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-I BBith.-On Thur sd

... ay morning, 'the 26th ul t. at Holkhani, i the Lady Ann Coke, of a son and heir. MARRIED, On Friday, the 13th nit, at Dolgelle, Mr. W. ' . Jones to t Miss Jane j Lewis, both of tha ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... c.Eti,>MONIA¶L Or.TlT EIa LATE vAlJES'TIE',S' C0OJO.?VATIQN.A (Concluded fromtt our Paper ef yesterday.) AMimti eleven of the clock theprocession was be- Tun on ftzoot lfnm the Hall to tlhe Abbey of, West- 'ninster, atpon a way raised for-that purpose, floored with hoards covered with blue cloth, arid railed on ad. side, in he following manner The King's herb woman, followed by her six maids, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oa Sunday last, in ,oth e George's-streot, hte Lady of, the Eion. A. A. Vejy.Tstehinsoo, ef a sozn. ; h Ie 1 9th instant, iibBgot. stteet, tlte lady of 0i Jin D. J. Grace, Evq. of Mkati4, it- the souitsy oi RosCutiatoo, Gf a daughter. - 1oin Mondq' Jastiit' 9amly House, connty Tipperaty. the ,tady ot' W Pases,,lqt a~soo .: o01 the 22d giiistin.~t . Neviasown;, county Meath, the Ladygqf TI U, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T he Sale oft' re PR OPkk'f'Y at SHE7fLVG- TONr, adlrcrtirel 211 oterfisrst pagc to take place on .Fridoay I/se 3df oJ' Aiiorc/, is POSY'POYfEJ ?? fuiihes ?? iN given1. MARRIED. At Duhlin, the Hlon. and Very Rev, the Dean of llillala, to Sophia, daughlter of the late Sir George Ribton, Bart.-Tlte Rev'. John Tophane, B. A. Head Master of Brontsgrbvt Grammar School, to 1sabell3, daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE REV. J. J. CON YBEAtlE. The painful duty devolved upon us last week of announcing the decease of the Rev. John Josias Co. nybeare; and we feel assured that the great body of our readers will receive a melancholy gratification if we annex to-day a few adlditional words in attestation of the respect that attended this eminent individual through life, and of the unfeigned sorrow that ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. The Rev. Geo. Matthew, Vicar of Greenwich, to Mlary, daughter of S. Enderby, Esq. of Blackheath. -The Rev. Thomas Henry Copeman, Di. A. late of St. John's college, Cambridge, to Agnes Hester, eldest daughter of Timothy Fellowes, Esq.-The Rev. Jonathan Chase Matehett, M. A. of Congharn, near Lynn, to Eliza Janette, eldest daughter of the late Rev. C. R. Dade, Rector of Denver, Norfolk. ...