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Derby Mercury

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Dec. 1

... From thc LONpON GAzril TE, V . i, - 9 BBANKRUPTS. J. zoocrh, Pirmitsplijan,, brush tiakh r, Dec. tS, 19, Jan. 12, I t Ito Wf'W I lpqck InI, ffirqipingh1 . Suoipptr, 41r. Slaiptont, B. Irta IIghi gat. ii J1. Jam,II, Ncgtpre streer, I1sce trnij worsfed insnndaciturer, . Dc, 12, 19, 4:in. I V, at Guildlail. %oligitor, Mr. ' twtas, . klt'eu cuurt, Fel Iurcl strett. G.. l.'I rites, Great JaInes ...

Published: Thursday 10 December 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 524 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 31

... From theLONDON GAZE'rTE, Jun. 31. -. . -'n 13-n l I~V CT PI:P3I., l..wI I I -ANK'RUP'l'Cy. SUPEKRSED EV, S. P. Ogden, Leicrster, bosier, r BAlNKRUPTS. J. Buckley. Lssvrence la'e, wereinaemen, draler, Feb. 7, l7, March 14, at UjiIdhell. Solicitor, Mr. Wilde, Vaer- I wsic-hsquare, Newgate.street. I J. Crotwilier, Hsuddersfield, York, woodmlutriner, Feb. 90, L I, nt tIle %Wreljlgtinolin tu, ...

Published: Thursday 05 February 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 662 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, May 5

... From the LONDON GAZETTE, Alay J. IF lc BAN\K-RU lT'S. t, A. Spear, asingliall-sireei, merchant, Mlay 'i6, 23, June d 16, tit Gu ildli al. SnlicIturs, Messis. IBlunt wnd Bow man, Brooad-street r buildivig, 1. Speuice, Providence row, Facrkney, moercihant, May 19, e 23,Jmie 16,at GluildulIl. Solicitor, rir. Michell, Union- Y court, Buaudlstreet. .t J. Brings, Sculcates, Yorkshire, grocer. Mlay ...

Published: Thursday 14 May 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 458 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Oct. [ill]

... I :A L 4-th' LO ND A v ' trit t t. I- I , El A &MW DI IPTQ I 1I BANKRUPTS. J. lVhfnCrrt~ei~vctjler, 'Oct. #7,~ 1 Pere. f ec.i 1, at Galidhail. ISuliciior, li. Ilenouin, ilotterfie.streeli Va Fleet4treiet. to ; P. F. Le Bran, King.sireet, COV-Nt g.n'let, rIittst, Oct. br . ^4, NoW. 7, Dece. 1, Ut JUjildill. boIhcitor, Mi. DoiI sn, Saville-plac4 Bulfiglto-sitreclt. an 4 J. Ahibord, ...

Published: Thursday 29 October 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 436 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... AAXJEr I-JER ALD. Co])N Eirl treG RIt.Monday, July i, IlS.., TI Our'market has beenl wv!!suplslied witl ForeinW Ieat and Oats since this day se'nigiht. 'I lie arrival of WVI eat, bow- ever this otoring, ftont lEssx and Kent, vas very moderate, bat the trade was dull, and fine runs only supported last .. week's carrency.-Barley nieets a heavy sale, and is tile turu lower; but Beans alidPease ...

Published: Thursday 16 July 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1290 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, March 21

... from tAd LONDON GAZEI'TE, 2llarca 21. toro avNX'-RU IT'S. 'tI- 23 ~4. t ireLtnt, Nti,~.l~t~. iplaictois, m.flets Hulrd it k~t. Sitotit krto.' Lagncaithire, witr&'housegamn, April 4; ft. hC I biy.-, tit! tfitekDb li$a' at l~el er. ;Sqlicilors, Mesasrs. AMime lis a Itiu I'ar-Y. J etple. ib A. [flail, Olyrijitlln S'aflt~rh, dealer,- Magrch 13.831, Mlay 2,' tiue S'-at' SI;Iiard. Sulicit'ttsi ...

