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Caledonian Mercury



Lothian, Scotland

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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... PANJHEIJJOVN T HE Public are respecttully informed, this T THEATRE having undergone se~t 1 improvements andalterations, will RE-OPEN, with an ENTIRE NEW CONVMPANY, O01 SArT! D.AY. 25th October IS 7, The Enteitainments Nvill be conducted on a similar p'an to that now so much apprived of at AtrLEY'S A.MPHI- THEATRE, viz. the Ring Performance of Horsemanship is reduced to One Act only. ['he chief ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WilLIAAM 1'1LACKI(WOOD, N~i!. 17, Prince's Street, P'rice Cs, 6oi. BL,4C(KWOOD's EDINBU1{GII MAGAZINE, OCTlOBE`R 1C17. -I _Ot~Pritton;on Coleridge'a Biogropphia Liro- rat 3-11 ltoenolorical Plioin bevdh rvelie.r fte fr Mr SCIacIRES', jUnior. rio Profeqsnr JAMtESON- Aetalb~~ Esays on the Erly Englikh Draniatistit (conntinued Aroa ~* Nit. ?? Mionthly Ma-giikine) No. IT.-A c- ~iron) c l30tinvell' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ., Ct, )r LFN' C LE I URFS- S COIPSI,,can ANATOMY and Sui't. t -hRY s~il r~rnlii' a-e nit \'reii.ollit~V~w te ¶.9. Inct.r I 1 IONxS sjt PI. INE, clnlnpre. , ipindltiiihth Nicohe r. ''d6th ji t hrl cio~s~lir it 1l-.} NIzw ISIANO FOR 1ES AM)0 MiUSC. CO!I' El ltl to inform his Friends aind tite pui ?? th-:t hle lha jost retnrot I front I ot'inol wiv Is e s6 t rt0l t (GR \Ni), HOP'IZONIAI, K ete a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a i LORD AMHERSrS MISSION TO CHINA. 'his dar ia putblishd ii LJondcn, m1111;J ' And exp6credl her'- ir, a te- days. o By WILLIAM BLAc'kWOO)D I7, Prince's Srreer, st Handsomely pr ihted in one volume qusd to, n;niformly wirl Sit- George Staunton's Actoprne of the formerEmbh.say, II.i to ' lusrared with Maps, a Portrait of Lord Amhlerst, and Is Seven Ciloured Plates f Views. *kc price 1.2 2s. ls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iTHE Annual General Meeting of Proprie- tors of the OLD SHIPPING COMPANY, which e.- should have taken place this day, is io5u-rroNED to a future Speriod, of which due not ice will he given. OLD SHaIPPING s CoMPANY'S OFFICE,7 I Kih, 27tb Oct. 1817. S :__' BE SOLD BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, ^!THE vy ie 2xSTOC'K of an old-establishefd d an wellrefquented HABERDASHERY SHOP, in a po- . pulous town in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .STEWAR'&C. 1e Icoac rcsPectfidY to t~L)WOurrlce, toth cd hi fct, ti ,r, that thavirEVN ~~ji i?4P, iiV AImC .1l 13 jO'S anti other PRO * K. ?? ith 1 litt-. : uce, Wil I ?? this liven. I)Lg ~ e 1311I OtCIVIL-t) at six c,'chloc, tic be curs- ~ a jsa tiveacj,,g diiriiit tilt viltetv *eSici~n. ,c.wii e eL edtC e~ach ei-y, iron) ten till a , ejcgol - o neitl, e attercic- hlaiie Unlivrsity, 0 I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 .f,( BBANK OF SCOTLAND. 15 T OCTOBER 1817. of THE GENERAL MEETING of PRO- e T PRIETORS, on 24th September 1817, having, it t terms of the Act of Parliament, authorised a DIVIDEND of Proftts op.the Company's Capital Stock for the Halt Year end- le ed the 27th of that motith, the payment of such Divi lcid is, )r by the Codrt of birecmors of the Bank of Scotland, appointed n to commer,' on ...


... H-E LECTUR1Ei.S on tlc t I:rvljea'e- tif W ontei s! C~lil~lren, will ?? 'J~g-e e tiythe * I of iov-nlel't nleat, at three o'clock r t ?? f l Nboor FE \!eLS ena Lr0C5 rn o n dorad.tie t 8 TREET EditltsUrgu, 1 Q.-obcC 1(). ?? S 1A IT N IATICAL ACAi)I1.MY. . Te E ALLACE, No. 59. Soiurui 13ftIsG1 ! i er. begsleave to announce, tift On Iol SDAY, ] ?? No l. r fte intend t (Ope the f illowing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9 ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEORGE S I'REE''. On SATPrOcAV EVENING, October 18, M/jR PUTNAM will present a S&lectioci df READINGS & RECITATIONS. The doors will be openekT at half-pact sdveni and the Read' ings contsnence at eight o'clock precisely. Admission, 'I hree S hillings. Younger Branches of Fahfiilies, Goe Shilling and Sixpence. Tickets may he b;d at the Shops nf Messrs Constable and Co. High ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r cul 1 gen!- 3 ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GI!(R SrREET r 'e 9r: A ! §n S;ATURDAY Ev~ttr ?? Octsilfer IS. 1he M R PUTNAMI will present q &election of 'hi5rt I ;, IEAPIINGS & REe I ATION S. *en ?? ?? will tse opened at half-past seven, and the Read- e, In ings Cemrnence ai Olgbt.o'clock pren-jsely. olice f i, , 'addnissico, Three Shillings. find Tickets mray be had at the Shops of William Blardcwood the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E M1 LANDS or LX1S-1~ Ton 'SEAFIELD, and RIES ~Upi DRAXIS Ilof [liver, ess, as forerl dasr rd aeI e.,s barai D S frll'rlY escrbe ae tb, sold by Vr~ rard bargail. to Claud Russse1l, Iz~ aresrtsnttin Edinli, Meyats M'Queen and AlaLkitottsh r W trislr, tos-vil-clerk of hitvertesok; tir R`dcid 6 ur lareithtre ; either ot whoini will receie rfes, 5'X~lritl ?? tL vt.*Ip,, i of -hv larndR, and give ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E public irc rcspectfullly informed, that this ?? 4.p 1E haviriffn u dergone several imsprovemnents silatc~to p1 .oP'EN 3,daitcratIOS will 'THIS EVENING, SArURDAY, 115th October 1S17. Ni;2 PieJ; s cvva lo. be kept later than ailf-past seven. ip e he openeJ at Six, and begin at Stven.-Bloxts Ss.: 1p e Ef~lr re B.YeS to be had at the Box Office of the ?? from elcever till tbrcv. 0 .jsEMBLY ...