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... Domestic—The following Bulletin was issued on Saturday week respecting the state of his Majesty shcalth. Windsor Castle, .tf.i* I.—Hi* bodily health continues Uc good, ami generally in cbeert'm but his Majesty's disorder i> undiminished. appears by a parliamentary return, that the amount Exchequer Bills outstanding on the ath ult. was only £41,014,600, being above 18,000.000, less than it was ...

Published: Monday 10 May 1819
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2223 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Domestic—A misting bonkers, and tntdens was held at the Lcndon Tuesday, considered potato been to trade general, dtT»csstne value and to injure alike the agriculture, trade, and iif United Kingdom. The Room was crowded at ofte o'clock ; Hvint, and Pearson, Wooler and Major Cartwright, were present : before Cliatr 1 thefornw^ but was soon silenced by the expression of thecontempt the comnanv. ...

Published: Monday 24 May 1819
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1443 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

« N fIUATRK, the SANS PAREIL.- -l^-rvKFIT of Mr. STUCK, Box-keeper.-THIS set* ° -r vi «.(. will be pre-jeoted, ..

... time these St Burletm, called THE ANIMATED '',«•*. r«hi_h the interesting Melo-rtramatic Ro- tSr^S ROBBER: or. Statue in the Wood. ' d TBI- l *f In ,he course of the Evening avariely ?? I'- S j_L« Mr. Ride way, of the Surrey Theatre, iW. IM fi,cd Hornpipe iv Eetters. The whole to h, l*lefevourite Burfetla. called THE -DIrVNER W V,n\ Vincent, Mr. Stebbing, his first aod only •rtOtlW ?? . ...

Published: Thursday 01 April 1819
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16540 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? U^ltE« VUG' (s»d: f^OitnH Esening), - Kfc f** LtireUm* *-■ Comic Ballet, composed by ■>« f■? APS AND ..

... I B& rr aj' j ?? Caledonia* Romance, in Three I ssBsWH-yBB 'OF MID-LOTHIAK: nr, the I sV'iW f ?? j! T.» cimdude with the ?? Ri* SSJT Bo*r« H. PH 2*. ?? & #•** KP IMP to be opened at HaJf-past . ssf.i l»!'*r* s i^if-oasi Six. The performances tw con- Rs» at JK?K the Boxes to be take, at the ; Kst (of whoa i-'ree. AdmissMins may be X «* f i XK W*t*n*aged ?? and *V the ac ?? I t -vYeii-erfi ...

Published: Friday 12 February 1819
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16604 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ASTLEY's, Wpst- j ?? „•--» -Under tbe Patronage oftheir > r fee Ret-'ni ?? Bake of York.-TH IS c*

... lt ' rtU,«i*K LveiringK, a. half-past Six o'clock, M>- ?? , ' n d Historical Eqncs.riai, Melo-Drdma, ?? T A QUr.LN of .he AMAZONSI Hyp- HV JJ| ?k , A,„r./i..s. Mrs. Asi ley. In tbe course of jarfi .*•.■■ n | piocession and Public IVironation of. *- a Tr w Comhat in .he s„|,erii War Chariots. fi. l . ,ia ■ lhe fastle , and fiaal defeat of the Rebel j yj_f. ril '' : ?? n( | „ill. vi ...

Published: Wednesday 05 May 1819
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17588 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? of lb* Right Hob. the Cdantass of n * I rv THEXTRE.-THIS EVENING will W' _.nted a Comic Borletta,

... in two acts, called #*£n% the FOREST. Cesar, Mr. locledon ; Lo- JflS .niain who wiU introduce the popular airs of > M ?? n ?? « soldier Tir'd. After whicii (75th ?? ular Bowmce of THE HEART >'Sll,. or, The Lily of St. Leouard's.-Boxe* 0L ...

