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Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

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... DUTI CH MAIL. Hanotiiver, Dec. ?? teductioii about to be made in the H anoverian ifinfantry is very consider- ahile. Before die invasiin of the French, whieii the population of I-Innover anmouited to 800,000 soul, Mthe iifinitry consisted of 39 rehimenies: llol\V tht the plpiilatioi no' oflie ?? amiounts to 1,300,000 souls, the igifiltrry is td consist of only 12 ?? or 24 battalions, ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3502 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Wednesday's & Thursday's Posts

... ..AnJMseqlays & Thursday's Posis. HOUSE OF LORDS,. -MONDAY, DEC.27. LIBELS BILL. :T.ThEarl of DON OUG HMORE t presented a Peti- Shili from thle Buoksellers, Printers, and Publisihirs of Edinbuirghi, prayillg for relief unsdet tbe operation of tiibiel Bifl. The Noble Earl -intiniatetd at the 'stise ,liso his entire opposiion to tile B ill.- No- be Baroi n (Lord Holland) would have beet) present ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1718 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post continued

... I'vueday's I-lost Wontiaued. Pr) t ae Londlon Ga~zette of Satilrdav,. '11h Dragoois-Brevet Major KIeane ti be Major. '22d Foot-11revet Lient.-Col. M'Neight to be Miijjor. I;iU -Brevet MNajor Abratulis to be M ajor. HIosI\iIt Stafl-SurgUon Murray to be SUr.ceou to the l'orces. A Thomas Fred. Hunt, of the Stable-yard, St. Martin- in-the- Fields, builder. Jas. Green, of Brauncewell. Lincolnshire ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 124 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... o sr S ?? I P.§t.,, -- . ?? . . L~ -- aib DC. 3ti HOUSE OFurSDA E HOUE F Ose Ito moove for certain papers Sir jjAILINF, L rose ,ototelrcil f tile Re- Sir H~At~enceof the collection t relative t tile C *jiOlnes of the Goeiieint veil'j aiid al f t lhin tihat if th le system He asa S 0t ° t trnchnient might be effected. were re~ised, a grea . the Revenue for the year Tf ee o c gl a suet thau 4 ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 400 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Sunday's and Tuesday's Posts

... .&jndazy's and Y'Tesday's Posts. LOT35DON. DECE MBERn 2r3. ) hlS pnlpeps of Fridayv anti Saturday last P hleare rttived. The prwject of lao' for art- thiaribil; tl e collect ion of the first six-twvelthis of tile taxeS for the year 1820, up(n tile scale of tire preceding year, trndi'liveret a severe scrutilly in tile batreau, to vwich it Vas cominitted, aill it was fintd ly ,determined that ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2717 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... ?? F 0 IR Satuirday, JoItaCY 1.i The proprietoi' of tids Journal inforitl their 01 ST~tATFOOD' VP0oy-AvoS, they t 1,0w 5iepozii2;tebsl Mi. B AACLE, Prin;'e. of .Stratfird, t/rirjlgert forhthat town itii its vicillir, i (in the roosn ot Il1.. Jaerdd Adl orders for the t Olr ord r 0drrlstell to Mir. Barnacle oill be ?? attended to. ECCL.SjASTjICAL PROMOTIONS. The Rev. Henry Crarejr Ortd has beet ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2565 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, Dec. 30. -Letters and I apers arrived on Tuesday from New York to the Ist inst. In some of the former it is stated, that it wvas positively resolved, by the American Governmentt, to submit to Congress, as so on as it should meet, a ?? fur au- titorizitiw it to ttwke defnitive possession -of the Floridas. This statement derives some confirm- ?? fromn a report mentioned in one of the ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1010 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LOXDON, D)i-c. 28. Mi1.tUM IN 1PAIvO.-Prince Regent lefttowat lFriday, aecoimpanicd by Sir B. Dleomifield, for rlborotugh-rowv, ~Briglton, anad a l ived in timle ii dtile ?? ])elke ald Duchess of Glocester- Ilet Itoyal liuliness muclh intlisposetl roll colil last week, but since ?? party at- aelidedl diviine service on Cliristass lPay, aid receivel (ie sacrament- Regent ill excellelt health ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5478 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post continued

... Tuesday' f Post -optintued. -. I A CHRONOL4OGICAJL rA'BLE or) TlEt: NOSY' REX'iiR.UiBLE EV'ENXS OF 7'J ,AIS7' Y1.1.4. JANUARiY. 2. Satisfactory accounti receled from India Ye- S elilig the teruminmation of tile vmr agaiist ttlC P'indlal es. 5. Accmount of tile King of Pianee signing ain order for wrmiliti lng tile retuiil of 15 persolns who timid Votedt filol tilemimm d it of ,Lois XV1. 6. A ...

Published: Saturday 08 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 6193 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 0 XFO tDIP Sat urday, January 8. Oi Sunday last, at an Ordiantion held at thle Caithedral, by tbe Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishlop of Glocester, 15 candidates were ordtiained 'so ?? of that Diocese, three Priests, viz. Itubert Jermyn Cooper, A. B. Christ Church, Oxford. Iticliaid Jones, A. B. (if Worcester college, Oxford. Btenjainin Saunders Claxson, A. B. of Voreester college, Oxford. ...

Published: Saturday 08 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1548 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ORIGIN l1OF THE RADICALS. * ,0 ?? EDI'TRI. fly Smn,-Contelnptible as the squabbles are between such men as thie Watsous, Hunls, and Cobbetts, yet in they have been of such service in restoring the quiet ed of the Nietropolis, that I think we owe themi some es degree of respect. If it had not been for the total want of principle, common honesty, and common of decency, displayed in the ...

Published: Saturday 08 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1014 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Sunday's and Tuesday's Posts

... Sundany's and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, JANUARY 4. W E are happy to learn from the Glasgozo W Clhroiicle, that trade begins to assume, in that town, someappenrance ofitswonted activity. Several houses have engaged a considerable number of weavers, and it is added, that more business has been done in printed goods withiin these eight days, than was done for six months before. The accounts ...

Published: Saturday 08 January 1820
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2382 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News