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Advertisements & Notices

... of 'T'HE VIM ST CAUTIION csarno1. preveul rthe jiiattdtc. . f tioll of tbat unpleaeatsi and troublesome disorder, tile ilgl, ?? iin tile; respeclarlle jaitsiilies; and from its .iifectuops natore, individuals hare cpo mititly liable to it3 at. til tacl;s. It will. tlivrefore, be of adrantige to alny who 0pay s1 saffar cunoer il to: klow, that they may rely oat beitig eifec- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTON MILLS to be LET;, seven miles 'Iii from S'xeter.--Apply to CHARwLES KNOWLES, St arcross. Dated, August 29, 1817. TO be SOLD in Fee, a very desirable Estate, .T called LOWER KINGSFORD, in the parish of Kentisbeer, in the county of Devon; comprising a good farm-nhouse, and suitable offices, and forty-three acres of very good Orchard, arable, meadovO, and pastfite land, now In theoccupation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¢ELS() RACES, 1317. RUN FOR, ovtr QAVi`R ION-EU)GE, on Alj be T:WR sDAV1 the i ;;h of Sepreniosr 1817, 1 1SR T05IONGOI.J) CUIP vahle ONE-HUN DRElD GlINEAS. 6151. b 5 \ear-o lil5 ?? e. 9t. . ?? ?? -i- . °l Year-olds & 2ged.. s. 1S.b. fitljs ?? al ltwed 2ib. Four miles. ~MsC5 and For wthich are nanmed, 9 or Dais's hrowx'n horse Fitz Orville. 111i ax \lu ,sV bay colt Eglintotl, by S amfs;rd, Ia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DA THE BORDER ANTIQUITIES COMPLLTED. Parts 16 and 17 together. containing six Plates, and 250 Pages of Letter-press, in medium rIarto, price 1i. is. and imperial puarto, price 1i. 12s. or with Indian paper Proofs of the f Plites, 31. 3s. of the ORDER ANTIQUITIES ef ENGLAND and. B1) SCOTLAND; comprising Specimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and other Vestiges of former ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAME. XI-MREAS thie-several Mapors of Elyaston; ?? oi SAMUd um Men 'is, is' the ?? ol' leiby, besr,ir tp iiti46liht Honnorable tile Ean t l~arrhairtoln. itave citlate veqrs been ?? ircitpassl uriluc und she~i Stock oi ?? g~iyreduced.~ That legal Proceed~in lfotie rveoerey of thaerialntie, tll ' be conumrreiced agins all qunaslified Versons whu shall liere c alien be ?? In pusitc Guam, upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IR iEY3U1 1A :1 .fleniu tbiti-idies-ulib b. i ji jj,; have pioduted varioiis ifapit Arty' y , a.4ld atl ile . epetuydoiletttgtc~~- oil .4* tf~~ranith.t t o26 2--. 64i^ tip hvi gete:rql e^,K yllvsru . ,, ' ''BRICiGGE, UT 7I - J VA4 IVbP. r X of ?? P~iUCipfe Fp ?? ilhe duty TED t.-MA h~ijliiGOC LERGt4NA .l eln~apd ept~lin nera Alftre, &A t riidX ig Ltlep ectry e..- ?? appjlir-h t.. .SIsifsaa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MINERAL BROWN PAINT, PATRONISED BY GOVERNMENT, FOR OUT-DOOR WORK. HSE ANEflAL BROWN Pr.kINT, being a 7 ?? and durable coating for all out-door work, situh as zh.ds, barns, ont-llou5es, tellies, palings, gMates, boat and barge botitom-, shlip's sides and upp-).r works, and all wood and iron work under water, or exposed to the weather, for tiles on roofs to prevent theni inbihiing wvater, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J71f1HE QUARTERLY REVIEW, ,7f No. XXXIII. /7 Will be Published in London, on SA TE DAY. CONTENTS. L TONGA ISLANDS. 1. A Chronological T Hiissory of the Voyages and Discosrries in the South Sea. By JAMES BURNEtY, Captain in the Royal Navy.- 2. M.tRlNEHi's Account of the Natives of the TONGA ISLANDS. S. Transactions of the Missionary Society.- 11. Mr DUGALD STEWART'S Dissertation, exhibiting a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS, TOY SHIOPS, and all Persons dealing in CHliLDREN's B(OO;S. T H.kRRIS ~(Successor to \N'ewb.-ry,) at the e * Corner of St. Paul's Churchl-Yard, Lolnlonl, (viho 1 has a larger collectiion of Books, both inst mctive and ri amusing l;r Juvenile M1inds, than are to be met vvith at 11 any other house iln the United Kiagdom,) lindinr that c 'MVorls less taslefully ornamented, ...

4v A.N 1 I',.lC'ES

... A S LADY'S MAID, a Young Woman, who is trav'ug, her presene situation in consequence of the family she understands drcsa-makgin and hair-dresslng; .has no oection to tovn or country or to r )o abroad; has no ob- ject on to wah on an elderly laldy or twvo ?? add:esse.l past paid, to A. W. at 31r. J-ardy's green grocur, No. 23, King-street, Flolbarn. A S FOOTMAN, either in or out of Livery, or A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALL. Oy Alit. thiis's. 4~2H4REDEaihD, 'PLEDGES. -. T~tOLD' 1Y AMCT.ION, Nit. CROSS, ba~liuthi's' the, '.2d and -23d of NN, Iitg of E unre&lea d P~ro A faf.~ p~lietip FIJIl Mf.rl at ti:rsiy, ar lis respeeswe hops I 'Fkd.~ lasn. Nwothinghsahi ,id, Alufket' Place, Vilth ~. 0 t - 'tig tttlt WilsCheMn, -n a lfc Iii 10 it' umnderito t su ?? aii wlB~d; -ierty of oth er I (u~rej4~sof tlcitopftqi.~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. WE ST'S PICTURES.-thrist Rejected, St. Peter's first Sernmon, the Design of the Crucifxion of our Saviour, with several Pictures and Sketches from other scriptural Subjects, are now exhibiting at 125, Pall-Mall, near Carlton House, every Day, from'1 Ten till Five. By order, CHARLES SMART, Sec. N. 13. Proposals for publishing by subscription, a Print of Christ Rejected, to be had at the ...