Refine Search


... Yesterday morning early witness received in- formation that a quantity of the stolen property was concealed in a house in Drury-lane; he obtained a search warrant. and went with the efficers to No. 81 J, and there, in a room, occupied bythe prisoner, tbe ...


... be- came chargeable to the parish of St. Andrew, Bolboref, and the officer of t.hat parish apprehended the prisoner in Drury- lane. This prosecution was instituted by theparish. The prisoner called Eleanor Bird, of No. 1, West.street, Smithfield, who ...


... ledge, he missed his footing, and was precipitated into the yard. yle was conveved to the hospital ii a hopeless state. At Drury Lane theatre, during the performance of the pantomime on Monday night, a feat by Harlequin and the Clown was being exhibited- ...


... ford, for an injuryof the keenest kind. The plaintiffwas atrades- man, carrying on business as a plumber and glazier, in Drury- lane, ad' the lady had been 'formerly married- to a Mr. Score, who died sorne time since, and left her some little property; ...


... only a fesw shilings, and. tire clothes which she then wore. 'l're first Bight of her remaining from bhome sbte went to Drury- lane Thearerand. w~as there picked op by a genteel woman, who having learnt tier silrtuation, enticed her to a house in Hart- ...


... who had for a length of time led a muost abandoned life, purchased, on Sunday evening, at the shop of Mr Lane, chemist, in Drury lane, two pennyworth of arsenic, which he said was for killing rats; be infused the poison into some coffee, and swallowed it; ...


... Princes-street, Drury-lane, where he gave him self out to be a commercial traveller. A few days before his apprehension, which took place yesterday se'nnight, he paid a 51. note to the wife of Mr. White, a cheesemonger, in Drury- lane, in the purchase ...


... morning on IBarnes. Common, between two gentlemen of the tiames of Stephenson and Kendrick, in consequence of a dispute at Drury. lane theatre, on Monday evening. The parties firod twice and missed, and in the last round, Mr. Stephenson received his adversary's ...


... plaintiff, to the full amount of the bill. INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-THURS9AY. MARK SKERRITT, a puhlican, late of King-street, Drury. lane, came before the Court to obtain his discharge, and was o pposed by Messrs. Wyatt, thte brewers. ¢ It appeared that a personl ...


... existence. About o'clock on Thursday morning, a destructive fire broke out in the house of Mr Storlees, oil and colournian, Drury lane. About half-past one, a qttastity of gunpowder exploded, but wyitlout doing any stisncief. Not a vestige of tile property ...


... for- merly in opulent circeusetances, who was found dead lying on a wretched bed, in a damp back attic, in Hartford place, Drury lane, with his clothes on. From the evidence, it appeared that the unfortunate gentlemau had been living without a fire, nd ...


... ative of SDimc oE.-A ninquestwas held at St Thoaas's Hospital, on Fridav, on the body ?? Geerge Black, late CGtorus-mater at Drury lane Tfie~atre. It appeared from the evidence, that in June last Mr Black was taken to the ?? for disturbing a family at Vauxhiall ...