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Derby Mercury


... 0 A DS sA,rlURDSAY AND SU1NDAY's POSTS8. Lo~D?~,Sfr~ltAY, ii Y l. (Iktnme L LONDON, Svrijr-DAI MAY 5 1of 119 - L received last nighit the Paris Papcrs ofj No it 'Diuesday last. I'le cmil of Cant iilot aind now pv ;J r iier bwo are charged with :ni atterri pt iiga inst thle Weel Dii ~f tie l)tuke of Welltl-ntoti, commnreiced oin ~onday. parties I iowit nesses have bieen suninioned onl this ...

Published: Thursday 20 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2953 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... ANNUt7SHEJMW OF MPRINO SIlEEP.. _, : . . - . . .. - I . .1 11 I .. !Thecoapapnyiassenibl iedon W ednrl tayaeMr.Saridlee's f yatrd, was numerous ,t but there Fere only a few pens a of sIeep shewn tbr the preniuis. Amongst the comn- I pay present, were Loid Dupidas, Sir J. Sebright, Bart. .2 Sir Gerard Noel, Bart. C. C. Western, Esq. Al. P. John Fane, Esq. M. P. C. T. Towers, Esq. and niany - ...

Published: Thursday 20 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1138 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I -11- P6STSU 1,. - - L.ONI)'N. i AU .i)AY, APRITL -27. en' 1~pVCUE' fontflol~lV,,ditted the. Wt of I SATCHGIES !;om Bomlhfavy Altrtl 1t fo n j)ccetttieri . have beel) reeeived at the India So . At ttitdate, perfect tranquility precailed i M T~rhe Paris Papers of the Q.4th, Saturday last, arrived * *.l'thebatepo e second project of the law t IIY to'ibeaode at prnsetl itoffieces of tile Presi, ...

Published: Thursday 29 April 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 844 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... (Fronm the 31anchester AlercuruV) .POF THE RADJCAL jUEFOHR E aA ETIAG. Nl M `A tsSTrn, I4.'l udC .Augast1t?-The events of nesierdavy *i irnig down' upon theintme bf itht, and his accomplices, the deep and lasting execrations of U.wiyia sorrowiing filgily,' tnd of the well-affected*' members of sdbcietyat iarge. With a factious perverse- ness peculiarly their onn, they have set at open defiance ...

Published: Thursday 19 August 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 890 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... poSNTSR( Tpi. , A .\ vI ' ll l - \ L I I I LJINDON', 11 ,SIKMlYV JAN.- 26. . ~ ~fE pioc~' b;l101 ill both Ilotiyse or Faklia' a,,l, e, l ight, vier Cr,' iii rkride'retle iter-st. i I It. c ~ ',r~t' n I idtire 2arl (it' Li vitir'trot tbrouigit ilabill lor 11rr' 0%ait l~ SrI lgitileI.5 tule Didi'r ii yoLitr Tire co 1- Ia of ni\iAli, XAJ l 1'0 5.icivd( Ier',sui, il Tih' sam~e trials id$1:. hii ...

Published: Thursday 28 January 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1364 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SEDITIOUS lfEET'lINTGS. 'ssf BLACK it'P.N.'-e'W Ib-tve to fepord an attempt, ly a i lRelorin Meeting in this town on Monday last, to push u- rebellious feelings into more estenderl action. 'Ihe i ed experiment, however, to the lasting credit of the inulus. trious worklmen of this loyal toten, eatirely ikiled. oftbhe li intendedl effect. They have proved themselves too e. wise to iLe imposed ...

Published: Thursday 15 July 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1445 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... (FRnO) TIHE MAYCHESTER AIEiCrUry, AtUOST .i.) A Frieid at Lancaster has apprized us tiat flunt, Knighit, &c. &c. arived at the Castle, about five-o'clock on Siii urday nioriting In the course of the day, tvio individuals, (.Miessrs. Chapman and Gruady,) whO hiaid been receiied as bail for Hunt aindliniglit,-at. outaNew Bailey, an4 carried frorm thelinc aii order for their liberation, reached ...

Published: Thursday 02 September 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 940 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IVI US.E OF LORDS, Mondaoy, Jan. 25. The 11arquis Of I.ANDOWN itstjtma!d, dintt wl~eO et tile puttels ;vl~ici#libe had, litst Sessojui, moved for ats toi tse htate of tihe priwans should have beetir presented. hle would Artiste tor the apipointalent of a Cio,oimiuee toi talke thens into di, teasiderastzot. L.ord Si (lito-YI to said it wals has own ilitelitiOl i, I1, prop1ot silel ag Committee. ...

Published: Thursday 04 February 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4543 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... sA'i'rURDAY ADI) SUNDAY's P1TOS'.S. fo r LONDZEON, SATVURDA.TV FE1B. 120. fo -I111L Paris Papers, of Wlrerinesday. last aririve'd this .loriring. 'We lookedr finr themn wdifi th mor~e because in roiloor prevailed yesterday,, that.f jue ieiehad ar- rived fromn Paris, stating that serious fr o~trtc~ilSwere entreiial~ried by the yh~sic~irns of- CU oi XV .That lie V hetnd~ tmiii~j~ ie, hiteig.~~ ...

Published: Thursday 25 February 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2909 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... j. - iscutpT . . J_;0NnD0W, TUE'SLIM OcT. II2. p[F M Al XN Papers bromht b3 the Ihail mh'tgh Mai. | I arriveil tlfi lllori~l soklstanc e ot h f , Iitwrli e~tivees ?; Nli towns 11141 Dvitt tstUI', lid o ~tilcftittetwtrtdrsh-trIitien, lultI,~l fllo)zeublelrt,' tlt{~e'^ has't~g partictpitiid ill t1If d-eiatotraite zintri . '8 \ tave ieceivve§ t~the 4ist PtipetDS Ul -Frirlay anrf 4W tliidly nilt- ...

Published: Thursday 14 October 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 761 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ! | 'a 1 a'Tld 4MvNI &; t.r' IlJ 1 | & .co :_.i IBMAsOl,~ cl~f I1 f.~ ;t 1A L NIh i 1 f j - LU _ - - f - - S . - - S 1 Te fi 6, ili tvarticulars otre eatraq;ed.-kinrl 'the e YeSte'O iv, tie vclerges agilinSt iAlltt ald his rns- I paniiii iiisnderm'eot a specil iat' ti g'itiow, at the NewI Ii i~leV t it ioon, Coethi'e tidi; Nortpi (chinrniwis) . Iaa1143st respoict ihle Belicti ef ...

Published: Thursday 02 September 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1259 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... |ERRIIGTI1TTON to the CAPE of GOOD ROPE. I 1; TIhe fcllorvsing itnportafit Leetter conttins ti Ternis 5, on which Governtmeni, proposes to etncourage Eroigra- I Y tion to the Cape ot Goud H1opes- np wt 40~~~~~ Dewnaiirg-vreet, ~tat 1s, s Lt * I have to acquaint' vou, in reply to your letter oe fiie t i , that the lollovitig aire the cilnditions nin'der wbith Sl le it is proposed to give ...

Published: Thursday 22 July 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1304 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News