... i'.VORQV.l.RHl ()NT TGU'IBAtSx Qi{-'SCO'1'-LA~D . . I :cotiiILnti4'L t as day b~riarJ In 'CYVo Iit P atl .end the biat 0 ?? aid,'i-'tvt'iiti' kitowiti 'iemil tilwvto r-c'l, 12, ?? i5 fl eigitt iea.Wi Lfi-e ikin-si violrhothis tijoc W~s~aoi's itieii tind 'tria ito1c Ilin-r 'klci-!'i-vsihit mci l' ioeLI, o'r Jit brittc-r. inl orin'rto S5y12 hintro k nt ii'i Pm iibit9 ta Li i- Thle o in ...


... .JUR-Y COURT. ts- NWe are authorised to state, that in consequence-of . : the King's Birth Day falling on Tlneeday the 23d s 9. instant, the day axed for the Juryy Court rneetingi Tr Glasgow, and as it is undetstood that the btisirtess of t tile Justiciary Court wiilLcin-rtnue' beyond that (la ys I the J3ry Courit will not :sit until Friday ti6 2 6th, when the Count will 1be opeined by the ...


... -- , RI . I 1JUSTIC'IARY COUR F, D)UMIRlES; APRIL 15. VI 'T'he Circuit Junticiary Coutt, for thiq and the neighbour- st .ing L omvty, N as opened here on Saturday. by lordsiHer- toand atid Pv11dowhatllh. Shut tly alter the Court mrt, how- VI ever, LItrv &Meadiiwhaluk became ittwell and was torced to si retire tr tite King's Arms, whvere, v.,e are sorry to add,- ie h wa4 cnifined to bed for ...


... GL.OtCE-T'ER A$SS1ZlS. rsr~ltlU~:, :Sa.t.COL. Bltt;`.RKVJX . . .he rs t rated the ca C se. I 1;i pillt .I .Jolhin M tteis, Esq., is the sun of the Coil il wt ite tr use of NvUis and1 UAs., bt cc Ot Iondosij and, in the vear ISIO, whilst ott a visit to tie ti oi Mill. bec.itull. L tunnlited with 11iss Jane Lascelles ite, eldest daughltcr of ct~t~ain Blak3e, It. N., who wiss ur wiveral VeCiS ;I ...


... HljI-l COURI 'F JUi l'IC(ARY. In ,ls by, at tell o'dclck, (Gillltrt M 'Leod, prin- I tor oft : paper puilA ishei inl Glasgow', UIl- h o e ' S'he Spirit of the niolln, ' a!)id wh oI ' z J anuary .1at was sen telcevd to fonr Is ?? ill (lasgow g'lol, fbr cnteempt- ' ~ ~ * ?? rds the Court, asiell ib ihatpa- ; Il brou ?? to thle bar onl a charge O' SLdi thn ?? : beell also comnmlnitted in ?? ...


... ELECTTON CASE. WAucti and otberm v. the PRovosT, MAGisTRATrS, and COUNCIL of Linlithgow, At last A ichaelmas election of the Mlagistrate3 of the Burgh of Liilithgow, when the names of the Council were inserted- in the newspapers in the u- sual way, a different list was also published by de- sire of a law agent in Edinburgh, of the names of twenty-six persons said to have been then (Iuly elect- ...


... OW. WtJLV)SfDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. |; John Munro, nmariner, and Win. Kerr, sailor, were ic charged with violently ?? Basnbrough, black- th smith, Greenock, striking hial several severe Wiowes on the ,t head, anid, while lying on the ground, jurnping upon hic u bodv, and striking him most severely on the face anti head; f and then robbing hbim of his hat, and three shilling. 'I'he pannels pleaded ...

COURT OF KING's BENCH, Westminster, April 30

... | COURT OF KING's BENCH, Mrstminster, April so. I: I -it, n flmane rirce-ml trt rn r THE MANCHESTER MEETING. REDFORD V. BIRLEY AND OTIIERS.--iMr. Evans moved fora rule to show cause why the verdict in this cause should not he set aside, and a new trial grant- ed. Hc said that his learned friend Mr. Blackburn, who l ! was leading counsel ibr tbs paintinfat the trial, excced-c bigly regrettetl ...


... it (For the proccedlegs qf Saturday, Mefracua, Tueasdatj, and r e ?? see last page.) Y THURSDAY, AoUGST 5.h irSTEALTING FROM THE PERSON. A Ic Wl.BOOT tonwa chaigedi with stealing from the person of FMr. Robirt Morresy, 'a pocket-beak, contaainig £20 Inyxsotiitt If 3r.obertli sre.the prescruto r, lives at lionfirtbi. 'BeA d Oti ofd that he bad been spending pant of the oe'dsissg, en the t ...


... ESSEY LENT jVS17ES. CH-ILD) MURDERi. Rosalie Curcltod, aii interesting feinale, of great ?? beauty. a native of Switzerland, was inic ol h ?? of'her new born miale illegiti- ?? child, ins t3:ikitrg. on thle 20th off December last. The eirctnn-tanices of' thias unhappy case were pecuob- Wite rltrretiog, indeed pailiteticaily romantic, and. excited nie salyeiapothy. 'lhe pr'i.,orner, at lovely ...


... RIOTS AT ROCHIDAI. rLANCASTER ASSIZES._SA`rTURDAY, SEPT 5. Sill I no nPORIGE TrAYLOR, it 11I tAWORTHt, and JONA- *1'j II THAN PARKttINSOIN, woet ptallladinctcd, tider the 8tlh sec- al d tion of 7thani Biflt 11tcftO I V., c. lit, for rtiot~ol~y, tttiuiltUlUiSly, andtl e ,f uniilawfillyesnsiebtlig together it lit~cititdI, uatd breakling itito aio I- certant loaom-stop thr otatoot, willti intent ...

Published: Saturday 12 September 1829
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5169 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... BOW STREET.-THE BeY-SIRL THIR1.-JANr KENNEDYr otherwise JAME11 VINCENT, Was yesterdiy placed at the bar charged witb robbing a Mr. Elias Craggl, of a sovereign and a half sovereign, at a bagnio in the neighbourhood of Covent-gar- den Mariet. The night constable said, that the prisaner was given in charge to him on the preceding night, which charge was entered in the watch-house hrlok, and Mr. ...