
... Ori fnI1 STANZAS. Weloome, Lady, to the shore, Thou wert destined to adorn; Never may thy footstepsmore *Ritm unguarded and forlorn. Here no slanders shall assail tiee, - Darli a th'sassrins polntedsteel;: liritaino sons and daughitersJllthee. a - A ,for tfll thy sorrowsIfeel. W~henl al. ci thou didst appeari:0. ..3 Care *within thy janmols bre as, Ejlgand's generous saon were near, trollet ...


... O. ,rigioAL. ..TH `ltfjA X - V:. -Scane ?? in ;denilsafie~t, tt:sdgirflgS Tine, after Supper. pre~sedt. 'the'C sf C Sacehi. suit cii htheter *bd a st toj; retire to bed, leaving the tw e toatftt;, -tatet ,, .- ?? - ?? $ ?? > . ' SACC9II [Addresaingbhiself toboth] Mes ?? entec decourt-prenet garde; or,-G-iroviieierivedeew; Au lieudelapesion, youi may get von ba.ier! ?? t S X -Ti LAD:, Xbhaltr> ...

Poets' Corner

... l'out-vi, Ccqller. LOVE IN IDLENESS. ITr as at tile Iooll-tide holir, A 'dys ;l ,Cscd in a lio'er; I1. tbes ?? ?? ?? blush'd a fairb flower. Not a piloln ws is mos ed, norr a breeze was heard, As i hi IIelts ?? te l.idy stirr'd 'i lle 1Uj Os Lf Ill-' 110 IliIOW 110 IOICI. She sai in its cradling bloom A cherub LVI ith folditigplumc; And II bow ulistrllng, And armos', Were fllung O'er the cuip ...

Poets' [ill]

... !posts' Copier. THl'E SPANIARD'S APPEAL. G OD of our Fathers! in ?? name, Riesistless as the wild Simooin, WXe ?? throulig clouds of smuine and flame, And swept away, to death and doom, T[he legiouns of the Iron Crown. And huirtd the Imperial Dc'pot down; Inilamed by %chose life-givilug isiod, W\e poir d our ire(riliited blood Y4oi e frelly I .hin he desert-bird Whose ealirt-drops feed her ...


... ' TUEATRICAL EXAMINER. No. ?? VnA. XNDEntIOTSi, of whom report had opoken higthly, has appeared at this theatre in Lear and ill SirGiles Over- reach. In the one,' he haq neadyl~ driven tile other out of -our vnnds. In the iast, he discovered himself to be a tell sirot1fe-atified, deep-voiced, able-bodied perrormer; in ithe fir t, he was a -ieakk, tretnulous, decrepid old man. Lealr is not a ...


... I ?? VG-SttTIRITWIC ?? a Londri Paiper of Thurjdaj Reynolds, thii boxer'had areal crowded lires court yesterday as a perormer of merit, and th :saateurs we're.bigh y:peas 'd with' the soprts. The performances commentcei itt a EnV manl er ¶elbre the Mster J Me Ctreo ?? vneltr the- k~la~r of the,e CiremeorsieSls'adr his ,8ppera5 Ayres, t aeipu.lis,, n .0t-ber Wttredispt ing ibout each ouhe¶' ...


... PARTY POrl'lly. I1h' TMfr RIINAIIKADI CIRCUMSTA,'NCES -AITEND- INOe TIIF QUeEF N. JWIhen GCifhrd coni m-nced his attack on the C)ueen, Loud ra rled the thunider, red liglst'nllgs verr setnt Whne Copffy *uurntesl ti all he proved bgld been done, ?? I'war alwost -a ruteal eclipse of tbe r ilu; t1: the svio2le of the case we may clearly remark, Accusatiun in thunder, and proof itl the dark ! ...


... TT4rP . O;Nr. V F' \ATOR. Fr.o 05 Ad~oic, t, foli; tt Letter ipi PUs.n. And nowe, with no deiignt to quiz, co! I'll tel-l y:an What this husines' is. cm.i 'fibis route, inglorious toil and ?? Thiat weari tlhe body, not the brain.- li M ichi state in many ca~ei,-itere WI) Much Wes is meant than roerti the ear, i Jistt listen, and you'll find a knack 'tis c oomatered by a little practice.de Tlo ...


... E1 PIRAM.. kT fi BluSICIAN and DANCING.MASTEIC, 96hO de-' camped with Cash awubscribed for a Alusical- Pgblication. HIS time was tquick, his tortch1&vas-fleet) Our gold he nimbly flger'd; , Alike alert were-hands and feet, His movcnzeads.have rot liuger'd.. Where lies the wofiher of the casevu'` A moment's 'thought :detects it ,; gis practice has beern thoiough ban, A chord will be bis exit. - ...


... T. 1ill~ . - T-12 -s TY V AGE A540Uo'bV OF THE Tislt '12 FOitai AM rlKsss1sfe. . n i3IAJUSTY, it i8 said, ilas expressed'his gracious intention' rf cniferrlng som6 mark of fits ROyal favour rrpon I1r. lsxri the' Magistrate, for his recent active and meritorious services. The Duke and Duoheis of NORaTsUMSenL4ND and family imieid yesterday at their hnuse in St. James'ssquare, from their seat, ...


... RO - O F. MIRROR OF4SHi1f)M *. - m r - TO SHEW THE VyMLY ACE Nl) Za.D 7OF THE TINl,. i ITS FORFM AND tPtESSURE.- THn Drucirss'oF CrLAttNCr AND TIHE PnlfNCRSUIZA5ETITIf The official Bulletiris frot thie Phvsiclans attending their Rloyal Highnesses having-peased.ta, be ?? to the nu.- merous inquirers yesterday wVas, the DucheEssand~the Princess EIUasmmT have both had a good night, and ...


... T-H MIRROR OF FASHION. - TO SHEW THR VRRY ASI AMN SODT OF THr TOWe, ITS FORMS AND PRISSUE THE Q UEEMX. Addresses presented yesterday to her MAJESTY at Brandenburgh House:- I St. Matthew, Bethnal-green-Deputation. Farringdon Within-Do. St. John's, Hackney-Do. Leather Dressers-Do. Norwich-Do. Brighton-Do. St. Neot's-Lord Wm. Russell, A.P. Newcastle-under-Lyne-Colonel Jones. Northampton-Sir G. ...