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... APPIEAL- 02 AOURDER,, US1._ - _, - . r- - Thie Cotrt oi , iii.S 6 BeliBh yt.z>erdrv nruiln.a not- wilihstandiwg tile wer.erose ftt morning, was crowded by half-wist ifne n'clc'. a ct egtt thre a lvse~ at Atahun7t Thorirton left iZ eapartrlfsil he l6king's ?? Praison in a -ialc1ney tc , id , irriay d ht Weest- rnins, h-e cor(;tered into the ?? Ainde was pilaced at the har.-'3t i:, snid, ...


... -: . . I sT ; Oi NEI GHEI z.~ . . ~ TTl oAEYAE - s J M1J1e S&8%ltse, g IN: r, t, .t Lnr.7 G To flire Ztlit 7.qoya raibf~e 'leLaaw MAt'e.^>tt. arilci trle ?? Mateesty s JU~ti~eee .pr~eaidtTg ?? @rt-~cif e~dirAM % ' ~ele~t -at ile Old Blailey. We, t;e Gracf.aitrv of the tity-of Lrtrdor4 ?? tile re ea4 bile ovf sudrenat praeented toosb 'n datort and b6ti r ir fcrn nedleydte pa pero`' eh it r e ...


... OL)5 BALEY. Y 1eateeday FRANCOES Lr..n a female, aged 50, and S\ICAnS LEVY CQI r N. age d 42, were 'indi cted for b urgl aly in thle dwel l- ing-house of Jnbni Jeremsiah Sullivan,' irn Scepney, and stealing therein, ons Sunday, the 16th of 'Novembet, a number of articles His property. The husband of ILevy was transported some tim e ago, and from the 'defence made by Cohenl, it appeared ash was ...


... POLICF. *Ut.uNns-lo.'; ?? ?? W.its', wasN ; brcis,5,t bne ,: cb th Ma- gistrate's it] thc custody of the ('otistable *or-Si. .bOile's, Soeuth- w*irltiplirilra charge p~referrA by M~r. M'il. lli e;-, of Shad 'Ihaities, St. Johnl's, of assanltieog him. M1r. 1-ligler saidl, thiat the prisoner ha;d been a loriger inl his house for a short period;* towsards his wit'e he had lately actcd with more ...


... SATURDA V, JAN. 24. Appeal of Alurder ;dn Jioac,' of: Battle, A.SIIFORD V. TIIORNTON.. This bhing the lay appointed b)y thle Cour't ?? Thorn ton's ?? ulp to pollit I0his rclplicatioulo ?? CLunilltcliIea of the ?? it, WetlvlilkSi 11511 Hlll mu5 cirowied alt in carly lir li. b ?? of 'peFiotts, anxious to gett ilto Conrt to witfeisi this ww rts pP'- ceeiliii. A few oiuinutes beforte ICie o'clcli ...


... BXTENSIVIE' ROBBERIES. At the . Police Pf ice, Maribo rough-strect, on I Friday, John, alias,,carles Rosser, %as brought up foi1 exaniiiation,- carged with robbing various Nos hiit6llci aUdI oll'ztlellen fauailiee (with WhOm he hlI Ihed as butler) o: lbeir plate, liasei, furniture, ,sheetin~g, &c. to th,'lr amounti of serveral thou~sand ?? iim'es Aldous,' pawnbrokel, stated, that A' hist ...


... LAWS INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CH-ANCER.Y, M[OtJOAV, J.tS. 12. The LnOII CHANLECLOR, at half past ten this mnorning, c tinr. into Court, and resumed hi. sittings. There were a con~sider- able number of (Counsel and -iolicitors present. CON)DUCTl'01' SOIlCITORS. Trhe Loins (CIIA~C~LLLOR, in the case of 'frowvard, a Solicitor, felt himself hidispensibly bound to make some observations, though the ...


... POLIgi CGUr. wer- 4o0NDAY.A.A yoong gentleman was charged a [exi- Iith attactcing a party in a riotous manner, at t the end of the North Bridge, on Christmas night, to and of striking the watchtnan who apprehended a that him, and breaking his lanthoin. The defender's a a an plea was the usual one of drunkenness; but lie II was told the Moeegi5strate that was an aggrava- v tion of the nfflnceq ...


... THE TH EiS. E%~yg ?? OF THE IN1EltVIoiw BETWHE_. CONAST AND THE MESSRS EVANSIS A t HALL, ON- THE OCCASION OF o HE l, RELEASE. (From the Tihneo.) On Thiursdat the 1st inst. the above , ed persons were taken to Sir R. COnant', Wbitehall, in custody of Mr Watter, the and a turnkey. After waiting a short I, N! Nathaniel entered, and. stepping tow, ,id sen. addressed him in a low tone Is Evanis I ...


... FATAL J)iTh'l ti Ycterday Tsrgcsrsorset CYCALLAOIIAre, lIIOSSAS JO..i t't j'r's. LAN, and Vsr. Nr.wnoLa', were put ?? liar, tiectisati of the ?. Si wiltul murder of Licus. ?drnurrd Bailey, by shooting the said Edmund Bailey with a pistpl, or other deadly weapon, in a duel on Mends' last, the i?th Instant. They severally irleaderi Not Guilty. ? body of tire Cgurc and tire Galleries were ...


... GE.NJflL COURT MA)RTIAl Ait -a Gener: l Court. Martial held at MNontreals in Canvada, on the '21st July, 1817, and continued-:by adjolurnmenlte to the 5th of August oll>owing, Lieuten-. ant Henry Driscoll, cf the 99th Regiment, was arraignled upon the following .allegationl :; iZ,. For having falsely, calunmoiously; andl maliciouisly, tradiuced thc character of his Commaminitg Officer, Brevet ...


... SAta2UEr HACtRVY BROW,E, IS, was jaldicre- I fee felonliously; killing and slaying on the 13th July, T. Pearce, by stabbing hint, in consequence of wvhich he languished and died .;0 the high seas, near the coast of Labrador. M\r. BOLLACO opened the pleadings. Tlhe Arscor;Ee- Ga- NECrrL stated the case to the Jury. Henry Gililar stated, tha t he wvas employed by Afr. Beard; at Dsunaplirng ...