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... sLP.MXA4 CN i] ¶h sbjct was, mIotoI in~ :the iastl Rg-istor; *Uder been couimen*el :for Tieaso beprever ed-s A n be4u*te ed .with: great ?? to ;¢vcry man w'iho ?? wsfith VliI prss. af The; i!nate i, X~ ever, S so deeply.t inteie~tingj that it seems neceary Otto di- rect :the -Ors attetion tdo some or, th publctionshh have taeni plmexe laetb tot The re e, hereuto ape eub- Joined four ...


... ACCID NTs, OFFENCES8, 4c. Mionde~ay- ex icy~n an ttrcmpt to set fire to the premises of Mr. Enugliria r, a re speciable cabinet-tarker, re~idintr at Limeholise, was made, far tile purpose of commilotine robbery. Some feliows knockfed at the door, and it r'ired if a person whom tlhey naed ic-bzled liere ; onl tile girl answering in tihe neective, they tlesirrd to ca Mr.Er glrbeiirt himself, ...

Published: Sunday 31 December 1820
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2135 | Page: Page 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... ACCIDENTS, OFF ENCES, 8c. EXECUTiON AT STa.RtING.-On tite $1%th irst. the usual appt- ratul; being prepared, and troops, both horse and foot, be4tg drawn up before the Castle, the gates were throwaw open, erd Baird and Ilardic appeared, attended by the established Clergi- men of the town. Baird looked pale and thoughltfui;, *ardie's countenance did not seem miuch altered. With astonishing ca ...

Published: Sunday 17 September 1820
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1440 | Page: Page 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... LA TV. ! COURT OF KiNG'S BENCH. FWednesedau. Joir. 12. WESTVtIENitBiR LEc'rtoTN.-CULLEN Ci. 40R11t S. This Vifas sI) act ioi broviglt by Ie p1ainriif aveiinst Ilie MliZ Bailiff of Westrnirnster, to recover dooireres for ha vi rig been c-e- prived of his right of voticg at tlie late Election of n Aother of Parliament. Tire fauts of the case w ere sinitily thesc :-Tlie plaititiffhias been cone a ...

Published: Sunday 16 January 1820
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 571 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... .J(CCI g) ! N TS, 0 fJ b'EN CI S, ' 4 c. D m.rlS TuRotcar COLD AXIt WALNT OF'OOn;-Oic Thursday ?? , errl rqmr rii(:l wa., trikeir Oit Rmliiid-corirt, Strrirtt, ?? lrode. C jlii MNters rid Mare Iris ?? deeerrnr'r rrgbm porter', erliorlye by several r eron. ill ths i Tigt - *,irriil Wr., Efi Sober' irails. Ile acnd his ?? ltdged '1p- a a od, ci a !enar ill a bmac rorr lat a rol,;se ili Ri ?? pas ...


... TRIAL OF KNIGHT, DEWHURST, AND OTHERS. t SECOND DAY-MONDAY, APRIL 5. The Court met this morning between nine and ten o'clock; and the names of the Jurors having been called over, b Mi*. WLaLIAMts observes to the Court, that he feared he had v on Saturday spoken with too much diffidence on the law as to a the right of the people to carry arms in self-defence. He now stated broadly that the ...


... Manday. evening copies of the indictment for, high treason, fouud against 'Arthur Thistlewood, William Davidton, James Ings, John 'Tliomis Brunt, Richard Tidd, James William Wil- son, John Harrison, Richard Bradburn, John Shaw Strange, James Gilchrist, and Charles Cooper, were deivered toothem respectively in the lowei of London, and at the House 6f Cor- rection for the county of Mhiddlesex, ...


... EXECUTION OF NESBITT, THE WOOLWICfH MURDRR2RI. er. r- MAISTOvNE, JULY .91, 1820.-The late trial and conviction of :af the above insdividuial excited a considerable degree of interest in I- Maidstone and the surrounding cuuntr-y. It was generally re- id ported that he would be executed on Wooliwicis Comsmon, ad- r- jatent to where the murders were perpetrated. Preparations ,e were however ...


... 11101 TRE.4SOK.V :, PAISLxY, Aug. -'le Special C(rmmsi5s6i' A oper, r at Paisley on Tuesday morning at ten o'clock. JA'Ir'S Si ts 1'as brought to the bar, asctised of heading a mob an rI, ad *i Apr i last, whhi stopped the cotton wirki at Johnstonte and neigbro rhood. The Court, at twelve at night, 'cdjolslned till next morning, the evidence for the Crown having beer 603sed. The Court met ...


... L-A;A NTELLIGEACE. COURT Or CHANCERY, Dec. 20. THE ATTORNEYy-ENPRATt AT THtE UtEtLATION OF T7lt MlARQU'ESS OF BLANDFORDi, V. TiHE DnrE. q, MAIRLBOIWUOUGH. This case occupied the attention of the Lord Chancellor. And his Honour the Vice-Ghancellor, this day. fn the first place it came before the latter on the' motion of Mr. Heatd, Wvho said he was instructed tonmove fdr a writ of sequestratioa ...


... COURT Qu wren BENCI, Nov..1T. 'The Court sat In': Eanc until two a'cock, and disposed of several cases, of no public interest, in the Special Paper, when the Chief Justice held his second sittings in Tdrmn. . ttEUX AND CO. V. POOE. This was an action by the plaintiffs, well known eminent brewers, against the defendant, by the negligence of whose ser. vant one' of their horses, valued at 7fi ...


... LAIV INTE'LLIGAhN CE. couirr or Ct;iANCuE1y, Der. 21. 71ti: Fmt tL ' S!'lr'asny V. TaHEl DURIE 0O' MA5Ir.lOl1Ol C-. This cause w-vas again brought befoi e the I.orid Chaicellor by M~r. Shadwellwho notrie~d tlse post pq llernelt that hadl takvan place for the purpose of ?? an affidavit of the Suml the Djske was entitlesl to, olade, which has already beer, laid before our readers. Mr. WVRAY ...