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Advertisements & Notices

... A LlION FIRE & LIFI, INSURANCE A U. ,]MPANY, New Priiic-stieet, Lonilon, emi- I pis i %ced by Act of l' lianiiilt. (1 1ital-t)SN ,MILLION. Af':ENTS ?? ?? .i. lii icr, Esq. PollASI.A ?? Mr. GChoige I.eri. (~uis'illrl>*& ?? N. T1iws. Roie, i tin Draper. Ni:w t in le ?? mid F-li ii-stH ci. IN i I. i lGlTiN. . . . Vlii}.Wili (Gio, I)ilwipr. S l.ISliVi , it o. Mli-. JamreshLicy, Sil er-strect. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Geuuiye Ti Eand ?? iav W VtttHOUSE,' atlifi CII NItNi CRF'I'~0I ISLX ~i'{Eht OlITI EA. II AYLES & SONS rmea.ctftlly egto hinit mnthe liab ilitarst s os fse-tibsuaild the ses, 01-ie11 Of Pi tinsili' ) &Ce thalt thley hive 0I1T.'1eNE tile ManitlfUtitsry, Where they li-in laid ini vii exii isis'e and ofiseN c-n en iry Airticle in I ?? A no, UrCi M-t, i as!, Pisirissioi Lutes; whiich Ilhit itenil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W A NTS A SITUATION A5 S GARD ENER, a 'erson whc understands Gar- ening in its principial Iranches; can have a good cha- racter from his last place; married; age .34.-Letters (post paid) to C5. ., at MVfrs. tolioF isys, grzctrT, lPutney. ?? BY. A JCTION. SALES POSTPONED. &f f'SsRS. H09 OGGAR'rand'PHILLIPS respect- lk fullly inform the Public, that the Sales of the Leasehold Property situate on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISH}ID THIS DAY. LORD AMHERST'S MISSION TO CHINA. On Wednesday next will be published, handsomely printed in one vDo. 4to. unifornly with Sir George Staunton s Account of the former Embassy, illustrated with Maps, a Portrait of r Lord Amherst, and seven coloured Plates of Views, &c. I * JOURNAL of the PROCEEDINGS of the t X BRITISH EMBASSY to the EM PirEROR of CHINA. B3y HENRY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5. - 5 Tl':iE TWO BOOTS: A 'iAi.E. I've often read in days of old se Stories by ancient poets told; e How substances inanimare Would to each other preach and prate_ But little ti~en I thought or knew Those stories could at all be -rue; Till late :n hour I ?? to spend t In conversation with a frirnd; f Our Boors as aiear the firt they-lay In converse pasied the time aw ay Says one to t'other-' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O OYAL ACADETMY..Notice to the Stdtdents, . that the . tEi3 APCA EM Y wiil open T( lOROltltO1V, 1id :'ie ANTIQUIE, ACADEMY on Tuhrsdaynext; the L1- ,tARY next Nonday. If J;I1ENIY HOWMARD, R.A. Secretary. {. WES'2;S PICTURES, CHRIST RE- jlJETED, &c.-Tle Public are respectfhidy informed, ast this Gallery will be CLOSEh) for a few days on Saturday tr litth of October. and RES-OPHN on Monday tise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4/ oUALLARDIC E, & TO SXd REM A RKS ONTt1i PLANS AND PUBLICAT IONSJ 0WVEN, E~q- of Ni:W al~aiatk. JOH 11-N BROWN, A.sid~tt Cotngregation, Iii~ggr. It Ministe of the Price 2s. Jr LRNCH CLASSE'S. IfT PIA S ~S Z'CLA.1S-S _1I: ?? r C conianence 1 ~e \irD ?? ist of Octob, r. ?? n NUI~ill S rUtJT, Sept. . 40, j4q~l, r [I_ _ __ _ __ _ q ot .1Cqule of a mialicions aInd. unfounded irtouly circulated, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COT'rRACT'S FOR STRAW. Commissariat Departiirot, 2 hmoeas ' C/tol7Zers, 19/a Sept. 1817. Q UCH Persons as are desirous of Contract- lig with tbe Aaeiit for Commissariat S piPlies, to fornish far Twelve Months, fronm tie ?? of Noeember iext, such Quantities of STRAWV for filling P'aillisses, as nmav fromn tilum to time bi, required at thi ea arrtchis in [fhe uildeeirenlionied Couroties, atay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XINGSTON-UPON-HULL. MIICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS. 7I|t -A 1' the next Michtael77s - $ JL. Gene)-l Quarter Sessions of d .-;3t a ?Kthe Peace for the .Toton and CU ntly * aP Pof the 7'own Qf Kingston-upPn'1 t-ll, will' be holden at the Guild- ctha U ofthe same Toton, on Thursday ;:- the'6tlidayofOctober zext, at Tet i'Clock in the Fdrenoont;-when 'and where all Juirs: ,s Suitors, Persons upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -HULL. *r- . ,, . EAST INDIES. la-: T '9 7 FOR ce nd MAladeira, Madras, dnd Cacdtath,. r in The fine New.Sirp, be _E S lSTMORELAN, Captain'- '' ; 'Btepsyf --Burtheu 420 Tons; o, BuiltexpAcsslmoy a s for tleTrade and will be fitted witfl Passengers: Is intendedI tat to snilthe beginoing of Decemler; ard to take 'in n Wines t MADEIRA, for CALCUTTA, and bring them , roundto HULL.-For Freight or ...