... FA~S4.S SOR JAN YUARY. P'UrSlss EVENIN'(O CostVAE. gre d of ifaded violet , coIjur, wvith white satin wlee ;. and ornamented round the border arid bust with rich gauze en carreatiUY set in separate squares. ...


... THE FASHIONABLE WORLD ?? D .. . .. I -A^ D7I~'Xa~SrAt' AND ClLtiwO ~t:T>E= A. - Z A ?? D the Duke of Wellington gae an eltcrant entertain oto' ' Suadiy. a t hs eat. Straisia94-Iants. tta rtaarus.par of dAistinction, aaong TVhoni iwee tnust ?? lhorig n .5 nlb4tu saders atid .51inrti rs: .. .. ~ e a :> . Th6 Ambassador of the Netherlands Literl. party oI 'dkdr1ignisbed p, arages. oa 3Moi0dayt, ...


... T IF F I MIRRBOR OF FASHION. - TO SHEW 'SUE VERlY Att ASD BOOT OY Mr TSETWE, Ise FoaRt AN rPRtESSuE. The Duke of Yonx: leaves town this day for Windsor. Tow TA4 ...


... tlHZATRICiATI EXA 9t,. No. 286. ANSIVER TO A THEA TRICAL CORRESPONDENT IN THE CHAMPION. WY beg ten thousand pardons, brother-critie, for not at- tending to you, before; but you see, there has been that foolish fenlow, Lord CASTLrRLMA0, here; and that melan- clholy (wvant of) genius my Lord LivnEpooa; and Maty Queen nf Seots, and the two Droemios, With Miss $,rz- PiSENS and Miss Tera; and we ...


... LITER'I'j3 NOTICES. No. 35 A U,/iun Sl/orn, wu. s, !>eegp de ]WmiUl atndother Poemte s. ISS Di 'srty (krC rdf.. Va ?? :tlreamdy it!n0odjced our readers to this elegant alithor, wh.'o !i si, .rC unae himseler wel known to the literary philti. N second pnibhlcation bhowever from his peu eonab;es us no sani up flue character of ids poetry with ?? confideone. IHe ;at now ritttni maarrative aii ...

Poets' Corner

... 1poetv Copier. TO AUGUSTUS. *- Jll ;ai telvtis, ' &C.-Hore. Od. it. Iib. 1 E SO U G II of ulinman blood is spilt! Vorboar, adl add not to tihc guilt !limit stains the miscremant hand; That erlhimson htiid (a), wvhichi tore of late 'lmc Sa 't'-d Chater' otthe State, And terrilied time lmimd. 1I hci l'eople trembliledi, lest again Jlhe days of pt SCLltitilil reign (b), And momnsteis neme (i) be ...

Oracle of Fashion

... oad'le of ajb}tillt. reil A iII ANGE 01' G,.. SY, Cit ilV I.'tI F. .Jh 1oiif?. IFASIONS FOlt JANUARY. ullf-fi/'s .--A rolli idiled,, coinl)sed of e liii r'rj*tt . The colour is diffiiult to ii 'ribe: it i betiten at diark ftlnin and a si c-gieeil, Withlolt heni! CliECtly Cithl'i; bhl, of he two, it is lne s t to the gnrlli. 1ilw bod yis inadc atiher more than half higl; thie bacl hs:, aj ...


... 'i R ?? -I. O ' A.$ IO z M:IRROR OF -PA$HION. - utarso ~nso Tov w SHE VICRY AGWAND40BDY OF THE VMER, ,^Zs FOjS AND PRE5tUA. TRE DUKE OF YORK'S COUNCIL. Friday afternoon the Duke of York left York Hotiis, St. James's Palace, and proceeded to Windsor, for the purpose of being ini''tadiness to bold a Council upon the state of the Kinges Health, -on Saturday, which took jplacp. soo.n after tweve ...

Review of Literature.—Science and the Arts

... 3Ktbtrio of Rituatill-r-?zriclict Allb HY rRM 1 isuxoirq af -&ydb Said, Su~nrn nf Jrh1-cal; together With, an JIacruiit of( the Countrices d P'eoplc oJ the Persian (dlph, prn ticeuarly of til e a,1ii (lbeaI s. By SITAIK MAN- slt', a Native of Rolne. Translated from tile Italian M S. 8vo. pp. 174. London, 181it. [0,~ltlnllt wd. To the north oftlhekinpdllon ol'mIoMscat areseverraltowns,, ...

1688 v. 1819

... -1688 v. 1819, Albion, oce. the faiegt ale !I Blest with Freedom's holy smile- Ul3est with rights which Freedom gave, 'Tvwa Treason Rhen to brand her slave. Nqw, alas! ?? ?? - opdpU POWr-eP r d-foorn-- Rights that were-her fattier's clalm Abaudon'd, lost, except Ia namc Gallia, once the potent foe Of e-'ry right of men below Gallia once, whose tyrant eway, To subjects only, uald--osre- Now o01 ...


... MIRROR OF FA S HION. ng5 rZRlY A.5E ?? SODS OrT 585 2ssl 155 r0am SMD MR5SBUZL The Ifart and Countess of IlAnROjrty and farrily have left iwn, for their seat Saldon Hall, Staffordshire. The Earl of ANcBP6 has left town, on a visit to Lord and Lady Castlereagh, at their sear, North Cray, Kent. The Earl and Coautets of 1-uNTINGDON hase left their house B ran tone-square, for Abby Cliw Hive, ...


... T R R MIRROR OF FASHION. TO 5P1EW R VERY OZR Ami) BOAT (11 11*its , Rs Fo1n1 4ND 69631ua3. WINDSOR, JAN. 5. On Wednesday the Duke of Sussex arrived at the Palace, on a visit to the Priqcesses. In the evening his Royal Iighneas returned to Kensington Palace. Monday the Duke of YORK arrived at York House, St. Tames's Palace, from Oatlands. Yesterday his Royal Highness held a Levee at his Office ...