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Advertisements & Notices

... 4b~ Eit hleriiBy (Jjviref lia AB ~ CEZ1 N 'i~rbo P R.,willitlrjase lit~a. treld I io adkirrg r l Saf - t tweth ft l rltrw) N' (tice virh, andl'tuedtii~ tire~ .30tjh 41ay Dt' Sv ireiaki~ Insanrt,: itt live Alviriei Pkrri6* lif IchdBsriidl, Per- 'polis Vart resurt tal kji~g re if'e t od rettlsiyegsFirrit~ ir.TT~rIo hti ti h ?uid in) (P~ IDlse'I Mendrs eb ltel.wy ocuiedir Faos tr Geoice thIPY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE(,1STER OFFICE for SERVAN''S, ST. 1A'FWTHE IsIPS VICII) Sept. 12, 1IM7. J OlHN RlUDlAND) btens Leave to retirn Thiaails to ; his Friends for filvoui'sonlfered on li ill ?? above (owIvtn, and 'iO asstme tilvll, thatt oelcry attention vill colilue to'lie ?? to ?? ?? iutir tAiOrs. M% awts a Rituationl-7a l'erson boiwneesi 3an ld .10 ve ars . of age, ais Houstekeeper in a Farlnl ,h1ouse ; she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F IRAWl3 PflERE N'l'ED c eounteract tbe ninnv Attempts tibt arlc daily made T lk iipose 0ol tillt 111110:llarT a sp os e)iposiliol ieiste d of the Genuinle lh]iclarij p-cepared by Day and Ntliirin, they 01 c intiicedl to adopt a new Label, in whiiC thleir Si ,llatilr e a( .Id ress, 97, niHGH HOLBORX, Is plccl so cov.spiciluo0sly in the centre of the Label, thVI they trmlst :1 attelitiOntO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOPSHAM, DEVON. TJ1O be SOLD in Fee, by private contract, a I capital brick-built DWELLING-HOUSE; consist- ing of three parlours, two kitchens, cellar, and dairy; live good lied rooms, aud two servants' rooms; with a spacious courtlage behind the same; coach-house, and other convenient outhouses and offices, two walled gar- dens, and a well stocks orchard adjoining, containing about three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. 7i HE Rrr. MaL 11URNS at DUN. v~is~w, tn rw'ie ISo ~iYOUNG. GENT11EME 1E into Ilk lajlny ilo .sddiiion j. 4Jst 0 homI~to, is at pteselt Educating with h1S AIt owsSoi.- 1.js. l'sipiik altt rid School, sand have the advillv;qits't at - onew ?? FIrternri s, a~pply to tise Publi~her; olt o tin tltev, Mr Buntrls, fiti oihlsstose. Mot., ssj' )toi, 25t/1 Aivg.IS17 ENCYCLOP.JKDIA EDINILNsIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S l'ATE L() I 'ERY. a Na. 617, drawn a Prize of iWO THOUSAND POUNDS, Was SnLD in SiHARES by e I Messrs RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & CO. Londirl, n 'I, DX D. FORREST, Oppnsite the Tron Chuichl, EbiaNBsuRGcH , Wlhere the Fortunate Proprietors will receive PAYMEt5T ON _ DEMAND. GREKAT LlJCK! !! .s JAMES ANDERSON respectfully begs leave to announce to bi, Friends and the Public, that Furtune r still ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T11LER, DEALSs &c. TUsr ARRM VED, and tor SALE, onrea- SD jaaiaole tertu~. ari nir. .Ru;(O of best Mi ,I I L TilBER, .aid LA ifHWOOD. Apply at lleSrs. P. C. Prideaux and Co,? Timber-yard, Coxside. Plywouth, dth Fept. IS17. FRIO be SOLD) in Fee, a very desirable Estate, I. calied L.Vv \Y i(';s(JSFRI), in the parish y Keatisbeer, in tbe county of I)evou; comprising a good farm-homse, and so ital ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF' THlE TON'S AND 13,`R0V(;1I OF I.EEDS, THFE Pll~ti ic re! reslipetfnuvl i ifornwid: wardnems and vih Ins- ready I've PvtbI cafiol :tbous tile' End of tie prelicol Miuith. Gentletien wil ng to bevnine 5tibsceibLtrsze rice- qucstvil to send in tsliri Natmucs immlticictuv, IS nerle-) thle whole numlicr (if Ctiocs~ are subborihvied br. Pric-e to Suibseriber.,,, Ss. (3d.-T'o Ntm..2lecribcrs, Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST4YnLEY CHURCH. n JPR8ONS desirous to contract foitaiing down the old Pews, Seats, and Sitting Flaces, and erecting new Pews ilt Staveley Cliurcch, near Ches erfield. it the Cunlty of1 Ueby, sue requeste4 tp iend their Propaq4a1s, sealed up, d' ected to the (hurchwardenis at the Vestry of the said gCurch, on qr before Alonday the l'wenty ninith day ol Sep. tepber ijstanit, by twelve o'clock 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... op f ?? -F WOTlE JSDr Oczv $ A Nl' EY and CROLE respect S5 VtheP5 * t thsat tise SALE of the nlhl bolic tvaul orsig k~~lO WINE advertised by them to rake7 uljiA s(Frida,) the h instant, at their ?? ULDiN ?? ST O tAU-B DaMlt,'O i~UrES Utt5Cid. -otoe fo scr ar ANLEY snd CROLE, the th~ rr i Curs tt Vin a few days, COLL Ir1N OF BOOKS; o ii E!~rgnisf)' CriO and Valuable Works, 1 o r0~prngish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OR- S.4A ?? 3 B? AD)JOUR I1? , JlU T, A BEAUTIFUL ComPAur SMALL ESTATE IN SEJIRLIN GaHIKI:. To be SOLD by Vilblic roup. within th, I.yceum Suie Rooms in Glusgaor, upon Wednesday the 'Ith day uf September curt. at two o'clock a'tt rnoon, A Ll, and WHOLE the LANIDS & EST ATI, ?? of BALFtUNNING, beionging to 'indrew Lonu1i BLICha'an, Esq. Ivhig ill hii_ panmh ot' Drymcil and eiiurtt Stirlhig, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At M rs. RUSSELL's S C H OO L, irlil IlPoreeon Holse, .2lfore/on-s-Alrsk, serd 'jOUNG LADIES are boarrld and educated DCC ft in every useful and polite acconiplishissent, on ar- tbe follswing 1' ins Per Annum. ;ed Board, EuigliAi Grallinlar, H-istory, his and Geography, with plain andl 18 1B 0 faney Needle-wvorl, . .. .. . V a Fraench, ?? ?? 3 0 D .rawxinlg, ., ?? Abe lie ?? . . 4 4 0 eDanzcig ...