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Law Intelligence,

... w IntelliqmCco - i ? , , .. -- King's Penac, April 20. COS?!RACY. V. D[YERS, LEVY, NOLPE, KINNEAR, t glgc- AND OTHERS. Gerneqystateds that this was an indictment against 1ryefs LewisLevy, Mozely Wolfe, John Kinnear, X others, for a conspiracy to set up certain per. f on flctitious credit, to impose upon the public as I t, The learned Counsel described the conspi E le of the most mischievous ...


... ;IS. FO S D ?? FOR USDITlON. . Thefolowing is an account of what passed shen seeteitc'e was pronounteed on Bagguley, Druuia0nd, atid $obuiton, on Mozday last:- On ltondav moroing. the Attorney4feneral prayed the 1 judgment of the Court op the three defendantl-. Chief Justice, to the prisoncrs.-You- have a right fot j to marke any objection to your trial, or to the jnlieimtdictm previoui td ...


... . PON-TEFRACT 15EljS71Q-Nl',- Ty'he I1cu. Jamecn Archibald Stu-1r- W'OrtIcy, Ch-a11r n I. -h If)Iu~illqht Magistatci iteslc uponl tile besnch :-Sir iFrilcie- ~ia~ley \inoliart. thle Re .: ltobt. Dijritay Witfddilove, Dt. D. ; the licv, John JOwe; tile Rev. 'eIt %ood nod Wili. 11citt. Hay, Clerkis B~leni. Itroolsbi sk, I tgit P'arker, Tito. fHortilo, L~lfa ~C thewe WlIsOin. liien. Dcaltry. ...


... SUURRY LENT PASIZES. Kingston, April 2. Robert Dean was put to the' bar this morning, charged ~t~ite wiifril'mud~r'cF Mary Ann Albert, a little'girl, bvt'eie four' and fiie ,-ears old, on, tbe 16th of October Jn'st'ii St Giorge' lFieldls, by cutting her throat with a csae knife. he circumstances''of this'tr ction Wing been fiillvaid before thie ptlblic h the. pablication of the Co- ...


... . MYSTERIOUS AMURDER.. b lg The following trial, which, tpok pla~ce at thes ..Aselzes, Sitexcited an unconimop degreqe of interest. -Lo ain e mt Button, aged 33, stood capitally indicted for y in bwilfulmnurder.ofWrm. Synia, in the mnouth of ~Zovem- - beralast; Mi Ludloiy, in detailing the facts to the Jury, -bespoke .110 be:, their serious and patient -attention. The criuse ioputed bu Ltto ...


... ,tV IWELLIGBAIU. COURT O CHANCERY, ARarLgo. The Lord Chancellor wvis occupied the greater part of thie moming in giving judgment in the Bankrupt case of ilavorand Jackson, the particulars of which have been repeatedly before the public. Some points of the case were left for Counsel to speak on. In the course of his judgment, his Lordship alluded to the very great change which had takem place ...


... OLD BAILBi.: Yedterday Toas Biatuit, aged 16, was capitally convicted of feloniu6sly disposing of and puittitg away three false and coun- 9 terfeit Bank-notes for 11. rach, with intent to defraud the Bank ir of.England. d JOAN MURPHYv, the poor illiterate Ilibernian, who had already . been twice brought up to plead guilty to the minor offence . of having forged Bank-notes in biis posesslon, ...


... POLzq4 cr un- TIter Oraba,'_r taken upba mgawatch ; but the evdidnceben P.t presumptions against hint ds. .a the charge not provent't 79' ? He was then charged with st,,I- tttwn women, a table cloth and a Sg'in house at the. bettem of the Caltio~s''enn; gone for a refreshment. This charg n w ]rne and the Magistrate sentenced gio wm vak bers ment in Bridewell. t :urn On pronouncing sentence, ...


... LAW iNTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KINGIS BENCH, ArRiL 19. Leakds Sittings before the Lord Chief Justice and a Special Tury. THSE 11NG V. WILLIAM F1 TH A05ND OTHERS. This was an indictmefnt against the defendants, William )7irth, John Tate, Thomas Hodgutts, :Janes Brown, William SherwOOd, William Brooke, Joseph Taylor, James Law, Da. vld Biggera, and tw o others, for conspiring to sue out a fraudu- ...


... LAW INTEL IGENCE. COURT OF KING'S IRENCIT, APrIL 1IA London Sittings bgfare Lord (Jhiif Justice Abbott an t' ajsecia .5UTCHINSON AND) ANOTHIER V. GLTEST. This was an action forwork anid labour,brought by the plain- tiffs, solicitors of Lincols,'s-ilfl, to recover the suna of 7at. 25s. ed. the amount of their bill of charges for preparing and drawing lip s4he defendant's marriage settlement. ...


... FLI.VTS HlIRE REA T ,SKSSIOY.V MJOLD, TSUSDSAT, ARILS 8. Btfuro Miar. Serjeant eOrPLY and AMr. Serjeant tARSVTALI., he Majesty's Justices. ISUPERSTITION.-F-4NNON rErlAN. The XEuN, on tile prosecution of jntv!aIL PseLricr, against JoaSa EDWARDns, for obtaining aniey under false pretences. The dollwing is the subst 'ce of the first and second counts of th indictment,:- .The Jurors of our l otd ...


... COURT Of CUHANCERY, APrtt,19. This is a case of to nsideralit bipieirfltO ?? particii, anti 'onehiif siilte'ititrest asit relates lo `ile question of Tiial'by .ury in cases of batpkrnptcy:- The follovwiny is a brief sketch of its merits :-Aly. Siass, strtly before the docket was strtick..igainit irlu, sold an estate, called 2hilfigtio-' alt ;I.'arri t b:is brother. Oil tisese preirises ...