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Advertisements & Notices

... of 'T'HE VIM ST CAUTIION csarno1. preveul rthe jiiattdtc. . f tioll of tbat unpleaeatsi and troublesome disorder, tile ilgl, ?? iin tile; respeclarlle jaitsiilies; and from its .iifectuops natore, individuals hare cpo mititly liable to it3 at. til tacl;s. It will. tlivrefore, be of adrantige to alny who 0pay s1 saffar cunoer il to: klow, that they may rely oat beitig eifec- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4b~ Eit ?? (Jjviref lia AB ~ CEZ1 N 'i~rbo P R.,willitlrjase lit~a. treld I io adkirrg r l Saf - t tweth ft l rltrw) N' (tice virh, andl'tuedtii~ tire~ .30tjh 41ay Dt' Sv ireiaki~ Insanrt,: itt live Alviriei Pkrri6* lif IchdBsriidl, Per- 'polis Vart resurt tal kji~g re if'e t od rettlsiyegsFirrit~ ir.TT~rIo hti ti h ?uid in) (P~ IDlse'I Mendrs eb ltel.wy ocuiedir Faos tr Geoice thIPY Moth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BlLACK\I.'oJ00, No. 17, Prince's Street, y~lL~INo. ?? (tu 2s. (Xd.) cf ~~p~BUI~~~GH MONiTNLY MAGAZINE. StI'I'EI1-R i5:7. CONS EN f E. inson Anitnal M ?? ron tiir St Oh1 1liity~t~it of a Li erary Ru,~cni 'ice- NpirtS f t Si-ity;f~ p~swit ~rV Grologicl Olbaerv-ationg ion Ii rathearli- No ' csv H- omer. No. ii .-Re osarks on rq~~d N., ((~~Jantas Girahenac, ahr ic ria:' !uiror, a M-or-cl l'ale-. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF' THlE TON'S AND 13,`R0V(;1I OF I.EEDS, THFE Pll~ti ic re! reslipetfnuvl i ifornwid: wardnems and vih Ins- ready I've PvtbI cafiol :tbous tile' End of tie prelicol Miuith. Gentletien wil ng to bevnine 5tibsceibLtrsze rice- qucstvil to send in tsliri Natmucs immlticictuv, IS nerle-) thle whole numlicr (if Ctiocs~ are subborihvied br. Pric-e to Suibseriber.,,, Ss. (3d.-T'o Ntm..2lecribcrs, Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6tT. GEQ)RGE'S MEL'DICAL, CHYM1VITCA L, ki and tf fRURGICAL SCHOOL.-'The COURSES ?? comspne cin ?? ouEOctober. 1. ?? nShURGRlRY on .riday, October the od, at seven in the TAenifg, hy U. C. BLiODrE, F.R.S. Assistant Surgeon to St. George's HOSijtA °. (n the JALWS of the ANIMAL (ECONOMY and the PRACTICE ?? PTHYSIC, at No. 9, Georgp-strcet, Hanover-,bT GFmocri P&eto0N, MV.D. F.R.S. Ser ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T11LER, DEALSs &c. TUsr ARRM VED, and tor SALE, onrea- SD jaaiaole tertu~. ari nir. .Ru;(O of best Mi ,I I L TilBER, .aid LA ifHWOOD. Apply at lleSrs. P. C. Prideaux and Co,? Timber-yard, Coxside. Plywouth, dth Fept. IS17. FRIO be SOLD) in Fee, a very desirable Estate, I. calied L.Vv \Y i(';s(JSFRI), in the parish y Keatisbeer, in tbe county of I)evou; comprising a good farm-homse, and so ital ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fliHE'APOLLONICON.-A.Grand niechanical lL musical instrument, under the patronage of his Royal Highness the Prince Ruegcnt, is now exhibiting at Messrs. :LI(GHT ard'ROBSON'S. No. 101, St. Alartin's-lane, (Tha- fing eross. Tlhe iistrutttioit yerforms twice in each hour,, from tpelve to five, Cherabini's overture to Anacreon, and Mozart's everture to Lse Clemenza di Tito, wvith a grandeur of' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTON MILLS to be LET;, seven miles 'Iii from S'xeter.--Apply to CHARwLES KNOWLES, St arcross. Dated, August 29, 1817. TO be SOLD in Fee, a very desirable Estate, .T called LOWER KINGSFORD, in the parish of Kentisbeer, in the county of Devon; comprising a good farm-nhouse, and suitable offices, and forty-three acres of very good Orchard, arable, meadovO, and pastfite land, now In theoccupation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST4YnLEY CHURCH. n JPR8ONS desirous to contract foitaiing down the old Pews, Seats, and Sitting Flaces, and erecting new Pews ilt Staveley Cliurcch, near Ches erfield. it the Cunlty of1 Ueby, sue requeste4 tp iend their Propaq4a1s, sealed up, d' ected to the (hurchwardenis at the Vestry of the said gCurch, on qr before Alonday the l'wenty ninith day ol Sep. tepber ijstanit, by twelve o'clock 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. - Genuine IMousehold Furniture and Effects, Crtcled-fiars- J By MAr. ADA MSON, on the L'rernises, No. 17; Crutched- f friars, corner of Cooper's-row, TO-MORROW, at 11, (by O direction of the Proprietor), HE genuine' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, sci Set of Dining Tables, Cellarct Sideboard, Wardrobe; ppi Eight-day Clock, Liren, China and Glass, and Effects of a ca' Gentleman declining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRIPAY SEPTEMIBER 12, 1817, veSM!,,, e, d ~Ldtierlay of the SP,10'RE. o conchide with the trarce of . TO DIE FOR LOVE. TO . l be introduced the ?? fiavuras D0 Wig be by Bisbops; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C Z M V 1 ?? .( ?? ( . i{s. Li- :i.t es dblithed blthe notal m l ia Bi71s o' Min l it v that htt h1 b u!f th. Children horn tire i t uil l'vfiac ?? ! Svsen 'Yvars of Age, a;nd thl fruitful s0oi:ce Of iithi- Ittoriality Iu, fou.nd to es ist in that foul t alte er tihe StomsarchI and lito svcis wvhich; p' Inces the 4eneratai (i of Wornms. As thr safe restorer of In. jf-ilthle Hvalth, in this ...