Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ?? ~~~F i, I ?? - It Y ?? Thlrtisay last, att Eastly, Lie ?? ileirry Lane, _ Yto tl cIonut. IHarrict Frances ho-idas, second (Utu1g):er of tie Right ion. Lord DuIdirfs. OnL Tuesday lost, at Addle. by the Rev. George Lew- 1 thillrto, rector, the lRev. Wim. Andrew, of Wighiil, leiar f tTadcaster, to ?? lester, only dangihtor of P'ter i I-I;rtdesastl, Eso. solicitor, lazte of Walecfield. S ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0zi ThiTittLay Allison;E, Thq filldcoltr, flhmnrid, ?? 0 Thlomas Jeorf,nPst .e 'of tfue rorincr place. SnII ic day, :m. Vin ~I;smka lta di, to Ms ?? nonid- 'lit'l3~janio Wrdforiot, to )l 14 Jzo~cBebolrh both of 11iionsi Lin Milticiday'ioat, it our 'npish Cjnu Dc,b ?? Il RaIichard ~Feaaco, Albcrt n~avy,E 'i.kto 10 ayou, d lnthter ~fTh:onao Cal- mlla,XI 1.4 or Sli~aepaa, nuar this town. I . Same ...

of Ol Thursday last,

... Edwvard, son of J. D. Charlesworth, n Earl. to liss Claphaor, only daughter of Thomas Clapham, . seq. all of this town. Same day, Mir. Robert llopps, of this town, to Hannah, ? * daughter of 31r. Win. iliowrsorn, of Roth well. Ir. On Mo!day lbst, at lKippalx, by the ilon. and Rer. A. H. Catheart, Joseph Clarke, Esq. of Balrisi. y, to Sarah, eldest dauighter of John Cllyton, Esq. of the former ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,7- qi?16f' U. C, li ? . ? TITlv SATURDAY, JUNE7, 1823. ?? the 3rd inst. at his Grace's houge in P lorLmrnti-cqlare, her tjraee the Decllmes of Rlchmona. o a Oltugliter.-on tionday last, at New Fisthbourne, Mrs. Onslow WItWakvfol, of .25011. E s 'lb. 1)1ea and Chhapter (f Chicilester are now F having the iron railing eflixed in the lbunt of the Ca- h ?? where the old ?? recently tsken duowt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . MA.RID. At Rotherit lie, Mr. George Bainbrlidge, timber-. merchant, to.$usafl, only daughter of John Mews,! Esq.9-At Rottipgdean, Sussex,MWilliam King, Al. D.j Fellow, of Peter Hoesc, Cambridge,, andjof lhe CoI-~ lege of Physiciansto Mary, second. daughter of thei Rev. Dr. IlJoker.-Jnsepb, son of Tlhonmas Hamby, Esq, of Kirblhant,2 Lancashire,'to Elizabeth Baldwin, daughter of T. F. Dyson, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T he Sale oft' re PR OPkk'f'Y at SHE7fLVG- TONr, adlrcrtirel 211 oterfisrst pagc to take place on .Fridoay I/se 3df oJ' Aiiorc/, is POSY'POYfEJ ?? fuiihes ?? iN given1. MARRIED. At Duhlin, the Hlon. and Very Rev, the Dean of llillala, to Sophia, daughlter of the late Sir George Ribton, Bart.-Tlte Rev'. John Tophane, B. A. Head Master of Brontsgrbvt Grammar School, to 1sabell3, daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAllRI ED. At Hananeramitl,, the Rer. T. B. Browne, of Buontingford , Herts, to Mary, eldest dasgi teir of thbe late Mr. John Salter,.of the farmler 1dLue.-'lIthe Rev'. Henry Hugh Clhanpain, of Wbich~fieldf to Mar y, dauighter of James Wicihiant, Esq. of BIolliogten, Hartts.-At Derby, the Rev'. 11. Sittipson, of Quceen's college, Cambridge, to Annr, onily dlaughter of John Borough, Esq.-Tlhe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The Rev. Henry Wilder, eldest son ?? Wilder, Esq. of Purley Hall, Beats, to Augusta, eldest daughter of the late C. Smith, Esq. of Suttons, Essex.-At Shaneklin, Isle of Wight, the Rev. Mr. White, to Rosa, daughter of the late Col. Hill._ At Bath, W. F. Knatchbull, Esq. of Babington, Somerset, to Emma Louisa, daughter of the late C. ?? Gray, Esq.-31r. S. Bettie, surgeon, to Miss Archbell, both ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIEOD. At Norwvich, the Rev. R. W. T'unney, Chiplain to his ?? foices, to Miss A. Spicer, datighter of Captain Spicer, of Ssorthwold.-Tlhe Rev. H. Wels- ford, of 'Tewklcshbry, to Miss Newman, of Castle- street, Leicester-aiquare, London.-'I'he Rev',TI'olias Keyworth, lf Runcorn, to) Miss Murrell, niece of the late Lady Barrington, of Thorncroft, Cbe1iirsie.-At Lirerpool, the Rev. Wmn. Jones ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRLED. At Rochester, Joseph Lee, Esq. of the Bower, Maidstone, to Matilda, daughter of the late George Gunning, Esq. of Frindsbury.-G. F. Walker, Esq. of Chalk Lodge, Herts, to Julia, second daughter of Thos. Sanders, Esq. of Cheshunt.-Walter Burrell, Esq. of West Grinstead Park, M. P. for Sussex, to Mrs. Chishohne.-Matthew Mason, Esq. of Stock, near Chelmsford, to Anna Maria Teresa, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HARRIED. Thie Rev. Charles Drage, of Downham, Cambridge- shire, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. Z. Brooke, of Monlis Risblrough, Bucks.-L. Dennys, Esq. of 'T'eignmoutth, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Josepih Haddoch, Esq. of Pleydon, Sussex.-'. W. Noithinore, Esq. of Cleeve [louse, near Exeter, to Catiherinte, daughter of Sir Wro. Welhy, Bart. of Granthanm Hall.-At Dorsley, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE REV. J. J. CON YBEAtlE. The painful duty devolved upon us last week of announcing the decease of the Rev. John Josias Co. nybeare; and we feel assured that the great body of our readers will receive a melancholy gratification if we annex to-day a few adlditional words in attestation of the respect that attended this eminent individual through life, and of the unfeigned sorrow that ...