... A meeting witw held atl seven o'clock on Wednesday evening, at thev Exchangte, in order to facto a Society b~r the eocourageiniet of the Fine Arts, nod an Exhbilution of painittings, J&c, in this town. It was attended by upwards of fifty persons, all of whom iannifested anl enthttsiastifC desire, to promoitte thle object for which they had beeit called togelher. Thle resolutions that were ...


... LITERARY AND PHl ILOSOPHICAL.;SOCIETY. Teim second meeting, this season, of the above society, was held on Friday evening. Dr. Alderson, the President, having taken the chair, and the routine business of the meetinghaving c been disposed of, Mr.. Fielding proceeded to read a paper . communicated by Lieut. T. L. Lewis, R. E., Iwhich contained an 'interesting account of a people denominated the ...


... LE VI4UOA COe199T. oThe, Vocal: Concert at. ~the. Chorypl Society's Roorns, Mytongata, on * Thuyeday last, afforded to the amateurs Who atteonded, as olelicisus a treat aealdbavo 'boon anticipated by the mast ardeut itcimirers of musical. It science; Irled mijon we, considered thle eminence atdtained, and 'so is. long enjoyed, by Mr. Killct and Mr. Vaughan, is tile pn~cullar province of giee ...


... . . . On Tuesday last, the play of Willifan Tell was per- formed at our Theatre, for the benefit of Mr. Calrert. Although this picce was titled in the bills of the day, a tragedy, aml, in all ilotorlined apology for the oenls siol of part of the fif'th act, nva's desigsatod nto n lwoble production, we confess wve campot brilg ourselves to dsiewitin nT other light tsall that of a ...


... SECOND SIGHT.-(By Mes. HesAItS.) till, Freor lhe L ite'rary Souveir5?i. bet1 cou A mournful gift is Irine, 0 friends' IWE A mournful gift is min Ie stat A murmur oftire soul, which blends tort With the flow of song snd wine. M An eye tbat throuigh the triumpli's hour Ste Becholds the coming Woe, fi And driells upon the faded flower, o 'Midst thle rich summer's glow. -r Ye smile to view fair ...


... LIĀ¶ERATURE, &c. EXTRACT FItOa THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. A NAtIRATttf OF 1757- Bt 14H5 AiUtHOd bF TH1E SP jlJ &C. We should premise Ihiat Coua, Alice, and Majoe Hey- ward, haie been Irken pri-oners by sotte Indians, and La Lougne Carn,)a, alias Hawk-eye, the English scout, Uncas, and hi father Chiligniehfook, follov them to altempt their reaicue. Then die! shouted Magua, hnrlini his tomahawk ...

The Magic Globe, or the Bottle Imp

... ICfe rjagit Bolbe, or tle vottos *mup, - Come like shadows, so deart. Sha!bpearj CHArp. VL a, Whimsical Incident at 9iX AArtion-Nereessy o' Confdece and Good Understanding beiteen Mnn and . 6 all, Netevnsonger, or Specilator'is w e w paVptrpents. R. -ERihersde and his Edior-Blosoinglot and cold. This evening, after the usual salutations between Ferdinald and his tutelar spirit, Asnodeus thus ...


... Ism vottrv. POETRY.-BY AN AFRICAN SLAVY. P E In the Raeigh tgister may be found an interesting account Itc of an extraordinary young slave, about twenty-five yeats of age, residing in Chatiam county, * who, although almost self-taught a has eivineed talents of no common order. We shall offer no a hpob Isgy forintroducing a specimen of the compositions of this young ii slave, which, considering ...


... Ori fnI1 STANZAS. Weloome, Lady, to the shore, Thou wert destined to adorn; Never may thy footstepsmore *Ritm unguarded and forlorn. Here no slanders shall assail tiee, - Darli a th'sassrins polntedsteel;: liritaino sons and daughitersJllthee. a - A ,for tfll thy sorrowsIfeel. W~henl al. ci thou didst appeari:0. ..3 Care *within thy janmols bre as, Ejlgand's generous saon were near, trollet ...


... O. ,rigioAL. ..TH `ltfjA X - V:. -Scane ?? in ;denilsafie~t, tt:sdgirflgS Tine, after Supper. pre~sedt. 'the'C sf C Sacehi. suit cii htheter *bd a st toj; retire to bed, leaving the tw e toatftt;, -tatet ,, .- ?? - ?? $ ?? > . ' SACC9II [Addresaingbhiself toboth] Mes ?? entec decourt-prenet garde; or,-G-iroviieierivedeew; Au lieudelapesion, youi may get von ba.ier! ?? t S X -Ti LAD:, Xbhaltr> ...


... . LINES ON FE4BEAf-UTIFL SRRIES-OF ROYAL POR i; yTRAI rITS E BNG IN CHCRCH-STREET. . -: AIT . . - . . . liesete ypttsa desire.) Blows self Shades of the miglity~-might~riiow no moite- cocnl ::be .Where is the laureate now to tell goor story? done oDn- A ?? Yet your deeds restoretS~ sym] *rd Nor Is this all that's left us Of Yout gloryF. earls cd Howv many are there in this line of kingo, best ...


... 1Vottrti. - - - - - -IIt THE INDIAN- MIAIS IASNT. ?? the iat4 ajx Free Press, ?? Journal.) C - r An Indian maid was sitting where l-er lover slain In battle slept; d Her maiden veil, her own black ?? d Came down o'er eyes that wept. t And wildly in her woodland tongue, This sad and simple lay she sung: h I've pulled away the shrubs that grew c Too close upon thy sleeping head, t And broke the ...