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East Midlands, England

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From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 3

... From the LOND9oN GAMIrrE, Jan. 3. BANK RU PTS. E. Ellis, 51,inchester. joitivr, J.s'r. t6, !7, Feb. 14, at the I lrid eewuaev Arns, Rlischester. Solicitors, Mess.s Adlirg- ton and Gregory, Bedford-riw. . V. N. r.1srbderm. Salfoid, Lancaster, corn d- aler, Jin. 16, . 17, Feb. 14, at Ihe SWba, arlclaebter. Solicitor, Mlr. Ellis, Chaancery aiae. W. Clarke, Sbeffield. mnaster builder, Jan. 16,19, ...

Published: Thursday 08 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 771 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Dec. 23

... J. 1 ond, Liverpool, Iafelcuiral1, Dec. SO, Jan. 13.- Feb S, at GuildbIall. Suliciiur, MIlr. Hu1, Cbji5(r!IIs Lree1, Finsbury. squlare. A. Birute, J Brown, and G. Sclo, Londlon, army clothliers, Dec. '27, Sit, Ftb, 33, at Goildtall. Soiiciturs, Mtlessrs. Pice anld Willimllis, Oldsqiuare, Lilicolil's-ilm. k'. SiSoriiati, Bristol, 0lroipkeeper, Jal.. 6 7. Feb. 3. nt tIre Comnmercial rooms; ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 433 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Dec. 30

... From the LONDON CAZET'T'E, Dec. 30. .1. . 11 - 1n Ivo B1A NKlU P'1S. G. Willis, Bath, uiepu sterer, Jati. '21, Y2. Feb i0. at the Fill Mlmii i,,n, Old Blriiige, 3ailti. Solicitur, hl,. Yomig, Clittriotietew, Maleeusigal' tiise, London. J. loinl lisnvi, Frekklivy, Nutesteushire, dealer, 9, Itl, Feb 10, at the iuyin l Hointel, Biluinghiau. 3ealicitux, Bt. ~lkiiigton, Uitutinh m. W. Io,.l.- ...

Published: Thursday 08 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 329 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 10

... From the LONDON GAUITTE, Jan. 10. BANK1R1PtI'S. T. .G. Ieludley, 3 coh strect, llermtoudsev, laker, Jan 13, 20, Feb *8, ar Cuildhall. Solicitur, Air. Cotile, B5sinig- Io&l l slreet .-i G. Watusand W. Bs,11 Bristol, ivory-filack-manufacturer, . Jim. 26, 27, Feb. 21, at tIhe it lisor, Bristol. Sorlicitors, Ilests. Bnmrdillor, atid Heu itt, itreid-street G. Faettne, Cipshull-rcorrt ...

Published: Thursday 15 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 581 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

A timely word to the Poor and Middling Inhabitants of Derby on the Advantages of a PROVIDENT OR SAVING BANK

... A tinlely mawm'd to the PNot and llMidliag Inhcabitants At )erqy, on the Idvintrigcz 4 i MOVIDENT Wk .SAVINO BANK.S , . rovidvi4t, or SaviagBunks- have been tiiet with , -ood siUeSeeS in manvy dilfelrevt liacs foe sonei Vealc past. Tine plaln of tileml iS SO usefti1 a oae, tihlt they >, are now: in thIe aet of, iagset tp, iln all plits. ot the d kingdott; -tiia ti le Iot unt ])erliv hlas ...

Published: Thursday 08 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1229 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... . MARKEt IIEIWALD. V -: . ., Co EXCHA A(iE, Miittday Jan). 19. 181tr IS 'lle supply of wlietitlthis niuirtiing was very moderate, chidtivv tlotal Eisse and Kenti ; and tI e few line sati lpies *hild1 d were exposed lir sale (ailli reachie ldst siMoniday's prices but is i terior are very dull, aid are ratdher luier.-Fiiie Mualtimie 1arley sripports nuir last rilnation ; otiler kinds, liowever, ...

Published: Thursday 22 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1337 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 24

... Frwn the LONDON GAZErTE, .Jan. 24. BANKIUPTii 1 W. flnolscy, Creat L ry-le-bannr street, Jhaberdasher, L Iarl. SI, Feb. 7, March 7, at Gaildimali. Solicircir b,. IX Ntewbou, St. Aditrew'sdhill, Doctccr's Cuaamamccs. '1. I)DVk5, 1:Bath, hurse-dealtet, Jan. t7, Feb. 9; March 7, F at tbe Christo'phrer Itn, Bath'. Solicitors, Mestsra. Y irciig and C lI ghes, St. ftlildieds-lcoaert, Pouoitry. .1. ...

Published: Thursday 29 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 888 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 6

... From Mte LONDON GAZEITE', Jan. 6. IBA\NKsRUPTlS. joieplh Akers, CharlSreter, Cfily Road, cern denler, Jan, Wia, F1eb. i7, at 6uitdliell. bolicitor, iMr. ItCk~awell si,,'et, Finsbiury square. WVilliamn btarkey, (;itter lIane, Cbheapide, silk mullitfac- later, Jial. 10, 17, b'eb. 17, Ft WiLdhallDI Solicinlr, M~r. JiIS, BHukleisbury. I'hiiip 11righl, eiingilgtenlanle, Surrey, ale-brewer, Jani. ...

Published: Thursday 15 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 544 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKEY' IIERAL. 1,) Co9: EXcHAsNoe, Monday, Dec. 29, 1817. se We tad a moderawe arrival of Wheat this ,ooriuinj fronu 11 Emes, Kent, and Suff21, and fine parcels were taken off iu re the earlv part of the nornling, on fall as good terms as this ir day se'imniglht; but at the close ofithe tarket .some quastity Id rm1aitied uasoldi apld these prices could not be obeained.- ir iArley twas in ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1245 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Dec. 27

... From the LONDON GAZE''TTE, Dee. 27.| ^X . - I -ANKlRUP''S. C. Shiffiter, St. MichaeI's-alley,Cornhill,, I)ec. 31t, Jan. 10, Feb. 3, at Guiidhall. Solicitors, Miesrs. Abboit and Virvahl, MAlurk-lane. J. DP' ies, VelIs. S.unerset, cabiiet.maker, Jani. S , 7.Feb. 7, at the Greyhlounid, Wilton, Slticitors, Messrs. Sind~s ami Co. Cranie coort, Flee-street. '1:. Iiind, Hem Hi ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 660 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... FOI k ET Ii PP A L D. Co-,,; EXCIIANq({E, Azlonitriv, Jail., IlJ, ISM'. Our mrtihert Irs been very scantilv si;pj)lired. kiji ejji, i inI gnlleral, saitce this day se'laligit ; a;d tie a;,i,;idl oll k beat| thits morilitg vwas i.IoderAe,e chiely truin Fssex ; tie qcalitly bova eer, bering lor tile ittost part rough anai itif cor, tlie sales a ere verv Iweavs, aid tbe irade sully be tioted ...

Published: Thursday 15 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1299 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 17

... From the LOND(tN GAZIE'IT'E, Jan. 17. * ~ ~~~~ ., w- - .. B A iN I R UJ SJ- J. iliasrnm, Ketrieshilme, CUsesnite, calico-printers, Feb.. 9. tO, tei, at lie Angel miii, tiiaccle iheld. Solicitor, Air. Ellis, Clatiicery.-alee. G. I'rictur, lrirrijiiighlatnriptiriti in Fr-b. 2, 3, 2n, at the R-ial li,,tel, lii,' ic nghiin. Soiitjc'ii , U e~s'a. Swaiat', stv venis, Daples, l'eurce, and ...

Published: Thursday 22 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 709 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce