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Advertisements & Notices

... BlLACK\I.'oJ00, No. 17, Prince's Street, y~lL~INo. ?? (tu 2s. (Xd.) cf ~~p~BUI~~~GH MONiTNLY MAGAZINE. StI'I'EI1-R i5:7. CONS EN f E. inson Anitnal M ?? ron tiir St Oh1 1liity~t~it of a Li erary Ru,~cni 'ice- NpirtS f t Si-ity;f~ p~swit ~rV Grologicl Olbaerv-ationg ion Ii rathearli- No ' csv H- omer. No. ii .-Re osarks on rq~~d N., ((~~Jantas Girahenac, ahr ic ria:' !uiror, a M-or-cl l'ale-. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fliHE'APOLLONICON.-A.Grand niechanical lL musical instrument, under the patronage of his Royal Highness the Prince Ruegcnt, is now exhibiting at Messrs. :LI(GHT ard'ROBSON'S. No. 101, St. Alartin's-lane, (Tha- fing eross. Tlhe iistrutttioit yerforms twice in each hour,, from tpelve to five, Cherabini's overture to Anacreon, and Mozart's everture to Lse Clemenza di Tito, wvith a grandeur of' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. - Genuine IMousehold Furniture and Effects, Crtcled-fiars- J By MAr. ADA MSON, on the L'rernises, No. 17; Crutched- f friars, corner of Cooper's-row, TO-MORROW, at 11, (by O direction of the Proprietor), HE genuine' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, sci Set of Dining Tables, Cellarct Sideboard, Wardrobe; ppi Eight-day Clock, Liren, China and Glass, and Effects of a ca' Gentleman declining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHIT-E HART INN, Ckipping - Norton. T rhaving been generalie v ndersood thit tie l. avbove 1Hiouse would be discontinusted as al.rtiln, .io IiN If EVTH taines thiis opportunity to retiurn his tlrost ga Atefol achnowledalluenits to the Nobility, Gentry, and Puhilic in gencraia, for tire ,arry favnuis be I as rece ived, nnd begs respecrfuly to in form thenm that Ile hras Le-talire tire above Inn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R} OYAL .ACA1)tMY, SOMESET HOAUSE. J . MOTICE ju herely given to' the SlaSdebhs, that- the g~i.1OOLS wvill re-comnsence on Tuesday next, and the Libra-, j'en the t ~ hij4OWRD, R1'. A. Secretary. - (FE APOL ONJICON. 'A Grand ,jedhahicA . I musical instrument, under the patronage of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, is now exhibiting at Messrs. ylTGI'T and ROBSON'S&,'N. 101, St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. ARROWSMITTil'S ATLAS. To royal 4Co. price 11. i6s. half-bound, NEW GENERAL ATLAS, constractedfrom A the latest Authorities. By A. ARROW.SMiTH, Hy- ?? to the Prince Regent. Exhibiting not only the ondries and Divisions, bat also the Chains of MNountains and other Geographical Features of all the known Countries in the Wcorld; comiprehendei in 55 Muap, from original ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (R xvzr S PCTURES.-Christ Rejectedi I ~ar~ s ir esmo, the Dcsig-n of the Crociloidon 'of'A ~vioerl wit s tureal in Sklchches from other a ..1torltibe~t, t'snowahbiting at 25; P'all- Mail, near 101 eons, dery ~y~ ~omTen tillL'ive, I By oder CHARLES SMART, See. 'I ~ R ropoals or pbl'sbing by subscription, a Print of la ~,tob d it the Exhibition Rooms, No. 115, iwS1B JElCT.-PANORAJVA;- Leiccester ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F, RHUNpRE.D M A TS DUTTC H . FLA, Ir-m L.5 to ttse pr tot. Five T@ons A few lons best l.O 'DONDERRY FiAX-anrd One Blidred Hamnp,-rs belt GERt'SIAN APPLES, just arrived from Holland, per rle Van Eg0osor. Leith, 27th Sept. 1817. JOHN SCOUI'. I 57J'J SUN FIR-EOFFICE, - ROYAL EXCHANGE, FDINBURGH.. T I-IF Insured at this Office, whose Premniums fall due TH at the Term of MICHA.EJ7.,MAS, (09th Sept ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A* 5 I P ?? Iijt ' ii t li Lsi.e of ail ?? d isorders wilic I i en. o~sthz' S.'sch and } .;s e,.ahiooing lndsgetioi, e AIeiltiiin, e'l:.iwiiui'. 1-~e~il ard ; er, SIVSnl. anld a sariety r F i-':.;intO T'C qtionellCe(' of atl.ihordorcd ?? a nv! I~Rii~ Ortrll-l;. Tihe intodkt-o(ur)ioof DIiO) .T 1 Sl ..l S iLLS, as a corrector and cure of thosc c *.sl i;. ?? of the greatest acquisitions inl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To beS.OLD, or LET, byPR.IVATB CONTRACT, A 'ery desirable well accustomed PUBLIC A OUSE, in perfect repair, known by the Sign of ie the SEVEN STARS, situate at Riddings, in the Parish of Alfre- RI ton, in tire County of Derby, and may be entered upon ini- Dl mlediately. Fur further Particulars enquire of the preient. Ltiord, sr of Mitrrns. Joou: FLFCIIEU & Co. Ripley. [A. B. This Advertisement ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cli - - - R. WOOD) o aunounc, that his LECTURES nir HElfS'OlY, as caaialeeted u ilt ?? the ciehlraled Aichitectuoral Rearaains ihri,tlgrout the iln World, will commence off Monday evirirlg Sepat. 22, art r haIl- ast sene o'clkck, and he crartimired ao all er-nale `I- eveain-gs-M r. W. s aulxiias to have it undierstoad tlat 'y these fectrtl es dlo not relate to the Art if Mididilng, bht .Xr- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .14l1C9 u4CoU JuKAc Ott. 44f FRAUD PREVENTED hf u counteract the many attempts tlhat are daily m, made to impose on the unwvary a spurious coinposibal, instead of the Genuine Blacking prepared by Day aeid Martin, they are induced to adopt a new label, in which their sigrni ture and address, 97, ?? I-OLslRN !, are placed so conspictuously in the c nmre o: the label, that tief trust an attention ...