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Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WHIT-E HART INN, Ckipping - Norton. T rhaving been generalie v ndersood thit tie l. avbove 1Hiouse would be discontinusted as al.rtiln, .io IiN If EVTH taines thiis opportunity to retiurn his tlrost ga Atefol achnowledalluenits to the Nobility, Gentry, and Puhilic in gencraia, for tire ,arry favnuis be I as rece ived, nnd begs respecrfuly to in form thenm that Ile hras Le-talire tire above Inn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At M rs. RUSSELL's S C H OO L, irlil IlPoreeon Holse, .2lfore/on-s-Alrsk, serd 'jOUNG LADIES are boarrld and educated DCC ft in every useful and polite acconiplishissent, on ar- tbe follswing 1' ins Per Annum. ;ed Board, EuigliAi Grallinlar, H-istory, his and Geography, with plain andl 18 1B 0 faney Needle-wvorl, . .. .. . V a Fraench, ?? ?? 3 0 D .rawxinlg, ., ?? Abe lie ?? . . 4 4 0 eDanzcig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G Tre 'To Clarqylqnlel atd ?? ntlasters. ?? PIllE Situatiin, of HEAD. MAS'l'EUL-'of tile ted: ROYAL GRAM.MAR SCHOOL it HENLEY- 49, UPON-THA-'AMhS havikbecnie'tacant'by the re- tely jjinati'n of tile Rev. GEORGE ScnaCLL, IDoctor it, iten' Dilinilv,-Notice is wereby g iee; 'I'lmt a meeting of It of ile.' lilistecs of the said School will liehell at t'e lI Red Lion Inn, in Henlev, oil Ta esday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... perons vhyt have alny claim or demand lL against the Estate and Effects of the late Mr. RICHARD PAGE, deceased, of Broughton Grounds, is the county of Oxford, are hereby requested to de- liver the same to Air. 4aries Page, of Culworth, Northamptonshire, or toMr. Richard Prew, of Cbapel Ascot, Wareichlishire, that they may he discharged. and alt persons who stand indebted to the aforesaid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Alahe Farm, Buckin.harnhkshire, WITIT iM131EDLUiTE POSSESSMON. r olET01, LEASE, for a long term,A O, risk f Turvillu, Iwchs, coutainilg abouit 310 ' Tle above ivill he let oil veiy reasollibie, tcrlls and is wvorthy the attentionl of any persuo 1i;ldng for : Farm. Forr l~imrticulars y be had (if Messrs. Couper a~l .SOII, solicitorc, Hl elr kolle lThaes. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £ 10,000, Trust Money, S rearly to be advanced in one or two Sims, 1. on amtple FrecIold Security, is this or some nei-libouring countt', at 5 per Cent. The appor- tul ity is csccdingly eligible, as the Money will not be wanted to be calletd in for many years, provilled the interest be punctually paid. Principals only nieed apply at the 1O3ice af this Journal; and if by letter, po04 paidt % ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H'~lE Land Osi'ner3, Farirers'7'$'ilers F~aci?; ?? tors,and otles, ;illte' th1e Agriculteral- Prosperity of the Vale 'of Berki's, are' reqnrstedg'to !7!eiet at -aloe . -Ber r n, Wgntage, ort Saturday the 20lb day of September instant, at One o'clock in the afternoon, in order to take into consideration the expediency of establishing` a PiTCHED MAkRET ?? -the -T-own ofNWA-NTAG E. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *a, TiQUARTERLYREV~IE\bir N. X, XUI. 1- Will be pulblishle d oil Saturdaly. nd CONTE'NI'NS. it- i. TONGA ISLANDS. 1. A Chronological History nl- of the Voyages and Discoveries ini the Ssutih Sea. By W, JAUElS BuRNEIY, Captaiw irs the loyal i.Nart. 2. a- MRNlanirn's Account uf tile Natives of the TON'Gr Ail ISLANDS. 3. TranisactisiO of the MissiosIalY So- Of cietv.-11. Mr. DUGALD STEWART's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £4000 *iAY lie ?? Imd at interest, on ;4:,Iroved Freehold Security,upon application M I. 6riiitl1s, solicitor, Broadwdy. _Ij aL .\'9IiUal General Meetin, ?? to I J li Clel ical Fund for the County of Berli ill lie livdl at thye Bhar Iiill, Readirig, ou TuesdaF , l~ vorelxit Ii d Octluier, at Eleven o'cliick in the %vlic;I it will lie proilposedi to act upon0 the hlls sxirlding OQidvr of tbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At Dtme7,icb/oH , Berhs. - 0 i ?? rn; entered hpon at lMhicl'6'in)s, A i . pitaI FAiINM, iln the (oacc l iatin ,if r ,1,gy ul caded The lamwr Fut, dl3si r Iy !md7 It'e 1),fIV.ttl, 1l the Vaile oi rsiiitte ieirsa ;ii lci if Abiiigilian, 3 *f \V .itag, aiiit 6 of dol 1 maol ianiet UOowns; ?? all flllot MANS)N IOUSE bm bijs, 2 staules, ~v mse, asd ut icr niriclit oral buildingms; toi7e r *ii i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ] ISS WYKHAJItl ,te'trns her sincere tisanks to thaose sersotn.x h/is, by t/heir kind and great exertiour, prevent'd a Iarge quantity of hay, her pro- perty, fiont being destroyed by the fire which broke out 07n Cobeostrt Farme, oan Sunday lest. T'hane Park, Sept. 18, 1817. Oxford General fforkhouese. NOTICE is hereby givesi, Thatt the Election I of Officcrs for tbe ensuing year will take ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Merrers and Drapers. A Singulatl5 valualle ?? ; PTIES of lsl~~tis~lxe first resp,~l;ilityr is oircrc/ to tbe notice of any ojie desirous of cnmmencinig in- the above lirite. The preimises consist of a conalm- . .dious Shop, ivith every other convenience for coi- ducting an rxtensive Trade; li parlovrs, kitchen, brew house, with seicn bed clambers, -iesides ittics, and suitable Oiut-tl iei, ...