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OLD BAILEY, Monday, December 13

... OLD BAILEY, illonday, December 13. SENTENCE ON THE PRISONERS. 'TIh whole of the trials having been gone throngh on Saturday night, thc Court met at eleven this mmning to ?? judgmeltt upon ithe several convicts, nearly 200 in number, when the awful sell- tence of deatb was passed upon the following 28 individuals:- Balt. Phillipps, Robett Miles, and Hen;y Tosvle, for burglariously entering the ...


... A curious case occurred before the Police Magistrate on. Monday last:-TwO poetic tailors, who had carricidhomea waistcoat late on Saturday night to one of their employers, had been so well plied with drink by him, that on return- ing up the Canongate, at four o'clock in the morning, one. of the brothers of the bodkin, mnore enthusiastic than thel other, insisted upon leaping bver the railing ...

Law Report

... l .t&aw Af(port, ,-. i, , - . -- C .!rtr f King s Bench, JVo erner g7. Tf'A Soicltnir Geaeral shewed ceuve against a ftule ob- iainked.(ip behalf of W. G. Lewis, of Coventry,) by Mr. ClAtty, bb a former dti, calling on IMr. Goodal, High Cobstable of Cdiventry, aind two other persons named Biate- .4isand RicMafds, to sfiesw cause why a criminal infonmna ion' hodld nrt' be issued against them, ...

Published: Tuesday 07 December 1819
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 805 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... OJLD BAILEY. The Court met on ?Monday morning to pronounce judgment upon the several Convicts, nearly 200 in number, when the awful sentence of Death was passed upon the following 28 in- dividuals- Bat. Phillipps, Robert Miles and Henry Towle, for burgla- riously entering the Swan public-house, Sloane-street, Chelsea; James Tompkins, for a highway robbery; John Smith, for bur- glary; John ...


... . Saturday two prisoners, of the name of Voss, aged IN, and Frpa To, aged 17, were charged, upon several indictments5 with rhavitg, at different periods, uttered a number of forgede and counuterfeit 51. Bank of England notes; and also, with having 18 forged 51. notes, purporting to be fank of Fngland notes, in their possession. The prisoner Voss Is an old offender, and escaped from prisorn, ...


... - , ;-i D' - ', v (twichededfPoI ohr m dst , Inn 'r.'s pS'a'pair,.OfjSt. Iielen's. Pla e:.Mr; c' tEbeneler . o1~nsoQn, of Bishopsgate Street, fion- utt xongvr;; Mr. i Baker, of thle Towver; Il e~'it a rell retired-niercbant'; and f. Gair et,' an in surance icilf broker;.- bdre: testiioiniy to ,'the 'geew p rep- sh niarie '10 posqutibn ivhis ,-w r 4os~e..Ou ,Cgot,.-pital m,,q funig ...

Published: Tuesday 07 December 1819
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2093 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... .t~i G E? i - i U Av'i' 4 . . . t i -, ?? t.ls11i'' 0. g. US ?? Id 01 0. 0- .le e. a lt. !ad ,le I f in n. In b- be Cs of tey Cd ry' of n. 14- Ol~f eor-ge , OB4 ILS.IU. i ohday the 'Court met, , 'wt ho'reA ikit hybeking into th~e ?? And stealiijPtll~' 1 Meat, and fromn 5sj tYo' 2osi .!co pe-rmoney Ing various rie ts- l tgU i' in tavopb; an 'outler . paperse.:'he pannils pi ed ' N6't eG uitX, ...


... COURT OP ALDRARIN The Lord Mayor held a Special Court of Aldermen at the guilIdhall yesterday, which was very numerously attended, Ile Members present were Sir Richard Carr Glyn, Mr. Al. dernian Atkins, Mr. Alderman Cox, hir.'Alderman Wood, Fir. Alderman Schbley Sir Mathew Blaxam, Mr. Alderman irch, Mdr. Alderman J. J. Smith, Sir-William Domville, Sir claudius S. Hunter, Sir J. Perring, ilr ...


... OLDHAM INQUEST. THE KING V. FARRAND, ESQ. Mr. Serjeant Cross rose to shew cause against the rule for a mtandsaus to compel tile defendant, one of the Coroners of the County of Lancaster, to proceed with the Iztquest on the body of Leces, who was alleged to hare lost his life by violence on the 16th of August last, at Manchester; and the Learned Counsel having proceeded at souse length upon the ...


... 31I;NNDICITY PROSECUTIONS. Saturday JosePm JoHNsoN, aged 22, better known as the New King.of the Beggars,' was prosecuted by the Society for the Suppression of bleudicity, as an incorrigible rogue and vagabond: The prisoner, with a gang of several others, was apprehesided by the Society's Officers, through the instrumentality of one of the Marlborough-street Magistrates, who had been much an- ...

Poor Laws

... ! A \? S. ?? ?? -- - III , Court ,iiu p I,, d ,Il in the (Ih ?? RmooIlls n TLie Ldy, Sir l iti i0!: ;. icr d: ev thd :IIttioitioii It thI ?? to it Imitte. rii. tihiie Ml,, Lawvs, ?? pir- titl! ric to ?? f Ii.'tI' I, 'SeisioI if Pt ,ia- mIC11t, Which i,, j ?? \il it gsi:t ilmplotilict. to9 Scott- L.uiind, not uuiovrly : he ai eto.l the figits arid inttr- cet!: of' 8coilw, !,t *i hwY exp.s.d ...


... VICE CH-IANCELLOR's COURT, DPCEMBE'B 4. CLANDESTINE MARRIAGE. lMtr. Bell stated that certain persons, namely, bMr. J. Wiltshire, resident near Bath, and S. Wiltshire, his son, hadt been ordered to attend the Court this day, and to biung with them Miss Mary Samsford, a Ward of the C(ourt. I-le bad the atidavit of Mr. Wiltshire, the father, which stated that he was unable to attend in ...