Published: Thursday 13 May 1819
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15812 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

W^. minster Bridge.— Underthe Patronage of theie Rovil ?? '.VeTin^:r ,r ,d f)^ c ' ,f viStSaS . W, EVENING

... M ball-past Six o'clock precisely •- Ser-o -comic Et-uestnan Piuitomim called, the Life 1)2 -md K^oraiuM of ibe HIGH-METTLED [Mr -n .11' ?? Ume tbH season Mr. Aver, will co tbrongl various so. Mis^g Exercise, on Tuo Hoise* A Comic Song, by Mr y the nnia. „f lhe Hying .l^wUl^fi^^SS^S 1 . htult a,id unequalled Leaps, without ihe aid of a snrin- bo-?rd Zie?n'fT! X l * w ?? Th. ororte to ...

Published: Wednesday 25 August 1819
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12686 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

eaeepted, repeated till further notice, Thursday QAI.LFR'S WKim T fne . , 25 ?? (Th ?? T ! {l^ and

... following latnmem coeii^nci^ * Sk^uSUFnlt ? «««• ] * ?? Locksmith. : e ailed I O Vr^^ro* I ; i ?? ° L ^ i ?? the las, Sj ?? /\ L . °\ E: * s IKATAGEM._After ••»»«» THE FATF^ «?&[!. ?? Mr * Nicholson -ire*e^ ar.d iiecorafJJJ ,)u * n ?? *-»linew scenery. machinery, I HUGS Ui.lß— T c Jl „.7, ,J | Mr - ?? ''-»- calle.l the Water, rep, ?? ' in.l ,1° of ie exhibited on Ucal I ihe'Ore^, ...

Published: Monday 26 July 1819
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18439 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Nobility, (.entry, and In- ?? H l , ■ii'iiu.nd and its viciniiy, for their kind patron- >:' ?? Night; and although the pecuniary recom- ' l,jj)i degree gratifying, yet that afforded her le-s ' ' . ill. '• _ei.ero.ts approval thus shown, that her ef- .jr ?? ; if,- -a liberally appreciated. ■7 mi his powerful aid, the Manager for his kind •„!„- up the Piece, and the Performers collec- -s'L j r. ...

Published: Saturday 23 October 1819
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13307 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

i.OKICON. TO-MORROW,' performs a SELECTION «f MUSIC or. ?? \. commencing at Two o'clock, in which Mozart's ..

... Giovanni; Air, ' Air. Non piu andrai, Mozart— Glee allcott— Mr. Purkis's Divertimento. eoii-> ! ot N\elshAir3.&c--101,St. MartUiVlane. fERLOO ASS m I. Ut ROT3MS: mall. -THIS EVENING. Friday Nov DRESS BALL, which will be continued lesriay.and Friday, -thronghout the Season. . bythe most scrupulous attention to pro- to merit the putionagc of those Ladies and ibem with their company.— Suppers, ...

Published: Friday 19 November 1819
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15255 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

* be LET, BY PROPOSAL, T KOII A TERM OP YBARS, .(t /„ on at the usuat times next

... ?? Spring) , lba t TITHE- FREE ESTATE, situate, I ivm:. « nd 6oio * at He, ** ck Tsnhisr, in tbe - *j D' rtiifT. ■-* 'he county or Westmor- ■rf. r ,, 0 ,i.-iing of one good Dwelling-honse, nsicsi ?? o,h r convenient Outbuildings, ' „j G«r*en ...

Published: Saturday 30 October 1819
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10893 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ROYAL CIRCUS and SURREY THEATRE.**-- THIS EVENING June the sth, -till be performed, sixth tin.e*i an entirely ..

... -dramatic Burletta, in Three Acts, taken from Ijtdy Morgan's popular Romance, •ailed FLORENCF. MACARTHY; or. a Tour in Hibernia; with characteristic Music, new and picturesque Irish Scenery, new Dresses. Decorations. See. — After which the very popular piece of DON GIOVANNI. Don Giovanni, Mr. 'Huntley; 'Dim Guzman, Mr. T. P. Cooke. rpHEATIuTuOYAL, COVENT-GAKDEN.— JL Mrs. GIBBS respectfully ...

Published: Saturday 05 June 1819
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 23493 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds