... ATTEMPTED MiRDERD. nThe neighbobrhood of Skinnernstreetj 8nowhi1I; qrp4' :on Thtirsdav evening thrown loto ast e;oflconvidewidb1e borror and Alarin by a scene~oftA-.trilly tragical nature,' ,which pvans exuibited atthe Saracen'sHpad.lnn;arising out - oftd :folwoiving :,circumstancey-r-About tweWv& . anonthn a, the wife of a but;her of,, A njnerof enVry Stt i on business 4N o rbeI4avrow, Pims. ...

Published: Tuesday 17 August 1819
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1853 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 

Yorkshire Summer Assizes

... i.-u xmn- -j. .% I- , e 10015tio. ~ i~L~ap~trt strn,, 3iii:su the elder5 Re-. W BltilietLE, ALZEX. MATYKER. WAA. MATe~k RtitON, Wms. ids cuecited, an eztriordillsry degree as interest, b' bth inthlf7 o or . in -many .Pantw of the tE Couny., 'The rqweerabitity of several 6f the parties, and ~r the niovelty and importnCe of a Cause, *hIich invsolved no ~ les tnsusabpowr of tbe law to proetict, ...

Published: Tuesday 17 August 1819
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1464 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 

Law Intelligence,

... w IntelliqmCco - i ? , , .. -- King's Penac, April 20. COS?!RACY. V. D[YERS, LEVY, NOLPE, KINNEAR, t glgc- AND OTHERS. Gerneqystateds that this was an indictment against 1ryefs LewisLevy, Mozely Wolfe, John Kinnear, X others, for a conspiracy to set up certain per. f on flctitious credit, to impose upon the public as I t, The learned Counsel described the conspi E le of the most mischievous ...


... I MID SUTitR COUNTY QUARTER SESSIONS. r .Ntefes to Corresvwoadcan*6.1 - [See oar Notices to Correspotadents.'1 These sessions commenced-ois Monday last, in the i Court room within the Towihall, before an unusually I e full Benchl of County Magistrates, Edward Bootle Wil- I brahain, Esq. M.P. Chairman. The calendar contains 3 thelnomes of 50 prisoners charged with felony, 35 toith misdemeanours ...


... AS SIZES. At Northampton, which terminated oit ThuYaday, R. Lilleyman, for setting fire to two ?? ,'wes condesiecd and lefi for execution. * - SALISt URY.-BarnIi Graham and Mr. Justice Best; arrived here on ri*aturday eveninkg, and immediately: opened the Coninfission, and on Monday at nilie' o'clock proceeded to the business of the Assizes. On the Crown side. the business is light, anfffbe ...

OLD BAILEY, Monday, December 13

... OLD BAILEY, illonday, December 13. SENTENCE ON THE PRISONERS. 'TIh whole of the trials having been gone throngh on Saturday night, thc Court met at eleven this mmning to ?? judgmeltt upon ithe several convicts, nearly 200 in number, when the awful sell- tence of deatb was passed upon the following 28 individuals:- Balt. Phillipps, Robett Miles, and Hen;y Tosvle, for burglariously entering the ...


... f SAR R 9 F go ,NO-7J E . i ebyefore thefi Lord Mat-rEfuTheIalaCId f iceled oanr . ., ?? j he , 'n~l*SzisiS,#t~i2.0nsi~er at lnle vidvdal ,iwas again Yakeb-iftO 'ustody an Frisas ab HavtIenin}.g, ti're6' ?? alr>. ;'wa 'erttrut. - ptr, ;~ ~~ ~hb .nr a ni'n vog -enr e & s3 1p ah4ai4 ,ffve. o 1'ckc 1 p I eo i.g! to sel . nsowf. tle.-c~a~ute dhioff bs arrest w.Jhe: warrant was ce . ptodiced ...


... ;IS. FO S D ?? FOR USDITlON. . Thefolowing is an account of what passed shen seeteitc'e was pronounteed on Bagguley, Druuia0nd, atid $obuiton, on Mozday last:- On ltondav moroing. the Attorney4feneral prayed the 1 judgment of the Court op the three defendantl-. Chief Justice, to the prisoncrs.-You- have a right fot j to marke any objection to your trial, or to the jnlieimtdictm previoui td ...


... . PON-TEFRACT 15EljS71Q-Nl',- Ty'he I1cu. Jamecn Archibald Stu-1r- W'OrtIcy, Ch-a11r n I. -h If)Iu~illqht Magistatci iteslc uponl tile besnch :-Sir iFrilcie- ~ia~ley \inoliart. thle Re .: ltobt. Dijritay Witfddilove, Dt. D. ; the licv, John JOwe; tile Rev. 'eIt %ood nod Wili. 11citt. Hay, Clerkis B~leni. Itroolsbi sk, I tgit P'arker, Tito. fHortilo, L~lfa ~C thewe WlIsOin. liien. Dcaltry. ...


... i N IL AC Si R A' SIZ ES.-T-w cda , Scl,. 7. On Tuesday evening, about half.past six o'clock, Messrs. Hunt, lKnigit, Johnson, and Moorhouse, ap- peared in CoUrt topplead to the indictmentfound again-t themn they all traversed until the next assizes The other defendarits, who had bern pleaded, and who were in custody, were then ?? thepurpose of br-illo admitted to bail. The indictment was not ...

Published: Saturday 11 September 1819
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1020 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... OF THIE COMMISSIONE'RS' APPOI'NTFD FOR INQUIR- P] N O THR OB OF PREVENTING THE FoRaERY OF BSANK NOTES. 'TO his Roval W~ghnse96 George Prince OF Wales, Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland In obedienice to the directions contained iii his Majesty's EOmnussion, we proceeded, in-'the latr en of he m th o Jul at, ocnier the importaht subject referred. to us.: Ou~aft~istion was ...


... OLD BAnE PSESSiO. -Saturday PItLLirPE CADAS alizi PtrinAEe.T,'spis At' sw TRsEstoass,. and Louis AMAND CLEU.&NSaAC,' were .rnditqeA for having brought. Troi Mosaamhique, in Africa, to ishe l Nad of 'Mautitius, certila npersons, to besdldaii~slatet-- The A'TTORwxv- GnsAaLn.stated the czs;'and thelAW asap. plicable, to the Juwy. - 'G.'T. Brodley, in Febrtiary, 1818, iasa mlpidshimain ,of the ...