... moreign _Mforelalkv. A Treaty of Commerce and Navigation has been con- cluded betvveeu Ithe United Slates and Denmark, on ltei strictest principles of reciprocity. A conipaci of great irnportance haa been accedeif to h some of tbe leading-pitwers of Europe,.wilb regard to the politiCs of Portu~gal aud Spain. England eurorces her pledge of protecting the Constitftipnal Gmeerioleat of the ...

Published: Tuesday 12 September 1826
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1256 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... FRUM COUiNTtLAS 043AS'-JOURNAL. I t XIVEITH PAlT, A JU5 tBSBDs ' . ; folnui~e'dfroint 08t last.)- : We pro*ee4 ,wlh ourextracS, fron ,this ,rWorlri. The prstfages (ich -velate to our Mlisters are ,not-the least remarknable in the lrit.y Loi4I .Bishrst, appears to bave been muore particularly the otjeci of.Napoleon's vitupe- ratie.thtougb' ix commn~osn canldoir it Ought tQ have been ifelt, th ...

Published: Monday 15 September 1823
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2516 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 1V11~TODTsZT MISSION TO'ANTIqlUA.. The' o jllwijtg' netaehciltoiy hiiati7radciloihifieW' York paper of the 29th Mat th ' A1 h, Malurch 5 --A most distressing and melanclboly shipwreck occurred uear this island this past' tveek, attendei with such circumstances as seen almost incredible, and -ver canonly say, that for the wisest purposes, thoergh bffei to us inscrulialleithe Lord linb done it, ...

Published: Tuesday 02 May 1826
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 830 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Our readers will learn with much pain, from the melancholy details that crowd our columns this day, that the

... pItfl vathrt a l be RI btr Mtrcnr). ! HULL: TuEsDAY, MAY 12, 1829. Our readers wvill learn with much pain, from the me1an- choly details that crowd.our columns this day, that the -rava ok --- - lfj have u' populous districts of Lancashire, have again been the arena of those outrages, that appear fated periodically to convulse u the country, and the only results of which are additional distress ...

Published: Tuesday 12 May 1829
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 6358 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

So great a dearth of foreign political news, of even ordinary interest, has prevailed during the past week, that a

... ?uU ?)act?ct an? ?fluiu?icr i*Tcrcurp. HULL: TUESDAY, DECEMBEIL b, ]S29. ISo great a dearth of foreign politicol news, of even ordinary interest, has prevailed during thes past wveek, that a reported change of Ministry in France has been eagerly grasped at by tihe London press, as a theme upon whbich to afford entertainment and instruction to their insatiable- readers; and the illness of the ...

Published: Tuesday 15 December 1829
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5730 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... - PAsnLIAMEnNr.-The Gazette ofTuesday ansnounces thle pro. ir rugation of Parliament from TIhursday, the 15th October, to ir Thursday, tue 10th Decemnber iteot. Ills ajossly'sigirall'e died onl Sunday areck, at Sarldpit-gate. el The Duke dL Laval Montmnorency, the new French Amn- it libasaaor, arri ved in London oin Monday night, andi proceeded to thle einbissy in Portland-place. SI Orders ...

Published: Tuesday 20 October 1829
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3557 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FOREIGN INTELL.IGENCE. NAVAL BATTLE a a AT THE MOUTHT OF THE BOSPHORUS. a BER~iN, JITNE 19.-The commandtr of the Russian fleet in b) Itthe Black Sea has sent the following report of 30th May:- a 1.On the 26th Ithere wava an action betweeh one of our p small ships, the'Mercasy brig, and two of the enemy's men- dI of-war. On the 217th tue brig rejoined the fleet. Its masts o shattered by~the ...

Published: Tuesday 30 June 1829
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2202 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... . -att.t Heitiricls, the 11sssician.-There is now in London an accom- i olished musician, nanoed ileinrich. whose history is very inte- resting. He is a native of Germany, where many years ago he was emninent, as a merchant, ?? went to America, and while there failed in business. In his adversity lie betook himself to a log hut in the woods of Kentucky, andi flew for consolation to his early ...

Published: Friday 09 October 1829
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3098 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 

Parliamentary Compendium

... IaRta-mantatp _Jompabium. 7I HOUSSg'ol LPORS CATHOLIC RELIEF BILL. ~ WhiS WMD5OESDA'Y, April 8.---AfCTe the pieseeetgtion 'of several mei petitions for andlagainst the settlement of the Catbolic question, shel their Lordahips *ent. hato Committee on this bill. Several ob. of t jections were rriade16 diffierent clauses of the bill, and ameand.. bro mnents were proposed, all of which were ...

Published: Friday 17 April 1829
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3714 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... otocript, LIVERPOOL COTTON t .IE 1t Th'rsday, 'Agust 20,1829. The sales of the week are 8,500 bags; s ,, decline of igd. per lb. The in ports are 3 r5c6 b res 1,760 from New Orleans, 154 from NTew ya, bags, nial 1 rara, 292 from St. Vincent, and 1,296 fro Bena a ro e r THURSDAY EVENINGS SHIP VE-S. ?? e A4rrived-Mountaineer, Dodd, from Charletn s No sailings. 'rmCaletn ailed 16,11 Jill s Peter ...

Published: Friday 21 August 1829
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 607 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... OBSERVATIONS ON SOME OBJECTIONS RAISED AGAINST RAILROADS AND SIMILAR IMPROVEMENTS FOR FACILI- TATING HUMAN INTERCOURSE, OR THE TRANSFER OF t GOODS. -- . Our correspondent, whose letter, subscribed A Doubter, is inserted in a preceding page, has, in our opinion, ad- vanced some opinions which will not bear examination. He asks what is the u e of the extraordinary speed vwhich is the order of ...

Published: Friday 23 October 1829
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 855 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... UGUST 31, 1829. Opening of the Railway Tunnel - On Friday last, at twelve o'clock, this stupendous work was opened to the inspection of the public, at the moderate charge of one shilling each, and from the crowds of visitors who flocked to examine this triumph of genius and art till five o'clock, when the exhibition closed, a considerable sum must have been raised. The company entered at the ...

Published: Friday 07 August 1829
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 17852 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News