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Lothian, Scotland


Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... LAND5 iNR THi COUNTY OP Ai p - To be Suoruhy puhli: reoup, within Ale Kp o A1 , on rl Friul the 71h ,of NowdY nbo ir Iext b raS ;nXintsit,' ?? and thribe o'clock after ih ?? of by private bargain, ?? the prsoF 2.- HEFIVE-SHILLING LAND T L.ONY~talirrs S.Ml rzsi ,ij ?? Il l l tonse an3I Outc-looustr, and sir o Nli Joso t - to a boiall genteel fainily, alld having a iitio each gerbhr with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Jr is f ii, 'to e ?? p i o c ria e Iii l Isg ?? HilE EDINBURGH REVIEW, CRII'ICAU J'OGlRNAL. No LVI. ?? ?? ?? , ?? ot BeN'jAtTItI I ANA LTtNtr, ilA l>.S ?? .t. blab sh0d fin:1 iee iri,,in ds, ly his .,ll T 1Irjli' Fr ahlcilt'. r ?? the C r iura- :;eeno r r it 'roie I ii the yt yesrs 19307 at'd 180, hy S!;alll, ?? - r nienir. by Ju ituas Vie KtAr eIS ina in . 'ie Nt aid Ici Kaukasus, voti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ljj~'IBALD CdNS TABLE S' CO. 1y~lNTSif the PHILOSOPHY of thle ~ 'i-i~fT N INI.-By DuJGALr, STEWART, Lsq. an~ d E. 8c. volum~e 1I. Seconad tditulti. Slim Is 'r 'FSSAYS.-Ily PUGALD STRIVART, t4.11e~p-I A: Prmerly Professor of Ntorzd Fhlub-I tetiartyof E:dmi' tirgl. Second edition. 8co. ih~pflNS o NAURAL PHIL0OsOPHY ; being itra tlvr,wed in) the Uoiversity of Edbibhorgh. .RSS. 1 and iF.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CN;I\'ERSI'y 01; SI .;NPREW'S. C-,ASSLS !w tbe ?? llrancllc r I I~lljliltl 1 ,tilillta~ %villihegill to N t,,rght, tirO eli SUtl Sesirit t Iushe U ted Colleges, as fli- , Rev.JAMES l'Al',FAiR, D. 1). Principal. P1:¢ ^ i~ay r lA e-nl Ot Oober !5, D * ab'i ?? ito arid j1.une .0 t ecurr )3, }lr Hl 4 ntl;^ G~cx: tiailf p::st 8 & I; Nrhii ' i ?? o1 4 nji 1, ?? ?? past . -Dr Hunter * prisUL' cree'a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 44? V- WANTp, BREWER and MALTSTER, who tho- . roughly understans the husine4.s of Brewing Porters and Pale Ale, arid also M.ltihig, and who is capahle of taking charge of a small Brevery and Malt-hott3e. A liberal salary will be given. None need apply who cannot produce the most respedtahle ?? of abiliry and character. Addresi (post paid) stating particulars of age, &c. to Mr Alexandtr Dobie, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDMS INLI ?? -- Thezre will b 1.V0od :4S ' Roval Excrhange (2 ffeel&It'h'e, ltdi,, t'P day thle Isc day ?? October 1817,. ,,t ly 'UpI yel ith LL tand Whoile tile LAN41.)S 0ft It Eattr `vlsitburt, and shaitut tltree npfl5 'O town. ol` Batlgate. Tiiote ]lands are all1 arad, i. wvithl hecde and ditch, andi being laI thle at -lir of coal ande lime~, are capa!le of 91rat firuaov~l a41 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nMONEY 10 OE.ENI,~- v Now and at Martinmas next, D'EV RItAL SUMS of :e 1000 each one stirI a oF £2000, and one of Z 500. Heri%;ble s curity ?? be required, and a collateral obligation for the regular Oaymerit of the interest. Apply to Messrs Falconer and Johnston, 26, St James's Square, Edinburgh. MONEY 'IO LEND, AND A B1OND FOR SALE. TH E ST-M of L. 1500 Sterling to be Lent6 on *U afi, st ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e BARONY OF FINRAVEIN A VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE ESTATE IN THE. COUNrY OF FORFAR, 1, /g Y A-FFORDING t ltPWvARDS OF FOUR FrErtSOLD OUALIFICATIONS, FOR SALE. A Upsit Price Redated. E To be SOLD by public roup, within the Roval Exchange Vof- feehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesdaytulie ist of October next, between the blurs otne and two o'clock afternoon, HE LANDS & BARONY of FINHAVEN, T part of the ...