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Derby Mercury




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Derby Mercury

Tuesday's Post

... tX . tI1u'Igdflos J'?o5a. LtONDON,,MOXDAY, Dre. 1.3. W E hat1e received Pitri~ Papeis ofI'liursdav last. The' liesht ot' the. five Depetie's eltioted l y thle Untianier, as-canidiavts for thle office of Presideli i, his been siilltitittd'i loa the Iiiiieg, altd his ? Miceeiy lIIIs cliiei ezitit' -Ah( vet Pr-esident during tileht Sebsioti, aailil to fill lie dhieir. On WVednesday tile chamber ...

Published: Wednesday 15 December 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2305 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... bj'\:l Ui). 'A AND l UN DAY'S lOSTS. LoiM',N, SAiTURDAY, JITLY 24. y T 111 paris pieper§ of'l'ueslay last arrived onl Satur- t51 day narutmig. IThe law%, roltt ive to tilie abulition P ft it' floit Wi A ubainie is offic-ially published it, thle P 11lenite'5r. BYv tile tit st article it is etiacted, tiati thle aticli-es ?7i6 and qIEJ of the Civil Cole sire repealed it, clequeisqotct, 6nt ...

Published: Thursday 29 July 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2864 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

OBSERVATIONS ON THE Colonization of the Cape of Good Hope

... OBSPUNTATiONS ON TTIlE Clohni.aliott of Ilse Cape tf Coad 11np& Jcn calling thlepublicrattention tiltins moft important Mlubject, it may be expedienit in tile first place to -euquire, a ltethef vatde: tile pr (seit tircti lsttnices oI tile Country, labooring at it is utlelr the pressure ofano a ~K~e~i~e 10(1daily' iIWl-Rit.sioo I Opislt hio, Witlijut -Suicwielt einploviyitellk, aiii do~ll t ...

Published: Thursday 01 July 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2838 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... , O 'V I The public meeting on Monday last was most respectable, as might be expected from the number and character The public meeting on Monday last was most respectable, as might be expected from the number and character of those who signed the requisition. The Mayor having briefly alluded to the occasion of the Meeting, he was requested to take the chair. The Rev. C. S. Hope moved that a ...

Published: Thursday 14 January 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1440 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SA'TUR DAY AND SUN DAY's 10,STS. Lox r)ON, SAstUiDYu , MAY 22. ,iIfE Paris Papers of tIle 19th instan, arrived this iJ l ruaing. 'ileey continue to circulate reports of -, iris' alerts nle in~g bettween Russia and Swveden, tile l citer wf omivii, it is said, has reqlested the inediation I 1 ' id 'ilhe Chinlaher of l)eputies is occupied WHtii tIe Ileport of 'te Cummittee of Petitioiis, but it . ...

Published: Thursday 27 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 706 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

To the Editor of the Derby Mercury

... 7o h the Ji11u) of lie Derby Mcrcijiy. li Ssitr Paperoftlhe t'tth inistailt, I saw aniotier letter froni 3titt o ucrrerpouidet tlie `RoAClCAt. FAAILSrti in which lie iit'ililiti tspihew ihi' tili ii * ll? itili ivtresly vwhich I hiul Priiposc-'l rr tie pi ('esilr ptisttesscs il h' tbe cd eiilmrs of the soil. llr adttins til esisitevile vif aill'tl elii hiti I ade slaiedt, bit 5, ills io ...

Published: Thursday 27 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1166 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... pOSTSCRIPT1. -- A. .. I.i LA )N DON'. 'ITVESI I \ . I. M Y 4. I;l E - IIIJ Relsort of tlhe Committee of Snilpply, Lor, Ialli tl555 5ie krtt5 Eviilt aleS. --,1 ast I siglh seblitssedl ( lit ii S~iIIC )I; .Oshlt~iis~ asintt after toe 'isriolsi uocIted J.tim tt> 9 ll'riIOe c isiriraljoss of 0he Pasir citiliemesti Bill was Aft Is-C AiUr, S. BoRSE-btisIC) this (ienslli (AGCsCN tile rit ...

Published: Thursday 13 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1029 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post

... - ==== - O t. Y'weslezu -S lot. WIN ION G A ZIWItE SA t SOA Y, MlAhCH 6 X JE rccev-ed . Dutch NI-il tihs tturiiingsbringing V I Ipersottwe6thkinmt. AnisaticlefitunBrussels, pbich states tha t Bonralmrne's c(ok had lately arriived there frotm St. 11elena, says, that U ftlonlifarte ±inI very glooanyt and hins chief occn,,;.tion appeared to be the arvan;etnelit of his Mlemnoirs. * Utten umtio ...

Published: Thursday 11 March 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 558 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... !(itfoM TJIE M,&IChESTE CIUONICLE, .A gust 28.) Ma Iny. pers is baye been lediifto very hostile feel- in,,s against. the M icsteir aud Salfuid X Yeonarnw 42avalry, for alleged crtelhy. in the execution of their -arduous und unzplcasetnt duty djrijig the last wetk. l'Te 4110St shalad~eM nwtnodveions h'vokeeiiuttered against, teiet. tby tie N Iesspapiers, aind thesL I.Winlaldversions bfiveled ...

Published: Thursday 02 September 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 972 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I(from . is's $irnming-ham Gazette, 41ondaqy Jily 19.,) .. .. . . . . . .. I . I AMEETING AT NE H.ALL HILL, f Birtriiighlatn,'savs a London paper, has corn- ,nenced the worlt of rdfi tin in a very simple, and it mofnst be confessed, conmplere way. lIO one maoielit a public mleeting invested tie town'; with the tight otf sendinv I Member to Parliament ; and vithlont waiting for the ...

Published: Thursday 22 July 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1798 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

To the Editor of the Derby Mercury

... E . ., Go M;rcury 7,o !tIic Ed~itor o1f thC.e; Dei 31crc'C7;y.. still, d I i , T certaiaily dii not intend to have again tres- -1passed aspen yiiut gooditeas hadl not the IPRACTICAL FAniMER i t inrt 4a asimi r, by lis last letter, compelled mue to speak oice i3a 1 innre bri fly on i.te sui'jecl. Ry ashat strange maethod he has f. c listrued flie nie!iig of. moy lst lettecr I know Din it mlat | ...

Published: Thursday 22 July 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 614 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... luau 'j~t N.)-- mollI TI'lEA;SON. MA.NCICSTER, I)Ec. 7.-Ott 'VedneSday, JOIn Kniight (the Ra'(dicel Veterean), waDs apprehended bv D irti le oD a Warraint friom the Secretary of State, anil p iroitlit to the New Bailey; and onl Fidav waslful!y ci cm~inittel to LnncaStei CCastle, upon a charre of i'H Ion M T.EPsois . Alr. Nadin set out w.ith hllin, at noon, K scrtirely ironed, in a chaise and ...

Published: Wednesday 08 December 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 652 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News