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... A2I12ElU6AN 1FNANCAS. We have now before us the whole of the p Treasury report, presented to Congress, by Mr' ci C(ra word, to the heads of which we alluded yes- terday. The nett revenue. arising from duties r upon imports aud tonnage, internal duties. dirert taxes, public lands, postage, and ihicidental re- ceints during the year 1816, amornted to le 56,743,574 dollars, 7 cents.; aind that ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1280 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... FROM TH-E LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Jenhinq,Whitchurch, Glahlorgan, timber.merchan Matthew Salt, Stroke upon-Trent,.Slafford, flour-dealer. *J'lomas Curgenvon, Truro, Coriwailtnkeeper. ' ' Gteorge Jackson, )ate (l Eastchuich, lle of Sheppy, farmer. Robert Cuolens, Maidstone, Kent, dealer in hope. John. Stanhurv, late of Barniataple, Devon, grocer. 'William Simridnds, late of Loweatoff, ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 61 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... 7AGRICULTURA, MARkXTS, Uc. - Tfie suppl; of'corn at 'Richmond 'iaricer, on SattrrJda se'enninlht was remarkablythin. Wheat so1d' froan 1(Jj. to 12s. Oato s; to4s. A6d. larley' 8i 6d. 'Beans &. to,9s. eawe Bs. to 8s. 6d. per bushe'. b 'At Darlington niarket, on 2&rind~j last, being fortnigl*- 'day; thiere was a great shew ?? catlend'shee;, 4aTes hbavv, prices onl the ' derlne. Be~f',fron ...

Published: Monday 04 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1589 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... , I V*NIVPRP-t?- '170J,3 ?? , , -i Contaunian the -Priceso- Mrehandize inX gineral FltDAY,; JANUAUT ?. hma,jper tob .s. £, *. GowA, iltrC -. ,, Brhisb S0tQa 0 Crd - l, O ao .koach,pet. 1 iea.a.0. ?? l i p e Ibtr3 a 3 t t , t P0thest .. a 0.4 Such ung 4 4 ! inferior - 0 a-0 Aep p9 r pqfl A . :Barilba Teneriffe SS a 9 O.0 Rog Rhine 51 o* ?? -larlhagena S5 D. a . D - Ouat, 48 0ao a .- Sicily 3.6 ...

Published: Thursday 07 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1809 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... . . . I .. I I .I. . ftTir? IYARIZETY, r., 4? a - K-, - , , 0 EASt-LOTMtAN. The weather dtimlg Ve oionitliContinuedduntommorilY mild~for tbe, geaS011 fur~though ?? as frest for alexy days, it nev'er * as io sivri s to interrut VtugliU1 t is evey W'kt ast A&VJdrilflSCt 4 htuiihe crop'-)has 'no c zyet &tff ...

Published: Thursday 07 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 916 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I sit. SFC)CI?S-IJAN. ?? RI 10-IJ. t Gov- Deb- SPC ?? P I - - 0-1? 4 ?? H 5 perC1~ t. Sto~~~k . Gov'. (c 6pe7 jnk b Sth~ pe ;8: GGrand. C. Loan, 6Jpr.. C77 ,stick S4* PrrCC' ' ' ?? | city Bonds .per ?? - 6 ' = C ?? _ ?? ?? ...

Published: Thursday 07 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 57 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... FROM THIE LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. F. l luly, late nf Bristol, baker. D. Wheeler, Croydon, maltster. I J cnkins, Whitchurch, Gtlamorgan, timber. merchant. 1. Sumner, late of Preseco, Lancaster, corn-mercbant. ; G. (..n.oiian, Norwich, mritster. R. Chambers, Market Rasen, Lincoln, currier. J. Oukrt, late of Charlotte street, London, jeweller. iS. Cater and J. Hone, London, warebnusemen. W. B, ...

Published: Thursday 07 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 211 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... * C I UtE~ -L * .t I - c 'ersbuidgT, iDer. 4. 4tuijrsr ;s now rather flat, but has been toler- ?? btrlsl until fhese'feiv 'wees. C-oarse wbl- lens. calicoes, :and mflanls,. have fetched a 0 price; affd in thelatt&r part of the surminer we, had o ery:godademiand -for!fancy-goods. EIafh, too,. of all kinds have old -well. Indeed, on~the' whole, every thing hasegonecas well as our mostV sanguine ...

Published: Thursday 07 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 360 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... 2RcICtfSTREi O OI.ETS, &, . CARSE OF bOw~iti!; . . 'CARSE OFiGO bWIS Ve-etation has hitherto met wirh little to interi'ij.j i gres. 'lhe.*eather .bas been sreire and critiirt pe m 'oue fith Anoot. A slight froat, bettwcen tbe l2th and ° 8h- of and since the 2thlas not as yet been powet ful enougtb tn che I that unutsua'dusih of verditre which the fieldridaevrf i ot eahibit,' Ervery' thing-(it ...

Published: Saturday 09 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1291 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... . G#ISttLUiRE,M4ARIRSi en. . . . ?? ?? .. h. m ,n. & van I ?? bo. 1.ol If Pw , 1^ ?? -2^n I Thbee wst a ot suppi bf grain iti lcibnmond'mnarhetl, onsatutday ae'ennglit. wheatsoldfrvnk 9e to I.61. Oats Is. to,4. 9d. Bafley 7s to 7s 6d. i3-ants..to9s. 6d. Pease! 7s. 6d. oSS. per bisiel. , . ,. ; ,; . At Durbam niarct, on Saturday fe'might, there was a large supply of whbat, *SI ...

Published: Monday 11 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2408 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDONPRZCES CURRSAT, Q01. I itsgin the Piceoef Mercaandize'ingeaeraa. fRIDA?,. 3At4VAI 8. AglisPertbn £X.s. :. i pere, I . d. , e Brldsih_ 2D Oa22 0 Curd, 120 OaO o .koachperc. I 12Ma IO Terperlb 4 . s.d sa d..2 z 2 5a2 i IPeabt 6Oa 00 Congou, S laS 3 : 0 ^-.inferlor -i-0a-o 0' Cnpoi 3 t a3 s k .Pot besit J. . S2 0a 001. Soncheng - 4 4 a S t5 .~-nferaor ?? hernperion - :, Barila~leneriffeSS ...

Published: Thursday 14 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1375 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MERE R'2rANUS. An Abstract of the net'produce of the Revenue. ' of7 GrhIt Brailin, Vxclu*jg n 5 h. Arrears-df. ~,Ar Vo alt 1iid Propert y, ii- thYeyas; ~1 .-art .e .ded!h an . 18 at 8 .19 .. .. t~pe, tive-Y. V . z~ares~aing Jan. Inereas Decrease _ Ctutoamse.L~w. 9,761,48(1 9,996,226 2S4,746, 'Excise.. ., 19,726,T97,22,894,450 3,16S,1531 Stamps . . 6,387421 6,891,270 IS,S49 ?? Post.Office ?? , ...

Published: Thursday 14 January 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 889 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce