Advertisements & Notices

... itG(fl-L.AND SOCIE1t o 9col'rLAND. 2/GE:NERIAL MEETING of tluis SOCIETti *L takes place, in tirns oif the Chirter, on *\loNnxy the 40r day o' July insr. 'I'lr Meeting ivill be held in the Hall I Reval Ckllege of l'lhygyiians. Oeorpe Street, at tie °Iclck afternooin of that day,wbiere it iq rnquested tlhe Mkeii. etrs vill assemble, precilely at the linor of meeting, :Is, he. sh~e vh ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /~PANTHEJION. I Hi[S Evening, MIIAPAMOISELLE FERELTS S f i N BErEFIa, thle Grand Mclo.Dramr, called MAN9FREMZ, OR THE MysrERIOUS HERMIT. T DEMOISE~i.E Fl.iREL will exhibtit her GRAND Con, r l MDSCENSt()N from the Stage to the Gallery, and h nveloped in FIRE WORKS. ahov, ?? ly Moos. FENZEL & Mr POWELL. the t ?? 26th BALANCING by Mr MORIrZ. thie r, IrRIAN PEPFORMANCE by MADEMOISELLE quen oT I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /f-HiS PRLFS zi rE A'z (, poP. 13IE BEFS1 I OF MR i-I. GRAY, r _L CLoW ?? 1IIE RtSG, RJ!L *t .ith tile utmost respect, begs leave To, ~ 1, his liinccre arid grateful rhanltm fkor the pairti 5,c to he inhabitatr t ill IllIIs nai ll eity ae Ilth rt'lo huili ard romped lll itli rtlsc thenm, that the ti;iOV eriwtairin,,ot will ctlknince with (fir the first fiet year ; at ?? Theatre,) tile Grand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ta numercins arnd respectable MEETING, of the INHABIT'ANTS andIHOUSEHOLDERS ,if I tlse SIXTEEFNPIH WARD of ?OLIOE, hield in'the Canon- V gate Chapel, head of New Street, on Monday the 80th1 Oc- tl tober IF1CO, ALEXAN,\DER BOOG, Fsq. being called to the Chair, ~ The following Resolutions were read, secondtid, and unani- ne niously approved of:- e. ist, That it is essentially necessary, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANEGAI.A OF SCOTLAND. is lerelb given, thlat the c f .,~rN55Sf ijoOM is agaio OPrENED for Public In- L .god t l~l contitwne so every lawful day, from Twelve fore¢ Adrnisaiofissued by Frincls Cameron, No. °2 8treat ADAMN F? RGUSON, D. K. Reg. 2j hargh. 22d June ISO0. -r- RAOE WE-EK ASSEMBLY. -ill!tWil e i ASSE~MBLY in tile /ilEnn in GfleorV Street, upon THVRSDAY EVEN th ulf , 18.°° to commence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ill it MR PUTNl',.W'S air' RFlAilNCS AND RLLCI IA li'N' of J GAV1NG been lhonoulred throughout Wil tr ;s most flttreringr marks of apprubation, will be rcyeat4' ing on SATURDAY EVENING, November l8th. Oc- Mr PUTNAM will continuc to give LESSONS in ENG- ijll LISHt RRADING during tile season. are 47, GarA r Kcteo rser. 'tly g/ O ,, afene Ise 'will plSissied, ely Ad REPLY to a LETTER, adressed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'Al:tS T. IRl NPIII ?? -TtIIE. 'O LET, 'F 1E follatwitg FARMS, nil 'the ESTATl;E of WATli'-j j *INSIIAW, akvantagetosidy situated about teoo Milesi 'rft,.s Paley ansi within eh-ht ,f Glasgow:- iASI'IR WAl.h-,NSl'liAW, trwnsisilg of 9, acres, 3 'rood, alO 3 falls all arable, anid ot the richest soil. IIROWNSFIEL.W, of .r. acres 2e falls, all arible, and in exaellent condition, having been for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRAR1-. A QUARTERLY MEETING of the SUBSnCRIEERj |i will be held in the Library Rooms, os Wednr the 4th October, at eight o'clock in the eveniag, for votiL, in Books, electing Office Bearers, &c. Subscribers are reminded that the arenual cortriwireir must be paid on or before the second Wednesday of ct). ber, and that none can have a right to the use of the Lib:r till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'br ?? N ?? 'toInv~oagi; t~.& X' 1 I i, .. &mhri Ac - ~ ., ~ 3 D ittad V., J.tvitU CAmr ?? A Pi 1- Anti thilt ,-3w. Lit. V Itt. N cie ?? it St.ldrc,tl pc l I' itI i. (lit o S, ;ings I C1vii .No. ill. toe I RIG l~~ciurit. I ir3)' parr od e tr'r Rti.'o'rr, thed S,:it of ;Qrir of n 'iy' ?? ('inros ' VI e ?? No. VI~ 1t7. Atoc lof -t. N. 7,lrirre' fewi J 'CalIr:.1 W X. Ix eiSrn, azr 1w AIST-ER, v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ,, , l ~'ro BORtROlk, US of L each, oil H--rltable S&cl-| er'erld viwriter, 49, Tirongate. If . Meg;W.1a 171/ A oa,150 . . 5- 'trodckd, Tice C [ItI'LL til ,ll':u c. ?? tule following REl i JNT of thc RlE\'ENtJE andEX ?? . t e . sT',LTlSll^\li. for the year Bric.k 'l1 4-ia'i-at, .for the year I819. I inoiltg a3t Wl avigii I Sewing Mimoho 212 195 ?? ~ uiit\ ,l!aii~1- y 10 1; I 'D tt \ t : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fllhl JWIUI. AUS~~U w ~u.b . ?? ?? . snd, = = _ _ ?? tliST arrived, at PAYNE's cheap CARPET Past I'WA~IEHOUSE, -No. 130. Queern-irePocefhrm 150 Pieces of BRUSSELS CARPETING, o te M Man newtest atid most elegant Ptlternf, whivh wilt be Sold situa for Ready Moniev only, from 4s. 9d. to 6s. per yard; milei being fuol 20.OeWCent; wisder the'regular Prices; a rso witk upwards SOU pieces of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO At6tiCULTU'RISTS. ~1Repectaisbl, niii oldi-agoed,' sillle Malti, I A is ill walitit oi SITrUATfIONa.1 StitEISIN'TEND.. ANT ofa FARM. Ile IWS 'beeii IroU0ht uli to tbe Agri- i laly cult ovall btisiitess ; aoid is nowto Ananlgilit thle. Ewttte.-of~ All to a1 (iute whomi he tao rceceive the most ; hortlttrmll Cetinmol 1 o.haracter and thilities. i )u- A pply if' by knele, post1-pitl II ...