... I.W REPOIFT. COMMON PLEAS.-IuaVuSa, Dxc. 16.0 ELIZABETH MANSERGH EXECUTRIX OF NICHOLAS MANSERAGH, DECEASED, V. RICHARD MARTYN ATTORNEY. -This was a1 aetion of assuimpsit for use and oceu- 1 pation. ln 1795, the late Nicholas Mansergh, Esq. was seized of an estate for ?? of the houge aand de- mesne of' Grenane, with reblainder td' his son John for life, remainder to his (John's) issue. At this ...


... MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR We: copy lThe' following. myeribua affair from Xhe Leeds Mircur,'' Dburing. tie presenbt''week'a s-srong' sensation has Sbeen 6c'asioned;in i-hiistown, by Ied covery'of a human'.beinh, i`hod-iad 'be& incarceikated in ciains iipthe. house, of'hispar'ents'ftr upwar'ds of fiftieen years.d 9in t~ednesday, in the '1ast week themo- thei of this nfgrie-n ' young ii~an, wli5ose name ...


... A >'D;NTS. 0 1FFENCES, Vol.2- -fl rniot, the ptewc *veek a stroaII sen- .O ORl 1o 11 ?? I in lic 1041, sov ?? llf'iovery or aI l m ;,il li ?? -];O 1)i' l 'lE (l ?? telr ci ilkli; itt ihe hlaolle 5 Ilt to ' '('ilk iitile'n iearo. UOi Wednesclay in Iil ?? 0 , I. -k at (er of liit ?? yo(mig iflifi, wilhose (0;zo~r Ii' 1 l 0rr, ipp'ted to the CornzItee of ihe Leeds \sVork1'ims . ar relivf for h ...


... .HIGH CGURT OF JUSTICAlTr. This morning the Court, proceeded to try John Hey- tolds and Rob~rt M11'Gies, accused of robbery, theft, and breal nl into luck-fast places, on the 23d day of Octo T bsr, by going into a byre in the parish of Stow, and break- ' ing opon a dhwst and stealing a variety of articles of wear- I ing apparel; alid farther, with assaulting David Allan on the King's highway, ...


... ASSIZE 01' BREAD Sct hy the HTonourallu t(he MAlgistrates of the Citv s (Iof Ahrdeen, the Vd dalV if' Jan. 1S20 iears, tTlr the Sjliti Citv' a di liberties, CO tollL' lat'u oil tilt. fil ,>r .111. of curt. ,irl to be ini force till altered by tile AsiWd *lriq- Ilites, viz.: AVtrtialtiOtIs. Lb. (OZ. l)r. The Penny Loaf Wheaten is to weigh 0 61 iI D itto -Hotuselhold is to we i.h 0 712' The ...


... OLDHIAM INQUE$T, Twomic EDITOR orxiai MORNING CHRONICLE. SIR, Knowing the reputation of The Courier' for veracity, I was not surprised at its asserting that the jurors who -wrote to Mr. Ferrand had formed the opinion expressed in their letter on ex-parte evidence. Now every one who read the teport of the proceedirigs, is furiished in the columns of Thie Courier, must know that they were suite ...


... r. At a Court Martial held on board his Majesty's ship a Conqueror, in St Helena Roads, on the 30th day of Au- th gust, and continued till the 2d of September 1819, to try PI ie Mir John Stokoe, surgeon of the said ship, for improper PI IS conduct with regard to certain particulars relative to his cl irintercourse with the French prisoners detained at the PI island of St Helena, and on the ...


... ?? PoLild, 4t,. Z Lob-WTsET..-Yeaterday ;was the day appomnt- ed for the important deterinination rbgpecting the robetry of Messrs. Makepeace; and Harker, silver- stiiths, in Serle-street, Lriicoln's.Inn-fiolds, to the r 4inoillit 6f between sty and seven hundred pounds, t Ii silver plate, which had been received in pledge a by several pownbrokera and Ihe mainaquestion tto d be decided ras, ...


... i HATTrOX-GAUi)EN-; Yesterday JqiNk COATZS, a yoting 1',ro son of a respectable tradesman (bell-hanger and smith); its, Leather-lane, was charged Yfth tutering a forgad 51. note to Mr. Walker, thelandlord of the White Hart, Leather-lane.- Mr. Walker stated, that on Tuesday night, about nine o'clock, the prisoner came into his house, and satd his father would ba obliged to hins if lie would ...


... HIGCHI CrJU.'T o0 .fUs.7.cGi-rr [5 - it COaNTEMPT OF TIHE ?? We rseniioned shortly on Mondav, that on be a e motinn, of the Lord Advocate three persons in at Gla-gow bad been ordered to attend at the bar o lf tle Court on Saturday next, to answer for a contempt of its authority, EHis Lordship ad- N dressedl the Corl t at considloraldle leigt li, rcltive w to an article w h lial. Xappeared in a ...


... Scven out or twelve of the Jury have signed the ronlowibg lettbf to Mr Thomas Ferrand, Coroner ' ' -Sf-We, 1hhe undevsigned, alernbersaofjthu Jury impannelled to ?? into hte cause of the death, 6f John Lees, of Oldham, anderstandibg thd our proceeding to the close of that investigatiib, ac- cording to the adjournment made by you, lics been interrupted, in ?? of your not having com. plied with ...


... HzAD-OFFIke.-GeOrge Williams was brough hefore the sitting Magistrate on Wednesday, ehdrged wilh having stolen a large pier looking-glass, value lf5I., a mirror, value six guineas, and various other articles, the property of Mr. William Hughes, No. 16, Upper 0rmond-quay. It appeared by the evidence'of Mr. Hughes, that his house had been secrel Y entered on Sunday evening, or Monday mofning ...