Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL or KING GEORGE THE THIRD. ?? preparations which had been made for the last testiinony of respect to our deceased Sovereign had drawn to Windsor, even at the commencement of this week, multitudes, Auch greater than those which had been collected at any former time within the memory of man. Neither the Jubilee in 1809, with the enter- taijments. then prepared for the public, nor the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER, WEDNESDAY, Feb. 16. On the 7th instant, the Lady of Ralph Barnes, Esq. of this city, of a daughter. Last week, at the house of Viscoirntess Nelson. Exmrnonth, the Lady of T. Nesbitt, Esq. P. N. of a son and heir. On the 23d of August last, at Calcutta, Henry Manning, jun. Esq. of the Civil Servicej eldest son of H nry Manning, Esq. of Sidmoutb, to Caroline, eldest danghter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DUKE OF KENT'S FUNERAL. On Fridayn±le ra %thich is si-uated in the Great Pak, oo. ?? ideof Windsor) at six o'clock in theevening.' This , odge tak~e, its name from the- great Duke of Cum-. ;)flad, as he is termed, uncle; to his late. Majesty. It iS a large substantial red brikk buildivg, not ro. aarkable in thie exterior for any ?? . i the rpoms witin: are ipac;nus., It has for so e irnc been ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LAT'E DUKE OF KENT. __ .1 : . . ' ; , ,z .. -. ,, - ,. Mis Royal Highnless *vas ruried on Satirday even- ing at St. George's Chapel, Windsor. The inter- ment was what is officially called a r private one; but nevertheless there was a great procession and state, At seven o'clock the urn in which the heart of the deceased is delpositel was placed in a mourn- ing coach, arnd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS On Monday last, in Jervis street the Lady of Robert Warren Esqs of a son. At Benison Lodge,.county Westmeath, the Lady of Thomas Smyth, Es9. of a daughter. on Saturday last, at lie house of her fatber; Lieutenarn Geuerml McLeod, St. James's Park, Lady Gardiner, of a ton. MARRIAGES On Sunday the l3th instant, at her father's seat, Prospect in the County Kildare, the amiable and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HIS LATE MAJESTY LtOD^r, FEBRUAVARY |.-Thk appearance G the jow~ Windsor is aow es voiy 11S it *W4 fieretofk.- cheerful. The noble toweriof its caale tbe- m ats of ili grandeur, once the sea If so Iu-ch Asbiw;:pomp, and-lauterl~y af soz muusb do- isalestic vrt6,, e now closed, and the ?? ed fice is converted into - house of mourning . The'lloyal standard, .4he lowing tdds of which once denoied ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Lately, at All Saints' Church. Newcastle-uponrTyne, Hugh Parr, Esq. scs of thelate Sir. Parry, of tistown,tojane,eldest daunhter of Hugh WatsonEsq. of the former place. On Maonday, the 7th fist. at Sefton, Mr. Thomas Williams, merchant, of this town, to Miss Coombe, of Great Crosby. On Tuesday We'nnight, at St. George's, Hanover-square, Lon. don, the Earl of Uxbridge, eldest soR of the Marquis ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T he Sale oft' re PR OPkk'f'Y at SHE7fLVG- TONr, adlrcrtirel 211 oterfisrst pagc to take place on .Fridoay I/se 3df oJ' Aiiorc/, is POSY'POYfEJ ?? fuiihes ?? iN given1. MARRIED. At Duhlin, the Hlon. and Very Rev, the Dean of llillala, to Sophia, daughlter of the late Sir George Ribton, Bart.-Tlte Rev'. John Tophane, B. A. Head Master of Brontsgrbvt Grammar School, to 1sabell3, daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n- . W u * ?? lIHS. f fh At Midriq. on the 23d July, .Mrs SEMP5ONt, relict of the tts d- late nr' Simpeou, E.q. of a dautghter. th A, the hiu e of her I ithet, Licur -General M Leod, St a' . Jameis's Park, London, Lady GARDINER, of a son_ I s At Madras, the Lady of Lieutenant D. H. MACKENZIE, rL of the artillery, of a drughter. At Madras, the Lady of A. MACKENZIE, Esq. Surgeon of 1 rd his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aT * , , ' Ti KI . . ;I:-116AT.H,$ OF TH&K ING. lo Maesty expid; it appears, Iat Wtiinisor (.~aft - on- Saturday evisiiigi the bth ux1~tant, at half. 1 pad'eight o clock? . i tlie eighty, .second aen~r of hs rige, andl in the flyy,4ini~ yar of 'hareig ,~ liar. n jnbe~en born l the year 1738, 4 aild ha;;iving ascenidcd therlirone in itlrc Feir~ 1'TOO . - the rearkis wich ti ha ve to oftf upon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Married On Monday last, at our Parish Church. Henry Charles Russell Esq. Captain in tbe royal artillery to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of R W D Thorp, M. D. of this town. On Monday last, at Kippax, near this place, Ashton Nicholas Every Mosley, only son of Ashton Nicholas Mosley, Esq. and Lady Every, of Park Hill,in the County of Derby, to Mary Theresa, only child and heiress of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At West Dean, Sussex, Charles Palnuer Dimu)nd, Esq. of Gray's Inin, to Mary, eldlest dauebster of John Woods, Esq. of Chilgrore.-Mr. Geo. Clubh toa Misc Mlaria Fostcr, both of Woolwicb.lohss W alker, Esq. of Artillery-place, Finsbury-square, to Jessy, eldest danghter of tbe latc Jolm Johnsonl, Egtj s. f Jamaica. -Thomas Flower, Esq. of the Hon. East India Coom pany's Civil Saervice, ...