOORE, Esq. Printed for Longman, Hu-rst, Rces, Orme and Brown, London. Also just published, in Rvo; price 125. TWUnsTRATiots of the Powso, engraved by Charles Heath, from Paintings by It. Westall, R.A. A few of each may be had in quarto. Tn onc vol. l2mo. price 7s. is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' BDOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. MTHE QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. XXXIII. Z A. willj published'on Saturday. Contents:-T. Tonga -Istands. 'tl'A Chronological History of' the Voyages and Discoverie Id the South Sea. By James Burne , Captain in the Royal Navy. 2. Mariner's Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands 5. Transactions of the Mflsionary Society.- ir. fr. Dngald Stewart's Distertation, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oF, uCE OF 1tHE COMMSSlO ?? ILLTHi z ISSUn OF° Cl RTES FXCG1EQUER X31LtS,- SOUTR Sl, HOUSP P ; AtrdG&.C,1A - A LL Persoos to whom the &OO4 M1S SIONERS ] havte agreed to grant LOANS of BXCHEQIUIYE D[LLS, are -hereby riquired forthwithtto raklethe rneasures- recessary. td connplete the~seeuritie§ sebe giye. b tere;, so that tie advances to be made them mnru be issued without delay. ,,he parties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 ?? AT& A SITUATION, AS- tOJtSE: 1.AID,-, a Young Woman, who can - - hate 'agoocheric'terrfroatthe ;la'ce*shef'is going to leave; can et up- finellneii, -ndillig to'do ,any work that may- be .r-Pl~ire:lese. 1rett t'o~A ?? Xat-No. nl;Ma'ry-Ie-llferestreet, ?? S BY'AUC'Tt'iN.Y 1~iTi~ -^rR~o @IB has tlie h>onour to. ainounce. to the L7A;Epbl£,>t~f3., 3ASrnIOI D% PREN4TSES, together ?? ef'. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. TERR-Yrespectfully announces to his Friends s and the Plu'nlic, .Ziathis BilNE ?? he TO-IIOll- Row, when will be presented the Opera of GUY MA:.NR ING, with the Covtent-garden chorusses, &c. Dominic Sam:p- s'ons (st timie) Air. Mlatthews; Meg ilerriUes, iMrs. EXgerton. An lriterlude- of the Chili'of the Old Block; -Chip; with addi- tional -nsos ?? Mitthews 1 to- conclude with the popular Co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A YOUNG MAN washis fi aSITUATION withs any Gentleman, in town or country, to travel or go abroad. The Advertiser has always been accustomed to shave, dress and cut hair, and would be found generally useful to any Gentleman in wanlt of such aSoLvant. A good character will be given from the Gentleman he has just ?? (post paid) to A. B. at Messrs. Goddard's, grocers, Upper Seyniour-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKiS PUBLISTIED THIS DAY. R7URPAL iSPORTS. In 3 vol. demy 4to. price 71. 7s. Gd. lo:Lrds, or 3 vo's. royal SVo. price 51. s-. hroards, a new. Erdition5 OF iHE, TURAL SPORTS; or, A 1)scription hf T ile jllte,-sures vind Amrusements arising frmni tb. .Air. the Fields, the WVateis and thc Forests; ba D, ule a!1d Direc- tiollsfor' Sho-tirg, Fifliir, anrl I1uit; g, wvith iin A~hbrcvii,- tion oF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. WE ST'S PICTURES.-thrist Rejected, St. Peter's first Sernmon, the Design of the Crucifxion of our Saviour, with several Pictures and Sketches from other scriptural Subjects, are now exhibiting at 125, Pall-Mall, near Carlton House, every Day, from'1 Ten till Five. By order, CHARLES SMART, Sec. N. 13. Proposals for publishing by subscription, a Print of Christ Rejected, to be had at the ...

4v A.N 1 I',.lC'ES

... A S LADY'S MAID, a Young Woman, who is trav'ug, her presene situation in consequence of the family she understands drcsa-makgin and hair-dresslng; .has no oection to tovn or country or to r )o abroad; has no ob- ject on to wah on an elderly laldy or twvo ?? add:esse.l past paid, to A. W. at 31r. J-ardy's green grocur, No. 23, King-street, Flolbarn. A S FOOTMAN, either in or out of Livery, or A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DA THE BORDER ANTIQUITIES COMPLLTED. Parts 16 and 17 together. containing six Plates, and 250 Pages of Letter-press, in medium rIarto, price 1i. is. and imperial puarto, price 1i. 12s. or with Indian paper Proofs of the f Plites, 31. 3s. of the ORDER ANTIQUITIES ef ENGLAND and. B1) SCOTLAND; comprising Specimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and other Vestiges of former ...