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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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LONDON PRICES CURRENT, Containing the Prices of Merchandize in [ill] FRIDAY, JULY 16

... Coma N 'cDc |1, vhe Pric'es R Mt' V l 'FIIDAY e rc ze i- A4m,perton J; L*-,l J ?? zeii ' British I Ti x t.4lnm zmper to £e s ' 9D'sJtit 't~a British t Te Roach, per c., ?? , (P4 arlh S. 46 D i Uj l ,i - P les b Si do .t,!t;rlO 1 My 1-iteiotri~ a Ii | 1 e- ip Lo best 41 0 a o I r r es 'N -inferior - 0 ai o ton * of Barilla Teneriffe °8 0 a o p -t Carehageia n 1aa o0 l'i ter. 125j n- _ ;,ly i Oa ...

Published: Thursday 22 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1472 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LO.VDO2~.PRZ~kS CUP R I L IVDOAzoRIh~Css- CUP T so ASI Containing~the P~cesuf'I lierchian dize ID generaL - o . ontai - F~rlDAi , JULY d. -:t , ,AU~trto d¢3s* a. 4 Tih,perlb. ,. d- ° . Roach It C.O.I 0 he 1 i-g 0 F .ti ' ,12 a~ 00CnO' 21a5 : zRnac',pC s. Id. °.d. aaps4- 3 2 3.3 10 in: ajds, . , 4703-0Soucong 5 a 4.6ar . infcrior ?? Rimpper ton X. acr Ik 419 0 a - Ri-ga Rbine 42 1oa O0 , ot ...

Published: Thursday 15 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1463 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... .W9M THE LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. r obert Miller, Tauniton, SomersetO..groeer. i R. Parker, Ellesrmere, Salop, grocer and tallow chandler. t .Tbhonma Harris, Saint Nicholas, Worcester, woollen-draper. R. Turner, late of Howarth Crosgi Rociddale, oemn-factor. James Ihompson Greenhaigb, Manch.tier, &dakr, &C. t John Harris, Redbridge, Southamptonj victualler W. Proberr, HZlAlorn, Midlesex, ...

Published: Saturday 10 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 86 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I.COT8 BJNKRUPTS. ANDREW Rain, merchant in Glasgow.-Creditors meet in 2, the George inn there, 27th July and 11th August, one o'clock. July 15. The DALMARNOCK DYEWoBiR COMPANY, and . the GREgNHEAD FOUNDERY COmpANy.-Creditors meet In - the Lyceum rooms, Glasgow, 29th July and 19th August, . two o tleck, - - - 16. LEITCHI, HILL, and Co. merchants in Glasgow.- Creditors meet in the Swan tavern, ...

Published: Thursday 22 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 596 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - AGRICULTE . XM4RKBTS, V. The Glasgow Midsiurnmer Tair on .Wednreidc yA wve!l! I supptied with driiught and's addle hories-' but heth - mavd. , for ail kinds was sipre~cdd~eirtejiy ?? tficei low.. Good draught orfses fraom L.SO to A.O4. Th ae --for tthe' gig and: I saddle . L.25 to L.0so Inferior, with wIAic. the nlarkt . was cramnied, niotwithistanding the - favourable ?? of plenty of fodder ...

Published: Saturday 17 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1780 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... AGRICULTURE, MARKETS, Vc* At Yitiolm fair, on Monday last, the shew' of 6!ambs was not so -n#tierous as in former years, but prices greatly ad- vanced. 'Good Leicester Lambs from 17s. to 27s.; Cheviot ditto, frotr l4s, to 15s. per head. In Wool there was little or so business done. Av R, Jily 8.-At our fair on Tuesday, woollen cloths sold briskly, st prices similar to those of last fair. '[be ...

Published: Saturday 10 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 553 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... . I ?? I. ! - The following is a copy of the.Financial Re-, tb iolutions moved by Sir ry Parnlon Thurs- Ci day,I 1st July. a That the gross receiptbof the bor4itiarf.veltue of the &Y ti- ted Kingdom in the yeat 1818, vas L.62,2O,527. tb Out of wbich there was paid for charges of - A collection - . . ?? .9.61. 'L .4, .50 Fdr charges for managing fhe expenaitute'of - Ir the same . 7,13, Ir Zla. ...

Published: Monday 12 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2334 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... iLOYD'S MARINE LIST-JULY r, on wit Corr woe dic The St Helena, -,fron, Janm-lea tn Quebec, wvas drivpn n shore on the rocks off Bermiuda 18th Mlay, and filled th water. Part of the carg6 saved. The Alexander, from New Orleans to Liverpool, in ming down the Mississippi; struck against some dritt ood, which caused her to make eight feet water. She must kcharge. Th vi An wf In die fif 2I- ani Ese ...

Published: Monday 12 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1576 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... EItT'H PRICES VURRENl'-uY lo. .Sugar, Musco. B. P. i. iber HXsdu-' Dry Brown, cwt. 683 a - ras Maahogany,1s4da s' 8d -Mid.Good ?? a 84 StaVc3,QUebec _Fine&very Fine 88 a- 96 . ?? 112 a 15 RefinedD. Loaves.140 a 159 -Dantzig.Crowrf, 120 a - -Powder dzt ?? aigo Tar,Archangel,per Nkolasses, British. 5G 30 barrel.: . 19 a 22. Co6ffeq,'Ord dood, 95. a 1NdrW'a y .. ?? 18 a -iddling G'ood, ...

Published: Thursday 15 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 326 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON PRICES CURRENT, Containing the Prices of Merchandize

... Contawn thie price; o etC ~, 7k~' -II. r Wj z- ? Atlumer on £s . £ ' ,. t British 23 a.a 240 Roacb, per c & 12 a uo o cta , Ashei, s. d. a. ?? I l ., t ?? 52054 i .s~ peI ? - inferior -O0 a o Q uvhon Pot best 41 0 a 42 0 R Pr i ' L-inferior- 4 a - o 'Iti05 n BarillaTeneriffe 280a O 0 '(tdot 4i, - Carthagcina 3n O a 0 0 Ptlet s ilf a -Sicily 30 Ga 0 0 utsht Dantzic pearl 0 Ga o 0 . all fcI. Jo ...

Published: Thursday 01 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1402 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... GLASGOW MARKEfS-JUNe 26. 6 Our market has been, on the whole, brisk in Colonial Pro- duce.-In.SUGARthe sales of the week have amounted to 0 nearly 1200 hhds. at an advance of 2s. to Ss. per cwt. on the fine descriptions, and of Is. to 2s. on the inferior; prices va 6 rying according to quality, from 57s. the lowest, to 8is for fine, there being no very fine at ?? may be 6 uoted from 98s. to ...

Published: Thursday 01 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 549 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... BANKRUPTS. R ichrd Pliny Jackson, Liverpbol, rnerchant. J-qst DobelI, Cranbrnok, Kent, brewer. Thomas Pickton, HIarnwersmiib, Middlesex, grocer. \V'illiarn Hardy, Manchester, drysalter. A. Allen, Westminster, calico furniture manufacturer. -amuel William Woolrich, Stafford, druggist. R. and E Eddleston, Lancaster, cotton manufacturers. l-l nrv Lanham, Dorking. Surrey, grocer. Chu Iles Lawf ...

Published: Saturday 03 July 1819
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 57 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce