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... THE RE FENSE. ABBTRACT of tde Net Produce of the Revenue of the 'United Kingdom of Great Britaiiu and Ireland, in the years ended Wit Ja0. 1817, and 5tltL Jan, 1818. Year eutdi.g CUeSTOnS. Jon. 5,1817. Jan; 5, 18(8. Consolidated * ._ 6,3Y06.44 8,3iS,779 Annnal Duties 2.498,201 2,87i,5059 War Taxes 1,008,266 - -: Total produce of Customs 9.,708,015 11,245,94 Excisa. - ?? ?? Consolidated, ...

Published: Sunday 01 March 1818
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 566 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Commerce 


... a Bxclt,&NGB _Fcb^d Ell a rOK' 0e f advtr et wviat ' A. iiwarhet, Y ?? 4!ct d^5_t~e on ~ C IM 4G -iji ¶O ilai bet i Of ?? wilit appeared Zbi S6 lvaC. F. , Yal bt, in . d fufn ,e ! sedb a e q were 0' ns ar -ine t.tis ds racE i?~iferior descti n ar c ilr ,4, OI Rioding 5~chasnir g in antticip .. s o ei 9,5 r DalB~in w--r per '27. ;;,fbt ~ ~ 00 st ,.M '°ofnte Bntof 8 ?? the td vat ~ 6:1 to ...

Published: Monday 02 March 1818
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 574 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... CORN-EiXCHANGE, Afark-Lane, LONDON, I lONDAT. Fer~uary S. We had a generally dull niarket for most articles, escept those of a singularly fine quality, after Monday ;I last week, but on material depression in the pricet of any except tick beans, abiut 2s. per quarter, and elover.4eed about Ss. per cwt. the latter in consequeneeofa heava arrival from the Cosnrinmit. The supPly of-grain X''a. ...

Published: Tuesday 03 March 1818
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 789 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... HULL, Maeh 2d, 1818. 1SHIF NEWS. AalRIVAIS.-MAt Joaiao,The Earl Fitzwilliam. Storey, from Norfolk--At the Cape of Goad Htope, The Victory, Braithwaite, from Bengal, having iprung her pumps.- At Grafrgend The Jane, Wood, from Hamburg -A$ BrrWiri, The R3mbler, TindaU, from Quebec.-At 0stend, The Friends, Maw ;-At Holvoet, The Charles, Marshall; both from London.-At Hamburg, The Thetford, Bouch. ...

Published: Tuesday 03 March 1818
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2277 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Fronm the LONDON GAZETTE of March 3

... Fronm ike LONDON GAZETTE of March S- BANKRUPTCY SUPRRSEDED. T. Vemables, of Union-place, Greenwich, merchant. BANK RUPTS. t' and T. Curme, of Briglithelmstone, linen-drapers, March .,17, and April 14, at ten, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Bourlillon and Hewitt, Bread-street, Cheapside. B. B. Cowell, of High-street, Shoreditch, oilman, March 7, 17, and April 14, at ten, at Guildhall. ...

Published: Wednesday 04 March 1818
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 496 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Feb. 28

... From the LON DON. GOAZMTE, Feb. 28. BANKRUPTS i., W. N. Wriglfltt, Stapleford Abbots, Essex, farmer, Diarch t4, Y.1, April 1, at Utoildhlad. Solicitors;, Ailesrs Evait and Ilirxor,, Ha) doit squiato 1M2iaitaites, W. F. Cotslord, tIpper Clapiup , pinnmber, Alarch.7, 14, Apriltt;atriuildhlail. SohcaiorDtir. (.tnell Winsley street, Oxtird.siects' John Hadeliffe, Chesterfield, Deibralrire, surgeon ...

Published: Thursday 05 March 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1002 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... COMlER1CAs 'G (iCuLTURS, MAXE7Y, S Than boor 1se '~nrionft Teshnel onrl Cn I . V,; The weather in England, Ireland, and Scotland, during the P month of Ftbruary, was' such as exhibited all the varieties, D frontthe most marked tempest to perfect calm, within a few R hours, but without any thing like an approach to settled storm. The state of country labour is ver? forward, except in wet ...

Published: Thursday 05 March 1818
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3396 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... uixfkkRpl ki: AL,. .7A.iXAS.AILA AL~ A-1 ~ - Coat; EciANWpil, MAladay, Maich Tz. 1(AiR. Our arrival ol 'Wheat Ihis vorrning was niode!afe. dIlefly 1frpil Essex and Kent, ai d Imr t le. fiaest runs aiearly I it!i] [ilie tewu were obtalned as I us day Se'aaatigL; but iaitirljd 'Barley remainis stem y at 'Out lust 41aulatiuaa, but othrr kiaids are' iAaer.-Ne~w B~ealis are jrosi11la. to Vs. per ...

Published: Thursday 05 March 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1159 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Feb 24

... JFrm Ike LONDON GAZETTE, Feb. 2,4. B1ANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEltED. 1VM. Kendrick, Daveitlry, Northamptonslihre, giucer. S.Cvolle, malatcllcsters hilst lualllifatusret. lo. ioplkits, Aldersgate-stieet. coviber, Iarch i, 14, April 7, at Guijdul. Soi'itilicis, 1Uealss. Buorgillwo hild Hewil, Iread -treet. sMH. rseiA ,'Church, sirree(, i're ;C~il bont attd shoeamaker, $dj. 2>8 N ri 7~^,5April 7, at ...

Published: Thursday 05 March 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 484 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

Prices Current

... 19rices Current I -- ?? I? I. I t r il1: 1' II r r 1: I e I I r g; I i 1 i I Feb. 28, 1818. B.P. Sugar, S. s. lluaco. brown ?? a '79 Middling ?? 80 84 Go.d .. 85 88 Good bdaiht . 89 91 Fine . .9 2 94 Very ne . ?? 95 97 Dabs and very.hir.68 72 ?? . . 38 40 B.P. Clayed ?? veflasin. Eiavannah, brown ..46 50 Yellow . ?? 58 White ?? . 62 72 -Brazil, brownfyellow4g 52 White. . 58 Fine ditto . 60 66 ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1818
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1172 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ., F.AST INDIES. MorarchW. Gascoyne, from Calcuttaand Capeof GoodHope. w Aith (trw . Calcutta) 3000 bgs raice 140f bales s haU d4o cottora h 530obagp gnger 482 bap s cai men t eed for 1. and R6 . Gi'uaIo _ S83 bags riceS36 bagn cocU indicus 9 casks arc 700 bundlel il rattans 1 pipe Madesra wine Rathbsnoe, Hodgson & eof80 bale cotton 33s bagc ginger Cswdleard ?? and .o.. l5D balese Exton ...

Published: Friday 06 March 1818
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1075 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: Commerce 

London Markets

... 'JIMontfou olarUcto. CORN EXCIIANGE, March 2. Our arrival of Wheat this morning was moderate, chietty frinm Essex and Kenit, and for the finest runs niarly tlic same terms were obtained as this day se' nnight; but inferior iunds ialet a heavy sale, at a lecline of full 29. per ?? Barley re- ainins steady at our last qtiotlstion, but other ii ads are ?? Beans ale from Is. to 2s. per quar- tet ...

Published: Saturday 07 March 1818
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 918 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce