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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... II DALBY's GNUINE -ARMINATIVE IS esrperior tall other remedies for the wind, purginig. I convulsions, ind chost disorders' in the stomach and bowrels of infaias which' prove fatal to -somany- under 'he age of toro years.: It is equally' efficaciousin cholica, fiore ind other. cornplaiins in the iotestisWes of growv peroi is. This invaluable cordial Medic.tne, invented by the hati Mr. Joseph ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN of 4INGSTOuLaid COUNTY of the > S-A TOWN. RJE-WSTET SESTSONS. 2 oe Jl4 thc a te: wl hokld.t.&rih 5 AJL :S*Ons ~~foig. *tdhorising:.Iazneeqerer' ;ani . Waie~e1es, frtidfing- vWdnth e *Tdwg .t7 andjCounty. of th Tow '£nof Kingstim-uton-r.:l . . HEul,' tO;Otit their.LZ ei, on.ONDAi the- i]Egkth day of &.tem>bier next; at Tea O, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL., For AAMS'TERDAM, The JOVNGE.WiLLEM,. KLAAS P;ETER FABER; . -Succeeds the 'W111M, 'andsill sail in a fewv lays; WILSON, WILKINSON-, and co HuL.m, 26th A ustQ, 1817.- For;ELSINORE E IIIGA,. The NEWLA ND,' ..FRANCIS liVNTER, - intended to sail about the middle 'of Septeinber.-For particulars, inquire of HULL, Aug. 29, 1817'. RIQHD. TERRY 4 SONS. -or SALE' . ,OIL VLTRtLOLSOFT.-SOAP.- ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALVABLE I'itI)ING GROUND t Asj'intuig Onse Bridqe. TO BE %SOLi) BY AUCTION, In Six Lots, ont Th7rs~he, the ,lJth Dlog of Septern- e- ber, inst. at ER veu ?? ile the Fs'omoll,0'. ill f t the Bridae-Ysrd. Nolrth-Street, setbjqct to such A Conditi(ls as shsn I be produced; A Very Desirable PLOT of'-ROUND, ai . constituting the scites of several Buildings latey tl taken down, fronting Briggate to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? l: M.I' i.NG3, Ii - ?? si-.;1VA'T re s i~'fll a t G inforrin the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in Col geirt-;r. that they have invented ia MANGE or (CALIKNt)EWl (fir *thich they have obtained his Ma- m1 jcaty lo loyal I cttcrs P tent.) superior rtr simplicity us fuiness I, any yet oftbred to the Public. This an, Ma~ng lc. t:i i tands in the small compass of a Chest Mt of l-ritwers *oks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ceorni jfl t of Hosieuy, Gbloves, be At B. OVE RTON's Commission Warehouse, NO. 23, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. 3 OVERTON, impressed with Gratieude flie. for the Supposrt he has received sinre his com. mcssemct ii CSCabove Shop, feels it hi's Duty t make it still more generally known to the Public atI large, that lie has rECesiVed( a Consignrnent of the li lowing Goods: Notwitlstatildins, thle Avne tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! r~IED METHODIST SUxjiJAl SCEy13 )OLS. sEPM.I; Nrs wil 1)e p eadwdit, ciud C03L- ?? LEC1'IOns ?? inl Aid &the~above institnl-' tion, on Sunday, th- 7th -L, j t, viz t At W sley 0Ch1rp at HaVf-past '1'n in the Morning, At By~ the~ fev- jc *YNpl Albion-Stre Chanel, at Six aii the Evenicrr, by the tev. 1)Avln i LCI At the Old Chapel, ZaliSix inl.veniig, by .bh c Rv. ?? LV] 1iopS OtsNr s..A - at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1. SM? AT-1 PR XILEY, 1A.1IDl1,' lii. Grocer- soi Tva 15, ,,i ige ,di l3l'urs enodf.rred tapan 1 ?? or Frieilds .~li ftiel'i~~ upr,-p rd., lit Tvvenz,c Yvit.s, mad. be's Id fotrin theli, thtat -bie In,;, rhi )vnsit s ?o ic hr Son, Tos aii n ~ .e . y. o shc' snovt-s their fijiui e I titonrge nd S'ulpvort in les, &vpternbvr Ist, 1117 ?? J DI~LI~fl BnggreLeeds. rtspecrhiliv al.. liounces, thlt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'D B-Yj toibe advanedi ontiiiih miD Sk9CUIUTY, the aim t{^40e;-OO0, '8W, ; S. 'dAi7oo, together,:) oiit smiallexf stims: -- 7 ' 'i,'For partieuirs* pply:'(. (b'litter, post paidjy to Mr. DUxNG Sohioxtor, ih Brxdhington. '-. 'A ,, E' ,T k , ,i 6r, : *. ' t Z.,_' m ,_ PV. : ._ . _ * ;X-AM 1E, MaSo'r f LiTTtE- WRsETON. iFTsi parti'eulbrivyre'use'sted; by, :2r. STERI'WE' and A.L'4r OEE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )ail I cL-- Dr. SIBLY') icd IEANI'MATING SOLAR TINCTEME als. RI~iAL.LENGES'all the Mediciries ia the Kingdoms * for -iti, gaLlbrioui virtues in Nervous Diseasei, sas Debilitated Constitutiorns, Lowtie~s of Spirits, Spimsi, ie Stomach and Bowel, Compnaints, Rhehfmatism; arnd all . in Impcurittee of the Blood 'Iltie vahlle reirnre, ofiiature te iuleaarnt to the taste, grateful it) Ole itomnach, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA. T INDIESC. .llla eirs', MadrS, dudi ;CdcZdU,: k 0 he-n &ie Nw Snlis, :a ..Ilitht't 420 aons; ,Biilt exprdssly for the Tiuife; and wil be Ied Wlt. tupertor Accommodation,. for. Passengers Is intended to sail the beginning of'December; and to take -in, M~iiaes at- bIADEIBA, for -\CALtTt~idnd bring them .. rouiin o ft`1utI-ForFrght or Passag 4ply to . je.ssrs. H. 1EWITSON * Cb. Or, JOSH UA4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .;,~ L . e~t g* . . . 9 HAiTl n appiication will be made to Parliament in i tbneXt Session, for;leave to bring ind a Bmr, or 1 BILLS, to alter, aelid, extendi enlarge, aItl Xpaitih-die ieveral Act*.passed itl the, l+th, l, aisajj .4h years of te' reihn9of1is iprceuet Mijesty KirigK GiORGE tilh Twsnat for tb aking niideitatblishing of.Pblic (Qlays, or WiiarKs, ant Docks, nt tingston-upoliill ...