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Devon, England

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... I COR N-EXCIHANGE, Monday, Nov. V0, Two O'Clock. There wias an abundant supply of English Wheat this mornilng, whicvh met a difficultsale, at areduttion of aboat 2s. per quarter for line sarmlples; the middling and iinfarior sorts remain ?? has declined 2s. per quarter in cansequence of large arrivals.- Boiling Pease advanced le. per quarter; Grie Pease maintained their former ?? Beans wver ...

Published: Thursday 02 December 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 525 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONDAY's LONDON MARKETS. CORN-EXCHANGE, AlMoydug, Sept. 20, Two o'Clock. There was a large siipply of new Wheat this morn- ing, from Essex, Kent, and Suff1ik, which expe- rienced a dall sole., at a decline of full 2s. per quarter Upon last Monday's ?? Malting, Barleys being, in demand were rather ?? and Grey P'ease Maintained last week's prices. Fine fresh Oats a ready sale, but the ordinary ...

Published: Thursday 23 September 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 581 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... ILONDON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20. THE FUND)S.-For some days past an upiufion has teen very prevalent in the city, that Government. in order to meet the temporary deficiencies of the re- Venne, ?? received assistance, by way of loan, from private individuals, and that this assistance has been rendered on the security of a newv issue of Exchequer- bille. The speculators of the mnoney-market, vbo ...

Published: Thursday 25 November 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1444 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONDAY's LONDON MARKETS. CORN-EXCHANGE, Mlonday, Jan. 4, Two ?? Althbugh we had but a smail supply of English Wheat this morning, aud that chiefly of land car: ?? samples froin Essex, yet the trade vwis not so brisk as ois Friday, but last Monday's prices were obtained for that of fine quality. The dullness ex- perienced in the sale of Wheat to-day, is to the ports remnining open for ...

Published: Thursday 07 January 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 860 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... MQNDA.X's LO-XION MARKEttI.S. CORN-EXCH.4NG, E M Sye Spt. 1is, 7Wo'aloeh. Otir market. wys ablandantlty' supplied with Wheat this eorniog from Rssex, KeiA. asnd Saeol0k 9en the quality beinlg a great deal: bet the ;-fwas expec~d, sales :wer~e':exeedingly heavy at fa :declioe fof-fll -5s. .per qnulrter (,n last Mlondayss-priees,-and *a ]arge qudntity remains uiudij sed of. Barle y fully. sup ...

Published: Thursday 16 September 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 511 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN-EXCHANGE, Monday, Oct. 11, Two o'Clock

... CORN-EXCHANGE, Alc'adily, .Ot. 11, Tno o'Clock. Our supplies of all Corn since this day week hare been very large, particularly of Wheat and Barley, with which-articles the market is glutted, and aithough a few picked satples of Essex Wheat sold nearly at last Monday's prices, all other descriptions are 3s. to 4s. per quarter cheaper, and even at that reduction very few sales could be effected ...

Published: Thursday 14 October 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 424 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... e EXETER Intended N-eiv A~iarket46 TE Committee, ippointted to watch over the interests of the Western part of the City, at tbey are likely to be afi'eted by the proposed New Market, did, notrail to notice the Declaration which wao .issued on this subject by the Chamher, ou the 294 No;- vensher. Their ouly motive for suffering that paper i# remain so long unaaswered was, thati as. the 4uestinK ...

Published: Thursday 30 December 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1415 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONDAY's LONDON MARETS. |: CORN-RXClAN Mo~a3y,, Sept.4 Bo pos'CAch. The supply ?? was very large this morning from Essex, Eent, and Suffolk, but the demand being trifliog, the trade was exceedingly heavy, and 2s. per quartek lower than on this day week, and only tbat of fine quality could be disposed of, so that a considerable quantity remained on hand at the close of the market. Fine Barley ...

Published: Thursday 09 September 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 664 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONDAY's LONDON MARKIETS. CORN-EXCHANGE, Monday, Aug. 2, Two o'Cloch. Our market was well snpplied with Wheat this morning, consisting ebiefly of what remained over from last week's arrivals, but the demand was very slack, aud what few sales were made, were on lower terms by full 2s. per quarter than were obtained on this day week. Barley is heavy sale, and from Is. to 2*. per quarter lowet. ...

Published: Thursday 05 August 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 782 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... ?? LONDON MARKETS. CORN-RXCHIANGE, Monday. Jan. 11,, Two ?? The supply of English Wheat this morning was very small, but having few..buyersat market, the sales were heavy, at a deoline of about two shilfing per quarter on last week's ?? English Bar- ley being in demand, 'experienced read~y ?? ing and Grey Pease, were mauch cheaper; lik~ewise Tick Beans.-There was a. small ?? of E33glish and ...

Published: Thursday 14 January 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 802 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... l MONDAY's LONDON. MARK MONDA ?? LONDON RMARKETS. *:XIIt-EXCHANGE, Monday, Nlozrch 38 Two ?? Oui tuatket. was pretty well sunplied with Wheat frodi Eisex, Keut, and Suffolk, ?? salt bf which was very beavy, and although lasbt Monday's prices were obtained for picked samples, yet bp6d the whole the geneital saleb wet6 at a reduction of fdrm Is. to go. per qu~rtehj Fine English Barley id 49. per ...

Published: Thursday 11 March 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 481 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONDAY's LONDON MARKETS. COR N-EXCHANGE, Monday. Jan. 25, Two o'Clock. The supply of English Wheat being but moderate . tbis morning,fin fruine fromEssex, Kent, and Suf olk, sold rather freely at. the prices of this day week, but 'ttere wva little or no demand for any sther description. 'Fine Barley also supports last Monday's.priees, but th les iewerefarfrom brisk; the principal consumers ...

Published: Thursday 28 January 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 579 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce