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Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS N arising at the TOLL GATES upon the Turnpike Road at Southmollon, in the county of Devon, called the EXETER GATE, BARNSTAPLIE GATE, TIVER- TON GATRE and CHAWLEIGI- GATE, winl be LET 'by Auction, to the best Bidders, at tle Town-Hall, of Southmolton aforesaid, on Mdnday the tenth day of No- vemiber next, between the hours of tea andl two o'clock in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROPE YARNS. 1OR SALE by private Contra*, about 20 F TONS of PRTME YARNS, diz. Three Lots of First, and one Lot of Seconds, bought at the Sales- of His Majesty's Dock-yard in March, 1816. For particulars, apply to Messrs. James Ley and Co. tideford. Dated Oct. 21st, 1817. [1727 .EMINSTER, DEVON. r O be LET, for a Term, with immediate T possession, the modern built Mansion House, called ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES l.Y AUCTION. Minerals, Chymical and Philosophical Apparatus, &c.-Ily Mr. KING, at his Great Room, ?? 38, King-street, Covent- garden, THIS and following Day, punctually at half past A Vealuable Collection of MINERALS, the Pro- perty of a Gentleman, together with sundry Chymical. and Phsilosophical Apparatls, particularly a Chsymical Chest, by Accum-, large two feat Plate klectrical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B~OOKS PUBLISHED THIS DY EMlB AssY TO 6CHINA. In vo. wvith a Portrait of Captain -Maxwell, and four coloured . Engravings, price 12s. 'T R ATIVE bf a VOYAGE inli~is Majefys, larShpALISFtk, up the~ Yellow se~a, along tlte CI~st of Cores, and through itsg ?? Undi~covre Islnds toth IsandofLee~ sew whh an Ac~ourh Zol her Shiwrek n te tratsof T~~ar. Ily JOHIK AIM'UtOD, Surgeon Pinted ?? Mu-rr-.ay, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANT PLACES. _c S NNURSE in a regular Family, has been three A years and a half in her last place.-Address, post paid, to E. B\I. No. 22, Bennet-street, Westminster. c SERVANT to a SINGLE GENTLEMAN, A or o o~r Ft)OI\IAN in a F AMiILY, in or out of Livery, a Young Mf~an; 24 years of age, wvho can havc a good character from his last place;* has no oabjzection to towvn or contr ?? n (post paid) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BGRGFI REFORM. rEilNhtmlc, 0o6.!or6tTrn's HALL, i , ?? Oct ober lSl7.: ra iEETING offtile INCOIWO i AtIdON A.' ?? I'isS, held this day, and spe cially called to cotsidlr tile rresent Cooistitufol of the City, the fol;Qw- g .-uio ,v: a,, ree~d to: lt° _',lit thi- licorpiratfln, tleartily cInr¶Ir'in3 ID 41 ?? ntely adopted 11y the N rthern BurWR, ititi au t, ?? xt e!ed 4ystefn of rlectioln, aud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? , ?? ' eiod~Z ite whude iaon c iii-e yit wijrhi 1.: t 1ir:.. ndl 1 tcountt' of A~ict.wt b C Itili'l , t l I 11 ii-21 ' lr to , II CcL' Ii orY I by Al 1 a I If! a C:..l'r' ?? 1 :r1 lia' Fovrras, Maloloer, rdtl far I!!O o ?? cl the ill UG1I of BA, ?? VOf ROSE- H~ ?? ?? 'Hll jiar>u ri'vthreof, risii .TXwn, and v;,ole 1' Ti Itoir tr.arly 10110 Ii'rw' Surii -Measure,) 1 ?? r ae ?? ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE APOLLON ICON-A Grand mechanical musical instrument, under the patronage of his. 2iyoal illihness the Prince, Regent, is lnow exhibitinig at Aless'rs. F1i-hf T and ROiBS(O'S, NO- 10, St- lMartii's-lane, Cbh- S 1jsecros.' The instrument performs twice in each hour, froii r to rLve, Chertlbini's overture to Atnacreon, and l~oeart's c oiverrure to La Clemenza *i rito, with agralideur of effect ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For CALCUTTA, + The ine ew Ship HINDOSTAN, Captain ROBERT STEWART; l Burthen 565 tons; .now on her drst voyage; iW 2 is a superior couveyance for Goods unit Pas- ungers, and expected to be despatehed about the 25th ti November.-For freight or passage, having good ac d commodations, apply to - a CROPPER, BENSON and Co. I ?? For NEW YORK, tl The fine Coppered American Ship HERGULES, SE Srt G. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EW SUIJ3JECT.-PANORA TA, Leicester- 'Sst~al'tiar.I T'1ad~ditifoln tlo the) magnni fictent lt epresentation of ~ BAr'rE ofWA~~. lT~O, anintrestng iewof the. Ilsd'd ('ity oE ST. PETEIISBURG is just opened. Ad- tijttarnce to e acl Paintingis. O°pen fromtnA ptsll dusk.oree I-I ~N tT ASTO BAKER, Proprietor.. IHE APOLLONICON-A Grand mechanical I n musical instrument, tinder tile patronage of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... opal. 1W* TALEURE to andounce to his Friends and _ htie Public that his BENEFIT . ,S APPOINSTED ORo FRIDAyF', OCT.3i, 1817, ,-FORMED THE POPLLAR MUSICAL MT1~ANNERLNTGO ate of the Evenipg, tbe following new and popular COMIIC SONGS, :4bestiingby fr. TAYLEUREB -- t ' Hi CR tTEJ!! ;b Mr. Lombe, in the character of two F * Ballad Siogei'a ?? %irIOND CUT DIAMOND. - yR. PETER sNqUT; , DI OAtKE A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Frid5s1 'be 51st inst, at six o'clock in the 11.opsion the George Inn, ?? t he tondicions of saleto bethen pro. irColth' c toLots, L Dfrti irr9 . cisrate Igth JS2dLU BI-1LE; piece ofLA Dfotn e Vu'ALoUA fltE Queeon's Dock, extendiag feomn csat er'sY to Stanhope street, being about 360 Iianceotgb l dock quay, and 78 feet deep to b0o StRe ouse. No. 35, en then west side- of A D r~rrtlin near ...