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East Midlands, England


Derbyshire, England

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From the LONDON GAZETTE, Feb. 3

... Rom Ite LONDON GAZETTE, Feb. 3. IANKRUPTS. B ,,ighl, Stafford, bWker, Fel. 16, 17, March 17, at Mtesrsr. Coiiljic~ and lireis's, Staff'ord. Solicitor, Mrdr (askeli, Gra3 s irro: I ,onss,lBillings-lev, 1Jerefeordsihirc, corm dealer, Febh. 11, lf, lharctl 17, at tdi lil.,,lit i, Ilercibrd. Solicitors, Mlessrs. Dax, Sli. rnhfSteDIteso, )mkilby stcreet. J. Hanusa,. Soutshwlick, Suntilwlptoti, ...

Published: Thursday 12 February 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 523 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, July 25

... BANKkUl'TCIES SU13l'PRSEDVA). V. lapsco, l' momb, victualler. J. S. S. luokie, God ien iJne, crveesetuonger. J. Altworld, Oldhbury, Salop, victualler. IV. (onper, Fenc rihur-sntreet, merchant. 1'. llall, Ashborue, Dci byshrre, coaucht1trer. 13ANKIIlU PT. J. Cirlbourn, Puddijig.-hni, lishi-saiesnmin, Jify 218, Aug. 8, Sept. .5 att Gtuil~lldl. Solicitor, Mr. Bower, Clilfuord' Inn. It. Blal;re, ...

Published: Thursday 30 July 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1021 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, August 15

... I Orn thme LONDON GAZETTE, August 15. BANKRUP'TS. T. 11. Finley, Vhittle Hills, LIancaster, cotton manrafactu- rer, Sept. 5, 4, !6, at tile Commercial Inn, Bleltoti-le-Moors. Sulicitors, Ltssrs. Milne arnt P'arry, Tensple. J. Bentley ,oudt J. Beck, Uorojiill, enci-s.nakers, Aag. 18, ?9, Sept. v'', it Oildlldhall. bolicitors, Meassrs, Alayhew and Cith. Ct;,aruceey-Iatie. i oDIVIDENDS Sept. 5. G ...

Published: Thursday 20 August 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 943 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Dec. 15

... From the LONDON GAZETT E, Dec. 15. BANKRUPTS. 35 lVillianm and Josehl Wright, Alderaniubury, mnerchonts, 3e Der. 9, ...

Published: Thursday 24 December 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 514 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Nov. 3

... From the LONDON GAZE ' VEop. 3. BANli UI I'US. W. E Talbot, George-yuld, Locmburd sitreet, merrchantr, Nov. a nt t, 17, Dec. 15, at Guildfiail. Soticitor, Ar. Riclhardisot, F Id Clemenfs laure. I trliatrd street. a G. Fa*cett, George-yaid, Lomnbard-strret, paper.bralger, b i. Nov. 7,17, I)ec. 1*, at WaildbIali. Solicitur, Mr. J. Hurtir 'i Midlma:, street, B3etilordf-row. lis J. H. Yates, ...

Published: Thursday 12 November 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 795 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... , Iv.4 - - .. . .. , ?- I aiocli-broker, Sept. 2iv,-:E Oct. r7,, at GuildhtilI' 5ulicit',,~ lVr.T 'i.Legft,',Wct-'d' street, Citeapside. P d '(. It PglEeter, 1,erfumvir. Oct.7. B:, 27,.ErCefenich's New t.o.i i,,Cheater. buliCitot, N1r. Bluti1lroad- lil st rt'ei,, itroodi. AT * 'V. Htelt, Cftotti tii,tol, bitulder, Stept. 169, 31 9' (Y c. 2i -57, at tilie Humtmer Taver, A,11 Sijitinb-loie, ...

