Advertisements & Notices

... EfNtiEFIT of Mr. PHILIPPS and Miss - vs2 d the larit Ni9bt of their Performance. 'gg 5nrdi the Sh instant, will be represented s ~gVl ., hre Acscaledthe 3flOperjs eACB , OF SEVILLE. 2 ; Cou-t Almaviva bv Mr. PHILrIPS. r Te rc of 0the enig, the following additional t ,nSeSe O ?? Mr. Philipps- A Itondo. Comn- t bytbzt ,y hiself.- Pumplbosa Mr. Philipps. s tbi opera The ?? Dibdin; Acconpa- 8' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g INEVITART Y TfiE LAST BUT TiPO, ANVD THBY LOT- TRINRS 1471VIAe Fol AVRSR. T BISH respectfully acquaints his best Friends, the e L* Public, that the New Scheme, which hbs refeateidr 2been advertisedat length, is inevitai4jythe inst but tao thatcp~n be submitted to the Public, Parliament having- decreed th;3 . at the expiration of that period, they bhall for ever eea-e. e T. DISH thereforq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... poSTPO E very respetfully informs his Friends d, Public, that the splendid sale of &e. advertised by hlm for oLD d following days, is unavoidably >siftl5~t.1e9th, andgth of November. Cata- ,, ri ,,'ter repOrilG c IT , GI, 4c. -A ?? 4' PINNINGTON. 1 Bw (Saturday) the 27th instant, at one o'clock ( ' ?? at \rllianlls'Sthe New Haymarket Tavern, E .,tC tj C j i'g!'lltors- , :rtl Dlark Boy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flttF.FtT Or Mts. MIGIBBON. - ne FR pj IDA Y, .Zttrrmier 2, I i for the th time, the new tragedy of dPYTj811( itAS . AftiT 1wh ics, the Interlude of Till', c'BL1`ER OF PRESTON. i . ue x :th the Rortnaititc 'ttcto Drame of jK,(}L 2? SuV Ci US( O ; otn THE BENEFlT OF l next', November 5, will be performned, ?? i the 3!usic of 'lr. -ishp. *t orinl.Gl the firit and onlly tinie, bi ,its . iIA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The felbwing gents reglarly attenW oaljdr n d'rtsmnso ?? i 1errscteTw 'tl&Co.warw R~~ RAD.FORD-J. Standfeld QOLAT~H- Earnshaw Wall'el. sre rdra MAc~.iiipfeSFitsLp.oitisipe it Prrs~ iie ow s. lTP'TW asd 3,,Fleet-street BUP~VL/,Y-T. Sutclijfi CQojwLRTONV.J pars9ons HOIfUDD1-r ?? s.I '-tSrpk-- Pl' ~v M r a - a l eW ~ ~ e r s i ~ D C b g I ~ . e eH L ~ p k i 5 A N W O / - E o u sP R Y S T O X - 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lo ---to I tto J rOHNSTONE'S PATENT WINDSOR SOAP is to at'i r be had genuine only of his successors, Lic Pe- rice Gosnell, V 12, TreePER1PUMERS TO HIS MAJESTY, T King-court, Lombard-street, London, and thei M Agents. This Soap peculiar balsaamic and enolienI La -properties, rendering the skin luxuriously white, soft, and Ba, even,-eomartezwjtisng theinjurious efeets produeed by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -S = TEIE oLD LINE OF PACKETS FOR NEW' YORK, Sad on the 1st and 16th ofetcrryl onth, viz. Th- rhe CANADA, ROGrfaSe. ?? 570 tons 1st ofSepst. The BRtTANNIA, MARSHALL, * 680 .. 16th Do. 'TIfe NEW YORK, B5NNETT, . . S . 560 . 1st of Oct. ie JAMES CROPPER, GRAHAM, 480 ?? 16th Do. TheblANCHESTER, LEsE 60 .. . Ist of Nov. The WM.THOMPSON,MjkXWRLL, 480 - 16th of Nov. The PACIFICs-Caocicea ?? 570 . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PACKETS FOR NEW YORK, To sail on theirst and sia,',0 cent oefevery month. J The NESTOR, Captain W.',LEc, Jun. Burthen 460 tons; to sail ar one 1lth of June. The COLUMBIA, Captain J. RoV,; , Burthell 500 tons; to soil on the lst oJet/p. v The ORBIT, Captain JOSIAII MACY; . n Burthen 380 tons; to sail on the 16th& of July. I The WILLIAM THOMPSON, Captain THOMPSON, a Burthen 4915 tolls; to sail ...

Advertisements & Notices

... an'tftb tatc0r t- $ PACKETSl O R~~ NE5W YORK, ni . m ff t m ~ttLd strteesth of every zrelh. The NESTOR, Captain W. LEE, Jun.; 21 Burthen 450 tons; to sail on lle 16th of February. The COLUMBI,t Captain J. RoGEus; Burthen Z00 tons; to iail on the lt of March. The JAMES MONROE, Captain MARSNALL; Burthen 400 tons; to sail on the 16th of March The WILLIAM Tl`OMPSON, Captafn TuOM1PSON; Burthen 495 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le (l ALL POST LETTERS MUST BE POST MD W ANTE D,a YOUTH who canwrtagodhd whom at Progressive Salary 'Would be gi. &rd h; idHauck, J 5, Bold-street. t lyy~,h One tom h as oie. ofl ?? C till h td by'letter, post pai)t SO~KLv odsre ~1 R W N Ean active YOUNGM N foa aX 'VAULT. None need apy Wh anot have050 C' character; and one that has beacutomned to the Bui ! , 1t- be ?? to the Pritr.ta5 a) R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ot w niteilaven. Ii CHILBLAINS RHEIRHATISAF, SPRAINS, &C. -ttO -DUTLER'S C J PUT UPOD/tLDOCG.-CajiPUt Oil 11 ha swhice is the basis of this Opodeldoo, has been long esteemed u1n the Continerit~,u u remiedy for Chliblinits, Chronic Rhetu.a- -ismn, Spasmodic Aiffections, Pa!sy. Stiffnesi, and Enlargemenrt of E the Joint$. Sprailns, Brusises.i and Deafness; and the experience of s late years in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T111S PRESENT EVENING (FRIDAY) JAN. 19, The entertainm enft-i will ?? c with a new Conic Pantomime, called DAVY JONES'S LOCKER. (rDU.E VOLreTE, by H. Diavolo Antonio.-HonsE. AS,:rier, by 1r. Aveery.-STILx. VAUL2TING, by the whole Troop.-SINGiNG, by Mrs. Ireland and Mr. sxibbing. To conclude with the new Scotch Mclo Dramne of ROBERT THE BRUCGC! pe-formances commence at half-p'ast six. Boxes, 6. ...