Published: Thursday 26 March 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1019 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, May 26

... Th')n I~tkheN 1g, 49GAZEL'YF', May ,26, -~ - BANKRUPTS. W. S ,toh rsu YrlirpthcyJn2, ' p 3~July7~ ~li~Angel lor), S~icllield. Sulicitor, Mr. 1.S I. Capies, iloihoi,,.ourt. IV Croo~ks Blackburn, Lancashire, farmer, Jujie 11.. 12, jul~i 7,,o ci te tirl Blackl3011 Inn, Bluckburn. Sulicitola, I Wi s asMiemd Polty, 'I'mple. S J. i~nIdgLi~sf Stujke, 1Nutihghanmshire, coal seller, June 0 ~, 9 Jai 7 ...

Published: Thursday 04 June 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1055 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Oct. 24

... I Fron the LONIDON' GAZETTE, Oct. 24. Sof B A NKIR U PTS. list G. 131prnjun. Chini-tt-errace, Lam~beth, aactioneer, Oc.0 2,Nov. 7, 1kc-. , ut Guildal~al. Solicito, Alt floso OW* Staple Jill]. lue.9. Willson, laithbotac-plaee, Oxfonrl.atrept, bookselle?, lentI l. 27, Now. 7, Dec. 5, tit Guildimil. Solicitors, Mtssrs. s Nidstill Cmt erill, 'I'itogtniostoit-larel. T J3. W A Sttuggg, Lime sirret, ...

Published: Thursday 29 October 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 992 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Nov. 17

... From the LONDON GAZE'lTE, v. 17. BANKRUPTS. ' W. Tovee, Extuouth street, Spa fielda, hoilder, NJoy. On A Dec. !, 29, at Guimdiul. Sojicitar, i4. W. aose, East. street, Red Lion square. , J. ;Y. Roberts, (ullegeWIJW, London, eheese-factor, Nov. !1, rcc. 2, 29, at Gdildhal. bolicituir, Mlessis. 'itchera I anid.Smutpson, Switbiiais lane, Lornbard.street r 1). WAard, Sutton coieney, SouttmamptIo1, ...

Published: Thursday 26 November 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 756 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... , Iv.4 - - .. . .. , ?- I aiocli-broker, Sept. 2iv,-:E Oct. r7,, at GuildhtilI' 5ulicit',,~ lVr.T 'i.Legft,',Wct-'d' street, Citeapside. P d '(. It PglEeter, 1,erfumvir. Oct.7. B:, 27,.ErCefenich's New t.o.i i,,Cheater. buliCitot, N1r. Bluti1lroad- lil st rt'ei,, itroodi. AT * 'V. Htelt, Cftotti tii,tol, bitulder, Stept. 169, 31 9' (Y c. 2i -57, at tilie Humtmer Taver, A,11 Sijitinb-loie, ...

Published: Thursday 24 September 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1777 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 3

... From the LOND9oN GAMIrrE, Jan. 3. BANK RU PTS. E. Ellis, 51,inchester. joitivr, J.s'r. t6, !7, Feb. 14, at the I lrid eewuaev Arns, Rlischester. Solicitors, Mess.s Adlirg- ton and Gregory, Bedford-riw. . V. N. r.1srbderm. Salfoid, Lancaster, corn d- aler, Jin. 16, . 17, Feb. 14, at Ihe SWba, arlclaebter. Solicitor, Mlr. Ellis, Chaancery aiae. W. Clarke, Sbeffield. mnaster builder, Jan. 16,19, ...

Published: Thursday 08 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 771 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKEY' IIERAL. 1,) Co9: EXcHAsNoe, Monday, Dec. 29, 1817. se We tad a moderawe arrival of Wheat this ,ooriuinj fronu 11 Emes, Kent, and Suff21, and fine parcels were taken off iu re the earlv part of the nornling, on fall as good terms as this ir day se'imniglht; but at the close ofithe tarket .some quastity Id rm1aitied uasoldi apld these prices could not be obeained.- ir iArley twas in ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1245 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce