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Warwickshire, England


Warwick, Warwickshire, England

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A London correspondent says :—“ It is reported that the Kin?’* speech will speak strongly upon the state of ..

... A London correspondent says : It is reported that the Kin?’* speech will speak strongly upon the state of Ireland, with particular reference to the Association, teiie/i riMl put ilmm —not name, but in a more objectionable way —by a law so General in its ...

sporting Slntenigence

... doriog the whole of last wetk» except Wednesday, by a severe cold, which rendered hfan pliable speak without great exertion, and sometimes when he attempted to speak, he could scarcely make ludistlf heard. Bis Lordship apparently laboured under more Or les ...

SAUTHFiBUK (per it. qfßli. sinimf ifnU) Monday, March the weight and quality af thiwffig are much about the far ..

... inferUJh things continue in a depressed stats i and terns mill, doubt, remain otter —Far Mutton, the best Linntns make crown, speaking the light weights; but big Sheep may be considered rather lower,—The top pries of Downs is higher to-day than be- 2d,—Om ...

porn?®. UNES to miss w ** C’est le near q*i /nit ratnir le mol*.” “fur born love, the heart delight*

... Montgomery. t Where the (•▼eliftt features join’d Nature’s most delicate pencil design’d, Where unbidden, and smiles without art. Speak the eoftness and feeling that dwell In thy heart. Where, in manners enchanting, no blemish can trace. But the soul keef-s the ...


... first lore, lo aestllog to breast I The tender, little, darttag child, A mother’s care lo etalra; And, her Ups, learn how to speak A mother’s dear, dear name 1 To ait upon father’s knee. Bis kiss and smile to share By him. Id gentle words, taught. To lisp ...


... Fessev is about 18 Years old, Five Feet One or Two Inches high, thin, light Hair, and has pale complexion, rather lisps when he speaks, and giving a Person Answer, frequently puts Ids Right Hand to his Head, by way Compliment. He had on when he left, Fustian ...


... received patronage almost unprecedented in the above cases; they are also of great utility persons in the habit uf Public Speaking ; and the highest testimony the Musical World has been advanced in their favor, where the Voice haa been iiißueneed > humid ...


... bowercV last Ainapriyca were supported for the few sales whh'h were made. SMiTiitiELi>, Juke 24.—At this day’s (whlcU generally speaking; exhibited good Friday Supply; each kind of meat, except lnu>H, which was demand, riencWa lieavyakle but linic variation ...

Public Meeting, at Ih I'ock, has resolved that the name of the town shah be cliaugcd lo heron Port. An

... different countries, speak nearly as many different languages or idioms His wife was an Italian, whom he married in Italy on tlx first invasion ol that country by the French. His first child (Marie) was born al Milan, and speaks Italian, the language ...


... LAW RELATING TO CONISS OR BABBITS. Though rabbits are not strictly speaking game, yet they arc included many of the acts relating to the game. By the common law, If rekbits come upon a man's ground, from warren or elsewhere, and damage his com or herbage ...

For a Limited Period, STAMMERING, And all Defects and Impediments of Speech, whether Natural or Acquired, ..

... derived the slightest Benefit. —After Thbeb Weeks under Mr. Davis's Instructions, the Boy completely Cured and able to Read and Speak without hesitation; the Name and Address of this Individual, with many of the most respectable References will be given on ...

Sore Throats, Hoarseness,

... received a patronage almost unprecedented in the above eases; they are also of great utility to persons in the habit of Public Speaking ; and the highest testimony in tb*-Musical World has been advanced in tbeir favor, where'the Voice has been influenced by ...