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Hampshire Telegraph


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Hampshire Telegraph

Advertisements & Notices

... cli - - - R. WOOD) o aunounc, that his LECTURES nir HElfS'OlY, as caaialeeted u ilt ?? the ciehlraled Aichitectuoral Rearaains ihri,tlgrout the iln World, will commence off Monday evirirlg Sepat. 22, art r haIl- ast sene o'clkck, and he crartimired ao all er-nale `I- eveain-gs-M r. W. s aulxiias to have it undierstoad tlat 'y these fectrtl es dlo not relate to the Art if Mididilng, bht .Xr- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. JAMES POVDER auid ANALEI'- T1I1C PlI.LS continue to Ile prentvedi and staid by e F. NEw11rnII1 & Pos, 4 auSt, l's Ch tirch-yalrid, L.ourr don,arid 29, Daens-strrcwt, Dibriin ; soll ilso by lbeir S Agent Mr. Sanrger, No. 150, Oxfird-stmret, L.oindtn, d and atret respectiblhI Venietis ii 'Tuswn arnd Cointry. Mr. Newberv teels it nvcesasarv to stale, in additionr to his affidavit, that he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LlION FIRE & LIFI, INSURANCE A U. ,]MPANY, New Priiic-stieet, Lonilon, emi- I pis i %ced by Act of l' lianiiilt. (1 1ital-t)SN ,MILLION. Af':ENTS ?? ?? .i. lii icr, Esq. PollASI.A ?? Mr. GChoige I.eri. (~uis'illrl>*& ?? N. T1iws. Roie, i tin Draper. Ni:w t in le ?? mid F-li ii-stH ci. IN i I. i lGlTiN. . . . Vlii}.Wili (Gio, I)ilwipr. S l.ISliVi , it o. Mli-. JamreshLicy, Sil er-strect. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n I NHMIRE MUSIC M EETING. 1 1 ISi. informs tbe Public, that, datring . uk ?? es1 ira ?? iI feceetilig ?? iels, Is, CO(ACt H wil le ave the Stal 1ni1, GOSpar't, far %;in- hllestvi, at 'I x o'cioik iltcinls eat ?? i aid will Ie- *; n fisro ?? Bell iiud Crown lam, Wiucliacster, each f vcriwool at rouit s,'cl.cli. I f1 or tile li fittler accommotudieation (if Mosiciallis engagelt iii lie 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W IIERĀ£1{ A~ tihe G ix~' E 4- idda e 7 V hlarn pnrn Park Farint, tie Vipcirp ly Gf NIr.1 Blowusn, hlis if kle yva-ars beeii veer rniick ?? This is to geNr,tiec, thtolGiI ~i'ri ,ci ?? I Ii, refrti rain fro h4;6ttjici tereon 'ai alld CA1'er'a'uirs, forindI I i-f wiii, oll be Irllstcuiri c. PUittRrOOK, Seprt. lst, 1317. (AMEF. T )DS I-U nod Polv'aity of Appi1ttdaICUMbhe, Hiil til the d ilt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FY Desii'e of -the _Nbliiitv taild~nr~ Thl%11 Ii xte, S ite i't benB .. ?? ?? ,sdi ni'tXj. II, P17 -T -loot k re 'Ti . aini Cufe tic ded-.-1ii. 1 .eitc: 'Clucli. Ile~eLt : ~1 i T 'im Mu sie lviii be ei ei frofl 1i1 isisi11 ci f~l'tf flsc IMcgirueot. o Ir!--T NCe at Droxii,.rt, 1 ?? .11PUBlLIC FiOUSE~S ill t ho Districtw lvili IiId rt the Nvvch;k ?? vse'sioi i 01h 111 e w i tfaiad ?? its F, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . - - - w e vs x YlvM., is )MereI. y iv.0 tlat aFF l Widows 441 I. 1i14l i; fI4u:4 till (I , ?? ?? I Ilor i, iie* o ov 1.4 \wi l:)ws of C. a) i4i-) anlti War- I a:)! ?? 'lSd} till, i':htl INnl illt SI t e uil e , |tlls t~c, lClll':1 I lwJ I7!11 andl :3(1t of tllis inzllol th tlov tkl! ('11141)1) 1)4 h ti Nillhlt 1)45) tS4 l1)ity) ill t1)1) C Ali ))k 1) 1144 I I R444111141 oflth C il Iit . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It Gennime TEA tinyl G; IrY WVA.RHKOUSE, f - (it ?? (CtlttEqr, e . A'I-OU1 IMEA.STREWi, SOUTHSEA. . AYLES & SONS respectfully beg to ir Ifoini thle Inbabilatos ?? tihe en- ; vironsi of I'mrtsniluth, &c. that thry have OPL:NnD tlhe alove LA. EE Ot1R, adjoinin their Soalp anill Candle MaNflnfactory where they have alid if) all extensrie and geinaiiie Stoch of velty Article in the Tea, Grocery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ieg, at DIIL. RsOBEiRT JA.lS~ 1)PW~ Licirt. ~ANALjdI-rIC PILLS. 'A le ie~ Beg resneetinih', as ?? 1 aled ath iliarcsas,' ll'dijtessrs.Nct 1wtiin tis ?? I' thinly ?? Ranasd StN, l, ?? yass), Loistisr. Tilte Retail '(are i, I ?? afera t The i H as iachich e Issvcntssr; i;andI falithr, Dr. Jamesi residedl, No. 33, Ilisr,1 G laetter, livley-liqric , w5lucre tlt' Mserdicilles Ilae ii lid.~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Geuuiye Ti Eand ?? iav W VtttHOUSE,' atlifi CII NItNi CRF'I'~0I ISLX ~i'{Eht OlITI EA. II AYLES & SONS rmea.ctftlly egto hinit mnthe liab ilitarst s os fse-tibsuaild the ses, 01-ie11 Of Pi tinsili' ) &Ce thalt thley hive 0I1T.'1eNE tile ManitlfUtitsry, Where they li-in laid ini vii exii isis'e and ofiseN c-n en iry Airticle in I ?? A no, UrCi M-t, i as!, Pisirissioi Lutes; whiich Ilhit itenil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r: ?? -- - - - -^ -- ?? - - - . ?? a Aceti ig of the FIiEN DS of the w .1. L'RITI'5ti arid FOREIGN Il1nLE. SO('JETY, 51 holdell it) tli, Olil Totin Hall, Pllntsmiouthi, Of Monday h tie )2r5t in o J N 'fl'.jC, ,:rT'rt, Esq. in the Claiir, t reat ii. ersa-Il~rt, wtal itl tre pcr~ainnsiorr *frireMlsrt t of i Borough Of Pot'rrrourlon t. Pa l7 ,111: N-IE N '1 NG f, ol iI;'I'I IIS O,f Ith BIrrIrTIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COT'rRACT'S FOR STRAW. Commissariat Departiirot, 2 hmoeas ' C/tol7Zers, 19/a Sept. 1817. Q UCH Persons as are desirous of Contract- lig with tbe Aaeiit for Commissariat S piPlies, to fornish far Twelve Months, fronm tie ?? of Noeember iext, such Quantities of STRAWV for filling P'aillisses, as nmav fromn tilum to time bi, required at thi ea arrtchis in [fhe uildeeirenlionied Couroties, atay ...