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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... y ENICE&-Now OPEN, at HI. A. BARKER V 'andJ. BURFORD'S PANORAMA, Strand, a splen- jA VIEl W of that magnificent CITY, taken from the Piazza di St. Marco, in which the Church of St. Mark forms a most nteresting feature in the fore-ground; the Ducal Palace, Piaz- ze,^ and a grand display of beautiful Buildings, are also pro- inelit in the Picture; the whole decorated with upwards of lo,poo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TILL CLOSE THIS DAY.-The GRAND TV GO!f)T'HIC HALL, Pall-tnall, which is now open, with tie rich anal extensive Collection of 3MILITAR.Y A TIQUI. Ti1E, fxnrn the earlies~t periods of hiistory, and universallyallbw- d to be thle most magilficest display in Europe,including (among .!,t nonio range of Heroes) the Armour of the Ancient Cruss- der, ?? inounted for the Tournament, Duke Albert the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SPLENDID EXH13BITION Of a COLLEC- ) 'O f celebrated P.I ul~i-9iP of the ITALIAN, NPA~lSI'l UTCH~aiSd 8VH0l(1LS is IEm. Tdr. lcKM ?? 0 LL~l1'~ 2, St Jame's-sreet, from ten nill'hveC o'cock.-dnilttaurce, 15* Catalogues, 6d. AT~lBiog Nu OFFICE, .a. 10, 1320. ST GENERAL COURT of PROPRIETORS AI. of the ALIIION FIRS and LIFE INSURANCE 'COIPA NY vill bi held at the Company's House, in New 13ridge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DELPHI THEATRE, Strand.-By authority A of the Right Hon. the Lord CiranberlainT'IHIS opresent EVENING'S Entertainments will commence with the~favotrite Bsirletta of 01)DS AND ENDS.-After which will be presented, for the first time, ST. CUTHBERT'S EVE; or, rhe 'T'omb of Alonteith.-With a new Comic and Burlesque Ballet, called OPPOSITION; or, 'Ihe Rival Dancing 'Masters -To conclude with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. ORIENTAL LITERATURE. Price 6s. each, Nos. I. and II. of the NNALS of ORIENTAL LITERATURE; A cantaining-l. An Account of Asam, with some Notices 2 concerning the neighbourtig Territories. By FRAN CS HA- t MILTONI, AI.D. F.RS. &c-2. An .pnalytlatlComparitonof the Sanscript, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languagei; shev- ing the origina identity of their Grunimatical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KING'S THEA-T'RE.-. To-rnorrow Evening will be perf6rmeid:1o.irini's popaisa Opera of TANCREDI)I. End of the first Act a DIVERTlSEMENT. After the Opera, the-favourite- Balle', entitled LF 1'ERCIIAND DES ESCLAVES. On Tuesday next will be revived, Pa e's celebrated Opera of L'Agnese, in which Aladante Montano, froni the Opeca at Flo- rcnce, vvill make her first appearance in this country. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V'MHIS EVEN EG.KN INGGS THEATRE. A.. 'Mzart's' celebrated op.5o NGI ANIwl berevived for Signor CORRIS BENEFIT, after which, a Grand Concerto on the Fulte, by Mr. Nicholson; with the Bal. let of ADOLPII ET 1ATILDEo between the Acts of which BM. Bbellst will play lsi4 Military Concerto.- Boxes and Tickets at the Opera, (flict; and at Signor Coril's, 58, Golden. sqilar~.. ACADE~y, ?? ?? oN othe' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUTZ BLUE.-The FREE and INDEPENDX T ENT1 ELECTORS of the CITY of GLOUCESTER resident in and near London, In the Interest of It. BRANSBY COOPlER, Eiq. are requeste4 to MEET their Worthy Repre- sentative at SUPPER, on Thursday next, the 6th instaz , at the Ram Inn, West Smitbfield, to celebrate the Glorious Trium Is of the 25d of June. Ltondo, July I .1820. NATH, HARRIS, lion. Sec. Supper at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - SALES BY AUCTION. OLYMPIC THEATRE, DRURY-LANE. ;ESS 1Rt. ROB1NS beg most respectfully to ntify to the Public, that thev have received instruc- Isnott to submit by AUClION, at the Auction Mart, opposite ?? Bank. THIS DAY, -withoest reservation, .IIE OLYMI'IC THEATRE, DRU1Y-.LANE, vtiih all the Scenery, Maehinery, Dresses and Decorationls 'Ibis valuable Property presentsan opportuoutv to those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAL1ES BY AUCTION. ?? Il'aaitts, chiefly proofs.-13v -AIr. EV ANS, at Lis Ilouse, No. p16, Pall-mall, TIHIS D.11Y, HiE P'rivate Coflection of PRINTS of Mrs. Jane Tliovdell, removed from her residence at Hlallifoer con- ci !ri-g of a select ansd hritlliut asseniblageg of the choicest proofs of th~e engi avings of Woolletr, I ilElartoelaZzi, Sharp, Ileat, lEroni. l0eiklarton, a considerable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANT PLACES. AS FOOTTMAN,. in or out of Livery, or in or out 4i .of Towvn, a Young Man who perfectly understands his business; and can have an undeniable character from his last place;i-ha no objection to travel or go abroad.-Letters, post paid, for G. L. 30, Hatton W'all, will be punctually attendedl to. A S FOOTMAN, a Young Man, about 28 years e 1£k of age, either in or out of Livery, no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL INFIRMARY for the DISEASES Of C:.HILXDREN. PATRiNgS. His Royal llighness the Dnke of CLARENCE, 1I.R. and Serene HIlginess Prince LEOPOLD of Saxe Coburg. PAIRONEC SSE9. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of YORK, I-Ter Royal llighness the Duchess of CLAItENCI9. A GENERAL IMEEI'l'NG of the DITlEC'rORS and G(OVERINORS of the above INsTITUTION takes place THIS DAY, at 12 o'clock precisely, at ...