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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... : a7?' MR YANIlWICZ AS the hoi~otir rer,)ectfUtiy' to itform tile P Stiiiry and tnti~try, that on Fi~IDAY EVIENING, ,wili be peefoced a GRAND MI~SCELLA COCE3RT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL l rllf~~lch Acf T. lat0~d 5sqnphcm, Hary:dn-Ballad, Mr SwVlFT-Reritraive. Gs *AL aN, 0 O Patria, -Rsas;;i-Conce ro, Piane ioirre, til Mrs fA~lECtCZ, ?? ,lar-1.iallad, ?? SALM)oN, * Pity d1 r ,( friedldess ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I_ ?? ?? ?? 0 PANTHE()N. du TWELFTH NiGH-i' OF THE MUCH ADMIRED on Ao2 A'ND.VYRAND SPECTACLE OF- IS A. WAlLtACE, . Pu W, Vhich continues to. be received with acclamation i and the Be most unprecedented applause; will be repeated 'IHiS EVEN. ING, with the Comic Pantomime of _ it THE HOUSE THIAT JACK BUILT,- EI Being the Last Nigbt of this Pantomime 31 H HORSEMANSHIP by Messrs KEMP and BRkdN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR YANIEWICZ q thle hor.our respectfully to inform the t ,lu tilt' and elntry, that on FRIDAY EVIfNiNG, will be perfoimed a GRAND MISCE1ILA. r ?? CoNCERW of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL , NIII5C- ACT 1. rnimponwyt HArdsl~-iallal, Mr SWIFT-Reeitritive, Ctutl1Rl' 0N X O patria, Rais~iiz-Cnneerto, Piano Porte, \ltS tatE~vic3,hi.X.';1e^/er allad, Mrs SALMON, PitV .~ nt A, frle,:titfst girt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PANTHEON. T iet New Grand spec:ule 'f WALLACE fiaving been rc. CWteed no Its first performance last Saturday, with ac- c i'iatiolls arnd the m no r elthutiastic applause, vvi D~e ?? eveving till further notici EI lS EV ENING , and MON DAY, Dec. '22 T J il be performrt the Grani Spectacle, called WALLACE, ti5a T iHE lERO O 0, SCOTLAND. y, ith entirely ne's DLesses, Senery, Music, Dances, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n t o COUJNTY OF' FORFAR. ;? ,t T a GAT NRAL MEETING of FREE: A FtJ)ES J(I CS'I'C§oE. PE.ACE,- and coM-I 1.1ISSIONF RS ,f XVPPLY of thie COUNTY of FORFAR s Leld at Forfar on the 28d day of Decemhcet 18.il7 'Tle Hon. WILLIAM MArILIA Sf ta-6itFe, P 'Tel.. The Meetiug having'taken, Into consideriohtLrd' Bin- ning's amended bill for the tiblishishcnt of Ptupe ?? Asylums ir; Scotland, the Reverend ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ie:D 1 U BE SOlD BY PUBLIC ROUP, Wiithin the Roval EXcthauze Coft'house of Edinburgh, upon Wadne~lsday thc ?? lay of Januar y ncat,betwecn she hours of two and thrce otl4ock aftcrnoon, 'rHAT HOUSE 'No, ?? thei North Side JIL of YOiRK PlACE.witftedlack ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IV10t5OAY -. ?? ?? ?? . ro- . WOOLLEN DRAPERY. ed, A SALE of the deceased Me WILLIAM . 2a- at N9. BROWN, SENIOR'% extensive and valuable STOCK ,- f WOOLLEN DRAPERYi commenced on thelit current, (I till t No. 87, SuOTHr BIDO2 STRTEET, aud will continue until w er, the %hole is disposed of. Te t[he followirig are the price. at: which these Goods, SD re- 5 eently purchased by Mr Bsowbr, are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S uare upo Wedne'iav'the'7tirh`ls-y o ait or twoa lock afternoonfsproeelqise contr~act, 66 rUIX-IE LANDS bV &tPANKMIS, - in the parish of, Uphiall, asposses'sed'b T~~hoisla~ a5 -say. innkeeper, Uphll, under a lease ctorrent frj I' frian Marfluisma 1803, 'at a rent of l.Jot. '1hwy coss -19~.5argree or thereby, snd (with, a triftfing ex(- y ionS ep closed and sulbdividedl ino Jftidt~s c(f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '0o BE SOlO, 0 zu, frslloving PROPERI{'Y in DUNIBAR, il Verture 11 Ile ?? rs cc,' 7ned it) an -HitriOte pond, 1. Fra ucis Car riL ?? htere, with rionse ?? It ir 'rustee tan thie Sli el I F1r n i(. Crrick'u Sviu eszrated Estante j torr by auttim, within Lorimnr', Inn, Dunbar, ii Flriday the 2:3.1 Jaiiury 1818, at saveio o'clock even- 1,RG:, 'rENENIEN1', f LAND, consiting of I'I r S yi-i., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , , ?? ?? .7,rr igf 0 PPANTHEON. i Night of the souch admired N'ew Spectacle, ?? continues to be received with acclatnations, and the most uhhounded'applause, will be repeated every evening till further notice. THIS EVENING, MOADAT, DeC. 24. and TL TO-MORROW, will be presentwd a niew Graind Burlet- ta Spectacle, as performed at the Royal Circus, L.ondon, With the most unprecedented applausie. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'This day are pu~hos/ed, EIOIRS of' tli CALEDONIAN IIOR- J1' 'I iCUL I URAL SOCIETY, . ; , 1Xi~N. YIII. (%Vhicb completes the Second Volume.) Price Three Shillings. CON1TEYt''S. H; rt ?? bv Dr Duncan, senior, readl 4th Is. 1ql 'wS1Discuucsebhy tbe same, read. stl December 1#16. j ?? t (If thre Cornmittee f r Exoprimtents * n tie T 3 Useful d Ornamental Plants, uttdtr Ibe , ?otllnfl *ith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,42S PANTIHE ON. THE FIRST NIGHT OF WALLACE AND ,LAST NIGHT OF MR WVILSON'S ENGAGEMENT. -lUS Evening, SATURDAy, Dec. 13. 1817, If Will be pres-r ted the Favourite Cnmic Burletta, called DRENCl-ED & DRIED. }-ORSEMANSRIP by Mr KEMP. I'IGH'I' ROPE by Mr WILSON, 13eing positively the Last Night of his Engagement. bc w,.oe tie conclude with a Grand Spectacle, as performed ! ,t ie RoynI Circus, ...