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Bristol Mercury


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Bristol Mercury

Bristol Price-Current

... ila'Ce. Bltron 9;1.3cr. f's. to} ii | .U1. Cai ct: II.ICi)O 1; - o aiifMidit Iig 7i:,.tii~s. -. Ui. eli 1 . i ! -iGtct~s ,~ LNi\V tn S~> B.j 1..iZ 1 tl7ij1: Sllrl Il~li , 18.E ii') Ir;i.-- - : s i .' Ii-r P.ititi it L.ii,i,t.,, I ., --S. i I I .1..1.: . --I~)I Ct. Diittii*ii. I71. .,10 - {. -o .s :-.-. j, .:i .. .iii .. . 1 s ii~rt, ; .iiti nip.,ie iBi.. i~o.l - C L, ...

Published: Monday 23 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 576 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... 'clBrnze inz since Oua* lost. The Venus, Evans, from Dublin -the .Swvan, M'Grath from Waterford-the Blanlch, Morgan, from Cork-the Eliza, Blaney, from Jersey-the Harmony, Dedwith, te fromn AotwciV-the Columbia, Curtis, from Gibraltar-the ea Martlha Brse, Gibson, from Quebec-and the Swallow, Jones, n from l-'etersbnrgb. m A~trieed. The P'eggy, Davis at Quebec. Sailtd. The Surprize, Nelson, for ...

Published: Monday 02 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1061 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ?iII>N £WS. @.za2itl' insincea oulr laxt. Thc Cumberkind, -, from A iiti'oa-the Severn, lHallidav, from ikirha~dols-the Admiral lI7tOi3.y, l,.krr, triom Jamailca-the Asia, larr son, from I'ctersbur~th-the 1.. fLeopoldl, Chiapilal, from Uayonne-the I.r Victo:rs;, lhil~lrason, tr-oto St. Andero-the Zephvt, -,from tietle-tlse tb l.e';un, .i~lea'ha msd the Mlary Aim, Jackson, from1 the BWsy of ...

Published: Monday 16 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1203 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Bristol Price-Current

... '~ t tiii'l 'dxa Es-esitig. Sinsco. Brovwn Sitear. 64a. fo 66-. jLTog. C~sspelix~ecl 9I.0. Jsto 0i.Cs. -- Sid~liltis .. Oiso. to 72',. Fa'bticl daist i: c . t*1. ii, 1X 1. e CoedMiddlinag 1-ito 753. --(ala .111l. to I-el. e (boil *,'. S, i,'. r 6rs.D isBto . {d 7I. to 7I. 10s. - it~e *. SbS. tO Gos.l WolV¢, Lcoiil r's 6 6..iit. ltr.isx a Lamtp, .9 ...

Published: Monday 02 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1020 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... ?1arIi?i. | MAeW.-LiNS\, Auguilst 9.-T*lhete has been a good arrital ibri of W~heat an~d F'lour since this day so'nnight, and basing lii1 supply of Wheat this m~orning from Essex, Kent, annd Siatr~h1 our trade Wva, rather heavy, though *ve cannot consider it by at, meanis lowver tnan Monday last. A fc w newv samples appu.lse. futr the tine-it of wvhichl 60s. per quarter vwere ob~tainled. Bidet ...

Published: Monday 16 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 884 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The Posts of Monday to Wednesday

... poi?t? of ?on?a? to ?Ii?bne?bap. TUlESDAYns LONDON GA'Z~E.~ 7'ANEIliUTCIE S E-?tLARGEiD. sVrii( btlne oft l'aippiug-Biarnet, lHetfordushsire, fish-monger, llof A'ndiis c, Hamtpsh~ire. grocer, Aug. 21 to Oct. 9i. G%.,j, i,nt fM .lsuictister, trottun-spilnnr, h chit. 4 to Sept. I 6. J. :f*lir . 'Uardoxur-strtet, co>lsh-nisaler, Aug. 2 to Aug. 28. 3:'pla~11ii, of l'lnalusth~ liuienl~truper, Aug ...

Published: Monday 23 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 11271 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The Posts of Monday to Wednesday

... Jpo?t? ?f?onbap to {e?nes?a?. TUflSDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. I)efltiL'r, hte of High-4reet, ?Vhit?srhapel, grocer. Solicitor, AIr. SheffisId, Urnet Prcs?ot-'4rcet, CooLbnatl'S ?7i?Id?. ? tw:ker, o? Moikion-grt'??tt, L:mcashire, martuiltehiter. Sol. ?j,. M ik:n'0fl. M,?.11e Temple; and Ilamer, ?1andtester oC i3?.t;lford, Yorkshire, ?roeer. Solicitors, 1'tlr. ?,a1den, ;?r?ford ; and ...

Published: Monday 09 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1747 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 

Bristol Price-Current

... a ' *i eil 8tlxrdsv Es'eeiogl. Mu'~xeo. B~rowvn Sugaur. ti4s. to 66-. Log. Canyipeclis Oh1~.t I6;l .illa -- llidtllfiii .. i s, to 72'. Fo-tickh Jamazz\ca .. 91. ti 191. - -Goofd.\iddlinig 745.ti, 755. - -jwb .. . .. liln . I. to 1211 o iii.* * . Os. iii 8o B~lr.Wliil-d 71. Li) Tl, lOs tFlue * S~is. tox 900. Wool, Leti'uexas . .. .f llrOwVii La lilI . ...

Published: Monday 09 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1029 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

The Posts of Monday to Wednesday

... J1)? ? Of ?ThntiaP t? Ca?in?tiap. TUF?DAY'5 LONDON GAZETTE. Ii ?KUUPTCY ENLARGED. C 't?O?? t't Cheitenhatti, wine-ntercliaat, fi* ins August ? to S. IZUF'TCY SUPERSEDED. I?A N S. I{UP'IS. I'Ss II . .t'reet, Sauthamptensvatch..maker. Saunter, ecis. lb *,'io-etr?et, Falcen-sqnare. I eu-h I irl'owh.otreet, aseretrint. Solicitors, :hIe..'.i's. '1u- a ? Isrire', rms-vard, CIcmt?'eet. ( trlisk, ...

Published: Monday 16 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 6764 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SH1P-NiXV. s6 tC.tee s.s Siare QS7c Zet. he 'Curnsvaltis. Sttt~v, th.t Mesiter, ,~ Thosuas, anid the Aanna Loulsa, Osrcns, ~from 8',hterfiwd-th& ra Marri iet, Ricliierds, tlie U nioll FPeeot, Itartis, and thie Viscouint, Pahnerstun, Duingey, fromn C~rk-tiae Ssanil, Cro~sbv, mds the t, Eleanor, lklqorrisev, from l tslslhn the Swallow, Jene.s, the lFnith, 1. Vickerinan, and the Plesikls, Jmsith, ...

Published: Monday 09 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 1843 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SUTP.NI?WS. camne in sirife our la/st. Thle lDavid, Grmmley, anv tlie Wcl- iilinl~fl, Vlattett fi'om .Jamaics-the Ptif Claike>, tiom Ant;gn a *the Sanittel anid John, Cornish, fromt Jcrsey-vithe i'ictonS Miorris, the Bristol, iMias~termanl, ne~d the Elisa, lRay, fromn Saint Petersbtuih-rlie ('atliarine, Doyle from Kiits;tle-he Mars'anld ; ~. ...

Published: Monday 23 August 1819
Newspaper: Bristol Mercury
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 4392 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce