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... was convicted of stealing a silver salver and other articles, value 101., the property of Stephen Price, Esq. (lessee of Drury- lane Theatre,) to whom the prisoner was butler. The Jury recommended him to mercy on account of his previous good character and ...


... for m Aitr, Taylor and MrG Edwards, the then candidates for Wells, in Sornersetabire.-Mr. Stride, bsox book-keeptir of Drury, lane at Theatre, proved that he, was, in May last, present at Arthur's w, Clnh-house, St. James's-street, when ini 2 conversation ...


... cuuarf in thle TeMple, *vhere she said a lady, who gave her a &euy, desired hier to walt for her. The prisuner wvas found in Drury lane, with the articles in her possession. it was also proved 'that the prisoner had ofFered to piLrn the clothes, saying salc ...


... ed with having assaulted Mr. Barrymore, the stage-manager of Attley's Ampitheatre. The defendant was formerly employed at Drury Lane Theatre; shics he was discharged from that FA- tahbisbrent he had been in the bahit of annoying and threatening Mr. Birrymore ...


... actually bit off the end of the nose of his antagonist, Henry Bryan.- Gloucester Ilerald. Bfr Conway, the actor, formerly of Drury Lane theatre, died in a melancholy manner lately, on his passage from New York to Charleston. Tite captain of the vessel stames ...


... abilities, and become the friend ofaefricndileso. youog mhan., ?? iso Ad .engte on tile Committee of fmoasg'ei~nk~Oiof. Drury lane p tive, TheatrL, assisted materi ally in bringinrg forward' lii Neon bofoke, u~ le the Loodons public. They all ktnew hoW ...


... s of several other Theatres have offered free benefits for the same charitable objects. A Meeting is already called at Drury- lane Theatre for Tuesday. The labourers were reluctant to proceed in their work on Friday morning until they ined been paid for ...


... three years, and Thois. jyr,. Perkiis, aged twenty months, who were burnt to death in the house of Mr Cooke, tobacouist, Drury lane, on the previous Saturday. It appeared from the evidence, that an alarm of fire was given, about one 0,lock o thle absove ...


... was born con the 28th of Septem. 'her, at a house situate No. 6, Phuarix-ally, Long-acre, and Mr. Lane, the surgeon, of Drury-lane, attended her at its birth ; she was positive that It was a seven months' child ; it wes a perfect child wben born, and ...


... Monday, at St Pawcras New Church, Mr Edward Knight, son of the late comedian, to Miss Mary Anne Povey, of the Theatre thoyal, Drury lane. Thiey proceed immetiately to Amnerica, where the Lady has made a very advan- tageous engagement. Oa Wednesday morning, ...


... The prisoner was acquitted. GUrLDFoRD, JULY 30.-DtrUN v. D, ?? was an action brought by the plaintiff, the Treasurer of Drury lane Theatre, against the present Lessee of the Coburg Theatre, to recover two penalties, of 501. each, for having performed ...


... of the Haymarket Theatre, was on Friday charged with having assaulted Mr West. sen. who holds some situation under the Drury lane management. The defendant is brother to Mrs W. West the tragic actress, and the complainant is her father-in-law. It appeared ...