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... OF THIE COMMISSIONE'RS' APPOI'NTFD FOR INQUIR- P] N O THR OB OF PREVENTING THE FoRaERY OF BSANK NOTES. 'TO his Roval W~ghnse96 George Prince OF Wales, Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland In obedienice to the directions contained iii his Majesty's EOmnussion, we proceeded, in-'the latr en of he m th o Jul at, ocnier the importaht subject referred. to us.: Ou~aft~istion was ...


... P O L I CE. PUBLIC OFFICE, Bow STREE-rX-Yesterday morning Williaimt Jennings was brought to the office uqon a piost extraordinary charge. Mary Conden stated that she occupies a back parlour, and a kitchen, in a house in Stewart's-renits; Drury-hane, and got her living by attending in the Piazza in Covent-garderi, at, an early hour every morning, to sell saloop, bread and butter, cakes, &c. to ...


... LAW LV7'N'L LIGEYFCE,. en COURT OF KING' BENCTI, JAN 9.P') * ~~~OAKES5 V. W5CIrGtN. i The plaintiff in this case is a gentleman of propcrty, 'who, in consequence of a report of the defendant, who is a land cur- lal veyor, had been Induced to sidvanee a large sum of nron~y in an purchase of an annuity, on the security of a certain estate. fhe ins estate turned out to be o0f much less value then ...


... ACCIDENTS, OFFI'S.NchS, 6_c. On Monday an Inqu eit was heid at Csmberwell, on thebody of Niss Jane Boechier, an inhabitant of that village. Miss Boo- (Aiier %vas a young lady of some propertly, 9d.had been li-ing t'r some time patl under the guardianshlip of fitr uiht. Dlrinr the early part of the Iait fortnight, her incle told her tba it hwa ids intention to plase her for soMe limne nader the ...


... OLD BAIL.E Yr BANIC PIOSECUTIONS. Yesterday TAjrrs KNnaHT, aged 39, was indicted for having fiar !. notes in his pocssesaionli he knowing the-rn to be forged. He plea-cd Guiity to'this ofTence, and Not Guilty to the capital charge. Ir. justice HloL1oV-3 admonished the prisoner to reflect se-. rln sly on what he was doing; because, if the plea was once rsaorded, the Co02rt would, on no acrmont, ...


... Hica Ceunr oP JUs5ctzAty.-On Thurselay week the Conrt. met. Tlue Lopn JixsrtcxCrE-CL aiddressed the Lord Advocaie, stating, that the C:ourt hxadheard with horror tie shockin aend disrracefol proeedure which had taken place on the-streets of this city on Wednesiay the 30th of Decemtber last, on the occasion of thie executio of Robert Johnston. The Court, before they felt thewselves disposed to ...


... The Lord Lieutentiant of the County laving Comn unicated to a very numerous hodly ofthtt Magi.strates, by tile d esire'of Mr. Coker, that his ill stitu of health no lunger permitted Iiinh to pieside umnioot therin:- . IlkwlCed Una~einiaoctl, That thle Magistrates, deeply imipressed, with a just sense of the advantage the County bos iuaany years derived from tile gieat uaility, and ilteflibhe ...


... lllaH- COUtRT- O ir-7ST1C';cAR I Yesterday the Coert nmeafor-tle.triofJass Wstkse,- for sheep-stcaling, .but, ,efore . calling the .it, 'the Lord Advocate tose aid read a report fromna wrtten paper to the folloxwings Purport o Indefesence to thie i'deir'e xpre~ssd by' their Lordships to be inforied. of ahe testilt of the inqlviry wvhich he had. directed to he n'huti5Ui'colscernihg ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT, TursDai, JAN. 19. This day Thomas Hague, Esq. was brought up to receive the judgment of the Court. It appeared that be had been remanded on a former day, for not having inserted in his 'Schedule an An. nity of 0001. which 'for the last ninle years he has received from the ice. Regent. Mr. B.Rusy, on the part of Mr. Hague, announced that the Schedule had since been ...


... WEX usINSTlR SEST-ONS. *TIlF, -ilNC V. LAWItEN(C .-vT rai Rll ari rt) h UST. This wns an appeal ,rom a ?? had onl the 17th Novemnber last, before ItL, Baker, Esq. one of the magistrates at Marlboroglih Street, vhen ?? Lawrence was convicted inl the peinalty of'40S. fbr driving a cart, co ntaining dust and tvhes, from (Carlton-house, and refuviln to asu render it to the person who deminandeu ...

OLD [ill] JAN. 15

... , OLD BAiLEY-rFLDAv, JAN. J5& iy,' s ,i J hN'K PiIdi ?? - . p Th's day J nmght was indicted for havinglive in bis-posses;onis he etetviaswi. thenm to be forged.r1 rI tSO ?? :this offence, -and Not Guilty to te espitel F'hds 3J.Grettn, J`Jones, rT Grosvenor, and '4 to jr -weresevcrallyarraigoed for a similar uffence ' Jn Mr Reynolds on behalf of the 'roaecuesea, r at instructed hy the Bank ...

111'O lIcE.. CmILnta

... ALL. On Nfonday Edmond Cliffiord, land-surreyor, a person of re- speciable appearanite, anid -pariicutlailv mild in his ipeechl and pi~nrerc, appeared to answer tke compfaint of Mary Ann Bailey, tIle wife of all attorney'sclerk iu Bisilop's-collrt,Chancery-laip.- 'rlie complkiiiant, a verydecett young wseman, said site was going up Fleet-street tibout half-ptst five o'clock on Thursdav week, ...