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Morning Chronicle


... atmosphere of pestilence, from which they have no ebeape. Wlhfeyer ivisits the Jails in Scotland will',, generally speaking, be forcibly struck with thiat destituion, which: Hooker declares to be such an inipedinient to virtue, as till it be removed ...


... her a person at the door wanted to speak to her, and lie had no doubt but Betty Clarke toldlher it was Willialm Aitchiwanted her. In about five minutes after his daughterwent out of the room to go down stairs to speak to William Aitch: he heard a noise ...


... negative the hand wtiting, it is vlot that fact, either alone or primarily, which the wit- tess is called to prove, but he speaks with absolute certainty to all the other parts of the fabrication, which iender it impossible that the note should be genuine; ...


... It is too much to call on me to waste my time, as has been the case this day. Let this be the last tinme I have cause to speak in this way. COURT O)F KING'S BrNCH, Nov. 12. CRIMINAL INFORMATION. The COMMssON SsaJEANT moved for a rule to shew cause why ...


... door, and one of them happened accidentally to touch if the arm of liMr. Edwards, one of the defendants, whilst he was ie speaking to a female. This produced some abusive language I ol both sides, which ended in an attack by Mr. Rees, upon the :1i marines ...


... where Gale Jones was speaking; and that AMr. Baldwin, the prose- cutor, had hold of him when lie took hins into custody. Mr. Lee, the I-righ Constable, identified the prisoner as being among the crowd near where Gales Tones -was speaking, and that he wasone ...


... various times, a green fender, a set of fire-irons, a feather bed, and a b'undle, containing articles to which lie could not speak. Cross-examinod-Witness was a milkman Iand was in his way to the milk-house when he saw the prisoner as he had stated; had ...


... :srclargc pr.- sonrs'r; tttd t'ie witness. Mc. O5usteii, wat s censuredvery nsiice' for ;iaadng :hn officels iat an error, by speaking a falsehood. 11r. (Justen Said lie wvas Sorry, hut it avyas quito. ats error wha~t lie Said. The evidence of Mrs. Goodwvin ...


... examined to prove that the sticks acd net were such as are used iii entrapping giame. Several witnesses were also called to speak to the character of the prisoner, and they concurred ii stating that lie was a inan of good temper and humanity. 'Ihe record ...


... very much intoki- cated, and drove so furiously, that she was afraid some accident would happen. I-e took no notice cf Ler speaking, but con- tinued to drive on. When they arrived at the Elephant and Castle, the coachman instead of stopping as she desired ...


... me, I should not like to be the only Lord who was to dlecide upon it. The Lord who usually attends I have not been able to speak with, but I will see hirt, and let you know in a day or two. Mr. NEWLAND-I understand that Mr. Horne has not got the order ...


... guilty. Ile sho rk halids in the most cordial manner with Weller,t his fellow-sailfferer, :rd thcn brth expressed rr ivirh to speak forI a moment with MIr. Baker, who has so IMildily visited thens iit prison. Williamis said to hini, U that God may grant ...