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Derby Mercury



Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Derby Mercury

Tuesday's Post

... . 7 esdaay's .Jlosi. LONDON, MoNb i-y, j'Ys 16 1 `l >E liE vee riceivve t he luris Papers oflThur;(d da V unnd F isdll~ u They hrOli the finlat discusifii, in lh he ~ bro ('41v1111be up~,.s upo rhe L aaw of th ire ltv i ! ofth C lPles P; alt w ich ivi ii it w nu carried by. a tit ijciilV l of frJ. The aim mo ntt of. scciriti s to ie, titian iiiaed f irnts 'iteconlductors of pro pi stt of'o f t ...

Published: Thursday 13 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2401 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 0 A DS sA,rlURDSAY AND SU1NDAY's POSTS8. Lo~D?~,Sfr~ltAY, ii Y l. (Iktnme L LONDON, Svrijr-DAI MAY 5 1of 119 - L received last nighit the Paris Papcrs ofj No it 'Diuesday last. I'le cmil of Cant iilot aind now pv ;J r iier bwo are charged with :ni atterri pt iiga inst thle Weel Dii ~f tie l)tuke of Welltl-ntoti, commnreiced oin ~onday. parties I iowit nesses have bieen suninioned onl this ...

Published: Thursday 20 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2953 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... ANNUt7SHEJMW OF MPRINO SIlEEP.. _, : . . - . . .. - I . .1 11 I .. !Thecoapapnyiassenibl iedon W ednrl tayaeMr.Saridlee's f yatrd, was numerous ,t but there Fere only a few pens a of sIeep shewn tbr the preniuis. Amongst the comn- I pay present, were Loid Dupidas, Sir J. Sebright, Bart. .2 Sir Gerard Noel, Bart. C. C. Western, Esq. Al. P. John Fane, Esq. M. P. C. T. Towers, Esq. and niany - ...

Published: Thursday 20 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1138 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... SA'TUR DAY AND SUN DAY's 10,STS. Lox r)ON, SAstUiDYu , MAY 22. ,iIfE Paris Papers of tIle 19th instan, arrived this iJ l ruaing. 'ileey continue to circulate reports of -, iris' alerts nle in~g bettween Russia and Swveden, tile l citer wf omivii, it is said, has reqlested the inediation I 1 ' id 'ilhe Chinlaher of l)eputies is occupied WHtii tIe Ileport of 'te Cummittee of Petitioiis, but it . ...

Published: Thursday 27 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 706 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

To the Editor of the Derby Mercury

... 7o h the Ji11u) of lie Derby Mcrcijiy. li Ssitr Paperoftlhe t'tth inistailt, I saw aniotier letter froni 3titt o ucrrerpouidet tlie `RoAClCAt. FAAILSrti in which lie iit'ililiti tspihew ihi' tili ii * ll? itili ivtresly vwhich I hiul Priiposc-'l rr tie pi ('esilr ptisttesscs il h' tbe cd eiilmrs of the soil. llr adttins til esisitevile vif aill'tl elii hiti I ade slaiedt, bit 5, ills io ...

Published: Thursday 27 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1166 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... pOSTSCRIPT1. -- A. .. I.i LA )N DON'. 'ITVESI I \ . I. M Y 4. I;l E - IIIJ Relsort of tlhe Committee of Snilpply, Lor, Ialli tl555 5ie krtt5 Eviilt aleS. --,1 ast I siglh seblitssedl ( lit ii S~iIIC )I; .Oshlt~iis~ asintt after toe 'isriolsi uocIted J.tim tt> 9 ll'riIOe c isiriraljoss of 0he Pasir citiliemesti Bill was Aft Is-C AiUr, S. BoRSE-btisIC) this (ienslli (AGCsCN tile rit ...

Published: Thursday 13 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1029 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SIOUSE OF COMMONS, Mon ndky, Ily S. Nuluerous petitions were piesevited I-r acd agaitst the CaftsFI: clails. Antiot tile ournier were petitions from the diffeletvt paishes of Dubliu presetted'by Mr. GnATTAN, WIIU .thdresstd tie liouse at great lenight tipon tie subject. lie expreJsevi .an adeitt Ilpe thie' tie peitiwiers would be success- tul, iltd thius, that the two refigoos bearing. to each ...

Published: Thursday 13 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4085 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post

... I ..Tuesda ,s P'ost. , LOJNDONI~ A1ONDAY, MA' li. al XVE hv eied ile PNris Papert of Fridiir lat, II W i~isnioruii)(.It thel Chiamier of fsee rs OttO li1mrtsday, the discutssion %tsa 'opened oii the o rijet oif law relati've to offences til'tItPresii.' [Tile 8th1 naiclez, tilt tslilch siAns t le snbljct of' SO wibichdelbate it] thle Claim- M Ver oft Deputies, was attuncked by the Ducke de Fitz ...

Published: Thursday 20 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1887 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... jTItISE OF LORDS. O1n Mfildav, I'uesday. and WVodiiesdiay, the House va| j altr1ist exclusielv occu-pied iu receivting petitions for arid I sec a iiri-t lie CalholitC claijus. Oii Wednesday Lorit M)oSouciI. en Sitiole pleseitted pelviioits from the Irish Catholic nobility %ua Bu8,d Vei~r1, trOmII tbe cities otf Dublin anid Cork, and fromt a ust liituer OI cirilrittel all' ttratis, ill lavotur ...

Published: Thursday 13 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 936 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

HOUSE OF LORDS, Tuesday, May 18

... IlJG-SE OF J.OR DS, Tuesthqy, 31J'y is. The ('Cihinnev fwepeps' r titeglation MNi mitti lioul,ih St ;i it reiscd an aliuetdiditeirt-, ieeladig ite it, be a ptublic Bill. , Ii'i-lFAI-tl VACIht ft a i As~elt~lratiq irtn, by-yCoitotilsia p9 ))ttilic alt1d.riltle l'ills; attlig tbe, tollw wre iv, tle ,\ii, -ral Ali;ali Itill. tite Evcise Licetele Pill, tie Sco'ilc tl Jim tBilli tile FIusi Indim ...

Published: Thursday 27 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 551 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... TIII il'ERSiAN AMBASSADOR AND THE : FAlit CIRCASS'-IAN. Lord Carvlerecati, Lord Walpole, :nd Sir Gore ()u,! v, Blirt. - ere atiloig tile distiinguished ciniracters tIn on M, eduesday V!'sited thle Persiani Aibiassador, at lis hoase, Charles-strett, Blirkeley -sqiuare. We do ut iiowt ci', di iid t l aniy ofi tlemi ere gratified with II peep at tilie ll'r Ciraissiniii. This iiierestilng stranger ...

Published: Thursday 06 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2887 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

HOUSE OF COMMONS, Tuesday, May 11

... ljotSp 0OF CO.t11. OX1)S, Ptheslijy, May 11. Sir F~. Bi-tre ve-r Saidlire iard a pritirn to pteserrt fromt vere GUeorvteCr., oh e, iiqa sa irln tht 4rar(I bene pressed at.(Jib br-lt ar, Shinner cmIjIrI Airrrlng l1t tii hiljiilics r, hod. ireconlceived Iiimeli tIo irate thle in (ltdutred, wailt unide~r I ime commilandr of' Sir WVilliamsi Il~ste ; A- AWfr turd mmieti~fer f rom, certain hidiveid ...

Published: Thursday 20 May 1819
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3616 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News