Published: Thursday 24 September 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1777 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Jan. 3

... From the LOND9oN GAMIrrE, Jan. 3. BANK RU PTS. E. Ellis, 51,inchester. joitivr, J.s'r. t6, !7, Feb. 14, at the I lrid eewuaev Arns, Rlischester. Solicitors, Mess.s Adlirg- ton and Gregory, Bedford-riw. . V. N. r.1srbderm. Salfoid, Lancaster, corn d- aler, Jin. 16, . 17, Feb. 14, at Ihe SWba, arlclaebter. Solicitor, Mlr. Ellis, Chaancery aiae. W. Clarke, Sbeffield. mnaster builder, Jan. 16,19, ...

Published: Thursday 08 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 771 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Sept. 12

... frm the LONDON GAZETTE, Stp. 1g. f BANKRUPT6. , G. Roberts, Marion, Sulop, walister, Oct. 1, I, 24, atthe ti ltXirdwras lirittie Inn, laulidtat. Solcldtor, Mgr. Bigg, Suutb- e :911,tOl1tti-hildiigs, Cltaictry lau I. Al J. Warburton, Iunoperley, Cliester, distiller, Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 124, at tie Uqsi, Maisuhes cc. Solicituri, AIesSrS. Ap. pleby mad Srrgeanl, Gray's Ion suilare. 1 J. Wilshaw, ...

Published: Thursday 17 September 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1026 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I. kt I' IfE1 -A D . Cdnrx EiclI&Atot. jondar , Jne etg. lAIR. .t', we irk ttlinly juppiied wilth ~141lliWha rdsdys . Ilt btte Foreignt Dtifialh c~nttiitwllg fill be lorge. the of trsdolis dull, orid thb prie or this dal i e'ttaigtt tire scarcely niattniied-T~ Biqy radeis~ crydulli but we- CatitOt ~ 10W ityu1I?5t~ilin the. ptice.-4ieais snd Pier,,. are scaorce, i Se anid 2!5. and Oi. peipr ...

Published: Thursday 25 June 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1171 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE,Dec. 26

... frum the LONDON GAZE'r'l'E, Dec. 20. ueBANKRUPTJ Ese ,id ZV lid . Broodbelt, 'Presiton, Liuteaster, corn) mrtirchrant, Jan. 1:3) Fure l 16, Feb. 6, at tire office of El. Ulkltal)-ror, -Pltirsrlrn. Solici- Supe Wigtt,. Messirs. Avison and Whieeler, Custle-street, H-ollborts. New. a Wi Peel, Bairsbavsrrtrnrlosait, Irrur. 9, 19, V'eb 6, Bye' Ly at Guildhall. .oiioa Bath Jaob~Bney air~ ~ thakil ...

Published: Thursday 31 December 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1364 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Dec. 23

... J. 1 ond, Liverpool, Iafelcuiral1, Dec. SO, Jan. 13.- Feb S, at GuildbIall. Suliciiur, MIlr. Hu1, Cbji5(r!IIs Lree1, Finsbury. squlare. A. Birute, J Brown, and G. Sclo, Londlon, army clothliers, Dec. '27, Sit, Ftb, 33, at Goildtall. Soiiciturs, Mtlessrs. Pice anld Willimllis, Oldsqiuare, Lilicolil's-ilm. k'. SiSoriiati, Bristol, 0lroipkeeper, Jal.. 6 7. Feb. 3. nt tIre Comnmercial rooms; ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 433 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Aug. 25

... Trom nthe LtSLb GAZETT1, 4g%. id. D T7 :A V M - BANK'iPTS.- F. Peinu,jun. Wiltbansito1,Essttex, plutuier, Sept. 14, 15, Oct. 6, at (Juildthall. Soficitors, MeWssrl. Russen rtnd Son, I Crown court, Aivrvgdte-5ttet. ' F Lear,Sairuod, 1arusfb-atiaker, Aug. 19, Sept. j9, Oct. 6, at Guilditall. Soldiituv, Air. blga s, Esiex-arreet, Stralid. '1'. Itiorata, HolReiitd, Aaigleka, imikeeper, StiPtL.1, ...

Published: Thursday 03 September 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 425 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce